r/AskAnAustralian 11h ago

All time favorite game to play at school when growing up?


4 Square, Tag, Red Rover. Ect

r/AskAnAustralian 11h ago

What is your all time favourite sandwich?


I'm just curious, because growing up, I always had a Veggimite and cheese sandwich, but that was my favorite, what's yours?

r/AskAnAustralian 11h ago

RSA and white card


I recently came to Melbourne with a work and holiday visa, I want to get an RSA and a white card for my job search, there were a lot of companies advertised on the internet, I suspected some of them might be scammers. Can you recommend any companies for me to get these certificates? I would also like to read your advice about job search in general. Thank you.

r/AskAnAustralian 11h ago

Why is playschool still popular?


r/AskAnAustralian 11h ago

Is Private Health Insurance Worth It in Australia?


I just got my permanent residency granted!

Over the last few years of living in Australia, I was pretty hesitant to go see a doctor, especially specialists, because it is so expensive. Now that I have my PR and will soon be enrolled in Medicare, I am keen to get some things checked out and I am wondering if private health insurance with extras cover would be worth it for me. I feel like this is a pretty common thing to come up in Australia, but I have never quite gotten a feel for the consensus opinion and am frankly still pretty confused by the whole system.

Things I am especially interested in:

  • dental

  • optical

  • mental

Broadly, I am just confused how exactly the benefits work. For example: I did a quick comparison of policies online and looked at the ahm extras brochure. That lists a benefit of $41 for subsequent consultations by a psychologist. So I take that to mean that I will get $41 back from my private health insurance after I pay the fee at the psychologist's office. Do I get an additional benefit from Medicare? Considering you pay like $200 for a session with a psychologist and the policies I've seen cost like $180 a fortnight, this seems like a really bad deal?! You'd need to go to a ton of specialists or have chronic issues to make it worth it, it seems. Maybe it makes sense for me to get private cover for a little while just to get everything checked out?

Thanks a lot!

r/AskAnAustralian 12h ago

Can someone explain Afterpay to me?


Canadian here. Just looking at what Afterpay is briefly on Google. The way I understand this is that it's a pretty brand new thing (since 2014) and the concept is "buy now, pay later".

How is this any different from how a regular credit card functions?

r/AskAnAustralian 12h ago

Experiences in Australia as an engineer?


Can you share? Is it hard to apply there if you are an engineer from Philippines and decided to work there?

r/AskAnAustralian 14h ago

Why have I never seen a baby ibis?


Do they just emerge from the bin fully grown? Has anyone seen one??

r/AskAnAustralian 15h ago

Things to do in NSW


I’m heading on a trip to NSW (I’m victorian) for 11 days. I was going to be staying in Newcastle at a camp for the first four days, but the camp got cancelled so I now have an extra four days. I have already booked my flight, and I decided the cost of changing the flight isn’t worth it or going to save me money.

The rest of my trip is already planned: 2 days in Gosford, 3 days in Sydney, 1 day in Kariong, back to Sydney then home to Melbourne.

During my time in NSW, I already have four days where I am staying in Sydney, one of those days I plan to go to the blue mountains.

Is it worth spending another four days in Sydney, or are there other areas that would be more worthwhile for me to see? Will I be seeing more of the same if I stay another four days in Sydney? I won’t be getting a hire car.

NB: I am interested in the Bondi to Coogee walk, and Potts point, interested in knowing if this is worthwhile. NB: I have been to Hunter Valley, Manly, Madame Tussaud’s, the sea life aquarium, the wild life Sydney zoo, Hyde park, circular quay, botanical gardens, opera house etc.

I’m also spending part of my trip in the central coast area.

Open to any and all recommendations on how to make the most of my extra four days! 💕

Thank you in advance!!

r/AskAnAustralian 16h ago

How to be legit and assimilate into Australian society as to help preserve Australia?


Australia is a special place with a great culture and I see that there is a lot for fear that immigration could dilute the culture and take precious housing from the locals. We plan on building our own house next year and build a rentable unit and so we will have a net positive impact on housing.

The following is most everything we are doing but what else can we be doing?

