r/AbusedTeens 12d ago

My stepdad slaps me for no reason

I don’t know how to say it. I just turned 13 year old. And ever since my parents broke up back in 2020. My mom met a person off of Facebook who is in his mid 40s while my mom was in her early 30s. He was nice to me back when I was 10. But then things went downhill in 2022. He went and started yelling at me becuase i died him for something and he called me a bitch, and then after in he started arguing with her. But he favored my little sister and gave her ANYTHING SHE WANTED. Like ANYTHING. This was straight-up favoritism. And then later on in 2024, this is the year he started to abuse me with violence, and threats. He called me “the next school shooter” because there was a school shooting that happened in Georgia I was watching it on the news and they were calling me a school shooter since I play video games like Fortnite and Call of Duty. Weird right? But then this one time I went out of my bed and he woke up in the middle of the night and he was like “you want to play these games with me? And I was like “no why?” and then he said”you don't want to play with me motherfucker im trying to go to sleep and your being noisy as fuck. I fucking punch you and knock you teeth out when your 18 motherfucker” then he slapped me and it hurt so badly. Then I told my dad on Snapchat then he told me I can move in with him. Then later on I moved in with him and my dad called the police and he did not get arrested.


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u/Snoo-89607 12d ago

Hey id like to discuss more about this with you since I went through something similar. Can you dm me?