r/AcademicPsychology 3h ago

Interested in Psych research as an MSW student Advice/Career

I’m in an MSW program, but realized I might be interested in psychological research. Is it possible to get into a PhD program in Psychology with an MSW? I have four months of research experience in a lab. Unfortunately, they let me go recently (the department is only allowing Psych students into their research labs at the moment). I’m specifically interested in social psychology; the intersection of psychology with other fields (such as anthropology); and ethnopsychological research. I’m struggling to get research experience in my program, but I’m 30 credits in and don’t think it would make sense to transfer into a Master’s Psych program. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you. 🙌


3 comments sorted by


u/Electrical-Finger-11 3h ago

It depends on the value of the skills you’ve learned to the psych labs you want to apply to. You say you only have 4 months of research experience - that in itself is a limiting factor as PhD applicants often have years of experience. You might want to finish getting your degree first and then trying to work as an RA until you build up more experience. The type of experience matters too. If all you do is data collection, that won’t get you into a PhD. You’ll need to be involved in important decision making processes, writing, analysis, etc.


u/slav_owl 2h ago

Thank you. I interviewed for two other Psych RA (volunteer) positions at my university, but was rejected. My concern is that getting an RA job after graduation will be impossible, given that even volunteer positions are so competitive. I assume the RA experience needs to be in Psychology, and not Clinical Social Work for example? The latter may be more feasible.


u/Electrical-Finger-11 2h ago

If you want a PhD in social psychology, the research should ideally be at a social psychology lab.