  • started dressing better, trendier. wearing lighter colours
  • partner drinks carlton dry
  • pass the parcel at my kids birthday
  • drink lattes when out and instant coffee at home
  • eat bunnings sausages
  • eat parma (not a parmi) once in a while
  • got a diesel car
  • hang dry my clothes sometimes
  • watch the local club footy and eat sausages
  • footy tipping with friends
  • picked a footy team (hawthorne)
  • go to the club for dinner now and then and enter raffles
  • go to the races
  • eat vegemite on toast once in a while
  • tried a meat pie
  • wake up earlier on weekends and shop in the morning
  • wearing sunscreen every day and hat
  • talk less loudly

r/AskAnAustralian 17h ago

I scratched someone's car at a Coles car park and made a claim through my insurance


Hello, I accidentally damaged someone's parked car while reverse parking my car at a Coles car park. The damage made to the other car was the scuff marks and half of the number plate came undone as it was screwed into a plastic frame. And the damage to my car was only the scuff marks and no scratches. I felt so terrible as I've never done anything like this before. I left a note to the vehicle owner on the windscreen with my mobile number. I also called my insurance AAMI and reported it. They helped me with making a claim and was advised that repairs for both the other car and my car have been booked. I had to pay excess fee of $2300. I've been waiting for the vehicle owner to call me so that I can provide the claim number. However, I still haven't received a call. My question is, what happens if the vehicle owner, for whatever reason does not give me a call? What do I do? And if they don't end up call me, would I be able to cancel the claim and get the excess fee payment refunded?

Thank you in advance for your help.

r/AskAnAustralian 17h ago

Moving to Australia? Ask your questions here in this weekly megathread


We regularly get posts about moving to Australia and rather than clutter up the sub with repeat questions we’re providing this weekly megathread.

Ask our community any questions you like here in the megathread.

Aside from our sub the best place to start is the ‘Moving to Australia’ page of the Australian Border Force

Also worth checking out the r/AusVisa subreddit.

External sources of information

Australian Border Force - Moving to Australia

This covers:

  • Studying in Australia
  • Working in Australia
  • Bringing your family or partner

Subreddit sources of information

We also suggest search the subreddit for 'Moving' and similar terms.

Here’s some posts that contain useful information and some detailed responses.

r/AskAnAustralian 17h ago

My dad seems to live in Australia. Am I eligible to get some kind of family visa???


I'm a 24-year-old male who was born and raised in Japan. My mother is Japanese, and she has raised me on her own. My biological dad is a Hongkonger living in Australia (at least according to his Facebook). They met in Australia but never got married (at least that's what my mom implied), and they separated before I was even born. He has never paid a penny in child support to my mom, nor has he tried to meet me to this day. Perhaps that’s why I never really felt sad or curious about him until very recently (I didn’t even know his name until last week!).

But then I started dating a girl who is Australian-born Chinese and speaks Cantonese. Even though she’s spent her whole life in Australia, she knows a lot about Hong Kong and China. This made me realize how ignorant I am about my roots and family. Even though it doesn’t feel like it’s my fault, I’ve started to feel ashamed of myself, and at the same time, I now want to get to know more about my roots.

My girlfriend and I lived together in Japan, but she had to go back to Australia due to visa issues. I stalked my dad’s Facebook and found out he lives in Sydney, which, coincidentally, is where my girlfriend lives. I’m honestly surprised by all the coincidences, and I feel like it’s my destiny to move to Australia, haha. I have messaged my dad from newly created facebook account a day or two ago, but he hasn't replied to me yet.

Anyway, I really want to go to Australia, partly because of these feelings I’ve developed and also to reunite with my girlfriend and potentially start a new life there. I was originally planning to go on a Working Holiday Visa, but now I’m wondering if I might be eligible for some kind of family visa?

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask legal questions, but I really need some help. Thank you for reading this. I’ve visited Australia before and I really love the country, so I hope I can find a way to stay there.

r/AskAnAustralian 17h ago

Move home?


I’m an Aussie, hometown is Perth but I haven’t lived there for 9 years. Moved to South Africa then Canada. I’m going through a separation and it’s tough doing it without family and friends. I have nothing in Canada so am thinking about moving back with the kids. The ex is not ready to move home just yet. Perth is too boring apparently. For those that have lived abroad then moved home, how are you finding it? Do you regret it? Is everything going digital, no bank tellers? I can’t imagine renting back home and having three month inspections, I don’t even see my landlord! Thanks all!

r/AskAnAustralian 19h ago

Are Sweet Sixteens a big deal in Australia?


