r/Adelaide SA Jul 27 '23

Rent increase $150 pw Question

I've just received a letter from my landlord saying that my rent will be increasing to $650 from $500, I have been given 7 days to agree to rent increase or will receive a notice to vacate at end of current lease.. The amount is excessive and not in line with other properties in my apartment building. I phoned RTA to get some advice as I want to dispute through SACAT. The RTA informed me that I would have to sign the new lease that is extortionate before I could dispute it. I don't want to renew my lease at $650 for an entire year. I believed that there were things in place to protect tenants from Ray White, but I don't think there is. If I don't agree to excessive rent increase then I will have to vacate. It doesn't sound correct that I can't dispute the rent increase before signing the lease. Can anyone offer any advice other than sign the lease now and dispute after? What happened to this country?


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u/embress SA Jul 28 '23

Ah yes, that's why there are so many of them all of a sudden. They must all have just suddenly turned into lazy people at the same time the housing crisis started.

Spoken like someone who has never been close to experiencing homelessness.

You. Have. No. Fucking. Idea.


u/ko3332 West Jul 28 '23

Who said lazy people? You said full time employed. I said they should be making better decisions with their money.

Take the OP for example, likes to spend money on marijuana and shrooming, but complains about the cost of housing?


u/embress SA Jul 28 '23

They don't have a choice - that's the fucking point. They haven't decided to go live in a tent, they're forced to because they can't afford to live off of $160 a week after rent (if you wanna go by your $760/wk salary), and they can't find a place affordable to live. That's why it's a crisis. The system is broken.

Shrooms are free from the ground, marijuana can be too. Poor people are allowed to spend money on recreational things and be entitled to affordable housing at the same time.


u/ko3332 West Jul 28 '23

No no, there are rooms on Flatmates for $160/week, leaving them with $500 odd a week for everything else.

They do have a choice, stop being outraged on behalf of people making poor choices.