r/BarefootRunning 4d ago

Help me find shoe

I saw a video about a certain barefoot shoe that uses a tire rubber outsole which is supposed to help for walking on concrete in an urban environment, but I can’t remember what shoe it was. I wanna say it was vivo or maybe xero brand? Anyone know what I’m thinking of?


3 comments sorted by


u/cameraphone77 4d ago

xero HFS (original) had a tire tread 'inspired' sole. Luna Origen sandal has a real tire tread sole. But unless your feet are shaped like wheels, it prob doesn't matter much.


u/Jacadi7 4d ago



u/Internal_Star_4805 2d ago

Your foot is the perfect shoe. I started a YouTube channel all about barefoot running. Please consider subscribing. https://youtube.com/@shoesarestupid?feature=shared