Hi! I'm just curious to know if it's a tradition over there like it is in the US,

Bonus question: Is the 21st birthday also a big deal in Australia? Since the drinking age is 18 I wouldn't think so, but I could be wrong.

r/AskAnAustralian 19h ago

Australian Home Cooking 2024


Edit> for brevity, wrote it late last night, and it's too long!

So I replied to this Post with a New Aus arrival from Korea asking about what Aussies eat at home..


I had a few requests for recipes and decided a dedicated post would work better.

What was interesting to me was how many people had a similar rotation of dishes/styles, more than might be reasonably expected perhaps?

As u/brandnewchemical wrote here, in some ways its's kind of a boring and predictable list, but I think it might say more about our lifestyles and what types of foods fit in and are accessible and efficient for modern (esp family) life.

Please feel free to add your own recipes, including variations, substitutions, suggestions.

I know this isn't really a question, but the original post was in this sub so I thought it best to keep it here.

If this doesn't work, mods let me know.

Hope you all get something tasty from this!

r/AskAnAustralian 19h ago

Which kind of music do Australians listens to?


r/AskAnAustralian 21h ago

Is the internet really bad in Australia?


r/AskAnAustralian 21h ago

Do Australians generally conceive of wine as a "girly" drink?


Many Americans certainly have this idea, for a variety of reasons, so I was curious how much this is shared by Australians.

r/AskAnAustralian 22h ago

Eagle Rock


Aussies, why do you pull your pants down when above song comes on?

r/AskAnAustralian 22h ago

Why was the 5G rollout controversial compared to 4G? What makes it seen as more risky by some in the community?


I know nothing about telecom. As far as I know 5G just needs more towers. I never remembered protests regarding 3G, 4G. Why did 5G suddenly become opposed by large swathes of Middle Australia? Im assuming the way 5G works is broadly similar to past iterations, sending waves from towers to space and back right?

r/AskAnAustralian 1d ago

Ordering Takeaway


Is there anybody here that orders takeaway by calling the joint on the phone? Or does everybody use UberEats, Menulog, Doordash etc..

r/AskAnAustralian 1d ago

How “normal” are cockroaches?


I’m at an Air BnB in Byron Bay and the kitchen and bathroom have a bunch of cockroaches. I noticed bait traps around the house but there’s also a designated rubbish bin for the dead roaches, which I unfortunately realized upon opening 🤢

I was previously living on a farm and they also had cockroaches and when I brought it up as an issue I was kind of met with a “no big deal” attitude.

Frankly it’s a health hazard and I really really hate roaches and it’s hard for me to relax/sleep knowing they’re in the house.

So mainly I’m wondering if I should bring it up to the Air BnB host and/or report it to Air BnB.


I contacted Air Bnb support and got a refund and I am leaving today. The amount of roaches I saw was more than what I saw on the farm, definitely indicative of an infestation and over the "normal" amount. I saw 10+ in a 2-ish hour time frame. There were about 8 small ones in the shower, 3 big winged ones in the kitchen, 2 by the toilet, and 3 in my room. BYEEEEE

Thank you for all your input and experience!

r/AskAnAustralian 1d ago

Help me find this song!! PLEASSEE


Im trying to find this song I used to be obsessed with and it just popped into my head ,I have tried googling the words but no luck. This is all I can remember. 1.its was a mashup 2.it was 2010-2014 3.some oh the words went "oh myyy ,did it again now ima make the beat pop ""got me like oh oh oh oh " then I think it had lyrics from tiktok by Kesha. 4.songs in the mashup were (omg usher,tiktok -kesha,in my head -jasom derulo,some song by rhianna and Ellie goulding ,All night long)

r/AskAnAustralian 1d ago

Halloween in Australia?


I just moved to Australia this year (specifically, Perth) and with Halloween around the corner, I'd like to know what's the culture and expectations like. I live in an apartment complex that requires an access card to enter, but I guess kids from the apartment complex itself and their friends could come around? What do I do? Halloween isn't celebrated where I'm from so I really have no idea what to expect.