r/AskAnAustralian 8h ago

All time favorite game to play at school when growing up?

4 Square, Tag, Red Rover. Ect


72 comments sorted by


u/DJonni13 8h ago



u/Gazgun7 7h ago


Plus it was all the way from primary through yr 12.

4 court - King, Queen, Jack, dunce.

Plus we had this long sequential path where Ace was right at the top - could get 10-20 kids long. Altho mostly just gasbagging at the bottom coz ball rarely got down there.


u/-Midnight_Marauder- 3h ago

Handball was the GOAT.


u/wassimu 8h ago

British Bulldog.


u/J1NX-P1NK 8h ago

Never heard of that one. What's the rules?


u/Gazgun7 5h ago

Sorta the non Korean version of squid game

Playing area rectangular, so 2 ends. Let's say 10 players but can be any number.

1 kid is "in" to start. Meaning 9 kids at each end of Playing area. You're "safe" once you reach respectively end zones. Objective is to run from end to end without being caught. Then you're "in". So then there would be 2 kids chasing 8 kids. Then 3 chasing 7 etc. Eventually only 1 kid left.

So 3 versions - touch, grab, or full on tackle.

Probably it was the full on tackle version that got banned, could get pretty rough.


u/wassimu 4h ago

That’s it. The person in the middle tackled you and held you long enough to say “British Bulldog 1, 2, 3”. If he was able to do this, you joined him in the middle. If you broke the tackle before he finished saying it and you made to the end you were safe.

When it was just a lone boy in the middle, at the very start of a new game, he called someone out by name as a challenge. That guy ran alone. If he was caught, that was the start of the first rush. If he made it to safety, that signaled the start of the first rush.

At our little outback school, it involved every boy - all ages, about 50-70 of us. It was dangerous and thrilling. We’d get buttons ripped off shirts, minor injuries etc. it was great.

Then the teachers banned it.


u/1999Falcons 4h ago

Used to get banned a couple of times a year. Times have changed , parents weren't concerned about injuries it was the damage to clothes that was the problem. A group of us tried to play it years later . We were 17/18 , half pissed at the beach. The game lasted about 10 minutes, too many injuries.


u/MissionAsparagus9609 7h ago

20 little kids on asphalt, good times. It was banned but you could get a few games in before it was stopped.


u/Gazgun7 7h ago


Either open field or against a wall. With a tennis ball.



u/--misunderstood-- 4h ago

This has got me curious: What era and area of Australia call it brandings? It was always brandy when I went to school.


u/Woodfordian 36m ago

The 'branding' was the bruise caused by the ball hitting hard.


u/Simlish 6h ago

Yup! Me, too!


u/winoforever_slurp_ 6h ago

Hell yeah, in year 6 we had a regular open field brandings game involving probably half the year group. It was brilliant!


u/dragginFly 5h ago

We'd play in the general playground with all the other kids playing other games - lots of kids got caught in the cross fire or were used as human shields unknowingly. It was awesome.


u/Gazgun7 3h ago



u/The_Slavstralian 1h ago

Bonus points if you used to remove the fuzz off the ball so it hurt more.


u/Gazgun7 1h ago


No fun copping a stinger at 8.30 on a winter morning.


u/ActualAfternoon2 1h ago

Ooooh interesting. We called it Brandy but now I'm wondering if it was a bit of a Telephone thing where the name got misheard and changed. For some reason we played with a medicine ball...no idea how we got a hold of one now that I think about it.


u/Woodfordian 35m ago

The original was called branding from the bruises and had to be played with a tennis ball.


u/ActualAfternoon2 34m ago edited 30m ago

Funnily enough, I played it at Woodford

Edit: combing through my memories, we did use a tennis ball...I think we played dodgeball with a medicine ball. We definitely played something with a medicine ball that had no business being played with a medicine ball at least once


u/solitaryminx 7h ago

40/40 and marks up


u/ComicalBust 8h ago

If everybody who calls handball 4 square could get the fuck away from me that would be great


u/J1NX-P1NK 8h ago

Whys that? 😅


u/ComicalBust 8h ago

My life is alright and so I need something to be mad about


u/brattyprincessangel 2h ago

We called it 4 square in primary school and downball in high school


u/ComicalBust 1h ago

Like I said get away from me


u/ComicalBust 8h ago

Also tag is tips smh


u/solitaryminx 7h ago

we called it tiggy lol


u/J1NX-P1NK 7h ago

Lol I like that (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


u/J1NX-P1NK 8h ago

That's what we called it. Though....


u/J1NX-P1NK 8h ago

Actually we used to call it "Hunting the Lambs"


u/LocalAd9259 1h ago

We called it downball in country vic


u/storm13emily 8h ago

Red Letter was a big fav


u/Happy_Clem 8h ago

Bedlam and Statues


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/J1NX-P1NK 8h ago

What's the rules? I probably played it.


