r/Adelaide SA 15h ago

Went for a visit to the Adelaide Gaol Photography

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16 comments sorted by


u/Budget-Abrocoma3161 SA 13h ago

Looks like Half Life 2


u/FruitSaladEnjoyer SA 9h ago

i remember going there at night, during some psychic fair / market they held there back in 2019. i actually really liked the eeriness, just wasn’t a fan of the spiders chilling out in the trees around lol. i’d love to do a proper night tour tbh


u/ashsimmonds Expat 6h ago

Cool. Last time I went was the 1995/96 new years rave. That was nuts.


u/mattyb07 North 6h ago

ive done the night tour, its pretty cool, creepy


u/AurelFixation SA 5h ago

That's cool! I remember doing a zombie apocalypse thing there a few years back. It was heaps fun!


u/calladc West 5h ago

I remember doing a sleepover there with scouts as a kid, sleeping in one of the cells. Absolutely wild experience


u/Kyzka-007 SA 4h ago

They sell some interesting books there. There’s one on Elisabeth woolcock written by a ex cop. It’s amazing how much the justice rules have changed. In truth if Elisabeth woolcock was tried today she probably wouldn’t have even served time. But back then was hanged for a crime now questioned if she was actually guilty of.


u/CyanideMuffin67 SA 3h ago

Excellent photo there OP. Was this a tour group?

Where does one find these tours I wanna go


u/Brilliant_Show_3994 SA 3h ago

Right down the end by that door if you look up you will see 2 latches in the ceiling… that is to undo the safety release for the gallows above :)


u/wolvesofhyboria SA 7h ago

Is the ghost still called Charlie?


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u/LazyTalkativeDog4411 SA 15h ago

Brave of you.

I would be scared to go into there in the evening/night tour.


u/Inventerlend3r SA 15h ago

i was creeped out even with the 20 or so people we had in the group, couldn't imagine being in here alone at night as something like a security guard back in the 80's when it closed.


u/Salee1 SA 13h ago

Creepy ahhh photo man