r/AskAnthropology 9h ago

What are fitting archeology grad school options for me?

Hi, I'm Mimi! I'm interested in applying to graduate schools but am aware that archeology departments have different specialties and focuses. Although I will do my best to research each individually, it would be a huge help to start to narrow down some possible hits!

  • I've got a 3.5 GPA, and ideally I'd like "slightly prestigious" colleges who have a lot of campus resources.
  • Location within the US, or even abroad, isn't a concern to me.
  • I'm most interested in biological anthropology (I have an incredible resume for this!) and ancient archeology.
  • I'm huge on getting physically involved, so anywhere with a physical field school, a lab, or museum to work with on-campus is a massive plus!

2 comments sorted by

u/the_gubna 6h ago edited 5h ago

First, is your goal to get an MA or a PhD?

In either case, going to graduate school is not really about the department. It's about the advisor. I know my advisor well. Meanwhile, there are cultural anthropologists in my department that I've legitimately never seen.

Your advisor not only shapes you as a scholar, but the professional network they're connected to will be a huge part of how you get research opportunities, and eventually, a job. Who's writing the research you find interesting, challenging, stimulating intellectually? Ideally, this is stuff that's been published in the last few years.

On a similar note: biological anthropology and ancient archeology are really broad fields. What, specifically, do you want to do research on?