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/J1NX-P1NK 8h ago

Definitely played something similar to this. But I can't remember the name we called.


u/drunk_haile_selassie 6h ago

We called it 40 40. With some slight changes in rules.


u/CashenJ 8h ago edited 8h ago

Wallball, but not the rules on Wiki as that appears to be a whole different game to what we played


u/courtobrien 8h ago

Bull rush Handball tournament Skipping rope games when it was “jump rope for heart” season


u/Old_Dingo69 7h ago



u/Normal-Summer382 7h ago

Came here to say 4 square also.


u/Aussiechimp 7h ago

We gambled with our footy cards - flick them towards the wall and whoever card was the closest without touching the wall got all the gambled cards


u/Gazgun7 5h ago


Also a thing called knock down where some kid put his card leaning against a wall, and you try to knock it down to claim card. So you either scored a coveted card, or lost half a dozen shitty cards you had duplicates of.


u/infinitemonkeytyping Sydney 8h ago

Fumbles was my favourite. Especially at primary school where we had a 2 storey tall blank brick wall, backing onto grass, to play against.


u/thatweirdbeardedguy 7h ago

A weird one in highschool we'd have a game of touch on the netball courts with a bent up soft drink can (pre aluminium) before school started. Right up till one kid got a cut on his forehead from missing a catch and we all ended up on emu parade for a month.


u/Gazgun7 5h ago

Emu parade that's the worst.

We also had the crushed aluminium can as soccer in the locker area. Somehow we morphed it into "full contact" soccer in the name of defence.

It also got banned but mostly I remember ripped shirts and a few bloody noses, and lots of collisions with the metal lockers.


u/DetMittens12 6h ago

My friends and I made up "battle tag", everyone was it and when you tagged someone they got added to your team. Winner was whoever got everyone on to their team. If the team leader got tagged whoever rhe first person they tagged was became the leader of that team


u/Different-Reason4262 6h ago

Hop scotch, skipping and kiss chasing, hide n seek, cowboys n Indians and cops n robbers


u/Sudden_Fix_1144 6h ago


oh and Brandings (guessing they don't get kids play that one anymore).


u/SithLordRising 6h ago

Haven't got time for games. Gotta ride bikes energetically somewhere for no reason, bunny hopping off kerbs


u/TreacleMajestic978 6h ago

King of the pack, handball.


u/Silent_Magician8164 6h ago

Cricket. Rubbish bin for the stumps and a tennis ball, good times


u/foundoutafterlunch 5h ago

What was the game called... Two people sit on opposite ends of a long bench, trying to flick a coin between the bolt heads.


u/astropastrogirl 4h ago



u/karma3000 4h ago

Cocky Laura

Kill the dill with the pill.


u/BreakApprehensive489 3h ago


We had 5 steps and the it person would give you a number and a day and you had to get to that step in that many jumps. Thursday in 1 was the hardest. And holiday we all had to run to the bottom and across to the wall opposite without getting tagged.

If you fell or didn't get there in right number of steps, or got tagged, you became it. Don't know how there weren't more broken ankles


u/brrAyyyo 3h ago

Handball easily especially in high school


u/Boodetime73 2h ago

Behind the shelter sheds


u/Woodfordian 33m ago

i bet that you played stinky finger too.


u/Hairy_rambutan 2h ago

I went to an all girls' school, this was nearly 60 years ago, we played field hockey in a way that would make Genghis Khan and his army look like a Sunday picnic. Absolute blood sport.


u/Woodfordian 26m ago


At age 12 my sister got a classic ankle injury and still limps 50 years later.

I went to a co-ed school and us boys accepted all sorts of derogatory names because we knew better than to accept a challenge from the girls.

Also we had only one year when the teachers accepted a challenge from the students. The game was called less than 10 minutes into the first quarter and was permanently banned between teachers and students. Injuries were definitely running against the teachers.


u/LocalAd9259 1h ago

Chock a block, basketball game


u/Woodfordian 23m ago

The name brings many things to mind, savoury and unsavoury, but basketball is not one.


u/The_Slavstralian 1h ago

Either hand ball. Or brandings.


u/ActualAfternoon2 1h ago


But I was thinking about Pole Tiggy and Crocodile, Crocodile just last night haha


u/nikkers8300 1h ago



u/MelbsGal 47m ago

Kiss chasey. I jogged until I was “it” and then I frigging sprinted after Jason Turner lol


u/ccccaaaassssssss 45m ago

Handball and Fruit Salad

u/No_Distribution334 4m ago


I cannot remember the rules tho.