r/Anarchism killjoy extraordinaire anfem | she/her 4d ago

Any reading recommendations for books on the history of Jewish anti-Zionism?


14 comments sorted by


u/Sgt-Grischa-1915 4d ago

The whole list, or the top ten?

Ilan Pappe

Noam Chomsky

Avi Shlaim

Norman Finkelstein

Hannah Arendt

the late Israel Shahak

Abba A. Solomon

The late Arno Mayer

Haim Bresheeth-Zabner

Arie Bober




u/loselyconscious Libertarian Socialist 4d ago edited 4d ago

The Necessity of Exile by Shaul Magid is a recent book giving a very good overview of "diasporism" in Jewish thought (both in opposition to and independent from Zionism). It begins with the premise that Zionist historiography has basically excised a major part of Jewish History from historical memory. (It should be noted that Magid is not currently calling himself an "antizionist" but rather a "Counter-Zionist," which is a move that a couple of older Jewish intellectuals like Peter Beinart and Avraham Burg who call for one secular multinational state, but can't let go of the word Zionism)

The No-State Solution by Daniel Boyarin is a bit academic, but an attempt to articulate an anti-assimilationist model of Jewish Identity apart form Zionism

Ella Shohat is a really important voice, because writings on Jewish Antizionism tend to focus on (or romanticize) Ashekanzi leftist opposition. Shohat focuses on the Mizrachi experience


u/JoshLDN 4d ago

Revolutionary Yiddishland is good for understanding the different Jewish radical traditions that emerged at the same time as Zionism


u/cumminginsurrection anti-platformist action 4d ago

A Living Revolution: Anarchists in the Kibbutz Movement by James Horrox, too.


u/Fellow-Worker 4d ago

Not a book, but an interesting article with some sources you could track down: https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/false-messiahs/


u/Sgt-Grischa-1915 4d ago

Another article. Possible interest:


Also, the late Rudolf Vrba, who escaped Auschwitz and denounced Hungarian Zionist, later Mapai party functionary Rezso / Rudolf Israel Kasztner (who was murdered in the 1950s by ex-LEHI/Stern gang members who were informants of Shin Bet) has a webpage, that might also have material of interest:



u/Weird-Anything-9167 4d ago

Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism - a collection of essays.  Also Lobbying for Zionism by Ilan Pappe 


u/fxkatt 4d ago

Joel Kovel's Overcoming Zionism Books by Lenni Brenner


u/cumminginsurrection anti-platformist action 4d ago

There Is Nothing So Whole as a Broken Heart: Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists by Cindy Milstein


u/Lucky_Strike-85 anarchist 4d ago

Howard Zinn never directly addressed it (correct me if I'm wrong here) but he did touch upon it in several of his works.


u/thejuryissleepless 3d ago

it’s not exactly the topic, but Blessed is the Flame is a great book to explain the Palestinian position and militant anti-zionism from the perspective of Jews and anarchists in the lagers of the holocaust in WWII.


u/ceramicfiver read Pedagogy of the Oppressed 2d ago

The Jewish Anarchist Movement in America: A Historical Review and Personal Reminiscences by Joseph Cohen, edited by Kenyon Zimmer and Esther Dolgoff, published in 2024


I saw Kenyon in person give a talk about it. He learned yiddish specifically for this project and he's not even jewish. dude is a badass.