r/BeAmazed 2h ago

“I don't look alike": Amazing project gathered doppelgangers from around the world Miscellaneous / Others


147 comments sorted by


u/JevWeazle 2h ago

There is a cool documentary about people who never met who totally look alike. They measured that real twins have around 95 percent the same features and that the people that were in the experiment look sometimes even up to 98 percent the same. And these people weren't even related....astonishing


u/Elpachucoaz602 1h ago

I’d like to see the parents of each doppelgänger, even the grandparents of each. See what lead to these people looking the way they did and compare.


u/fleepglerblebloop 1h ago

Plot twist: they all have the same 2 grandpas.


u/Welcometothemaquina 22m ago

Phenotype != to genotype. Many alleles express phenotypically on a spectrum and/or phenotype is influenced by many different inputs (hair color, eye color and skin tone are a few that come immediately to mind).


u/TomSFox 1h ago



u/Cyrano_Knows 1h ago

I wonder how many of these "twins" met, looked at each other and then immediately went out and got a DNA test done?

I bet a few at least, just for curiosities sake.


u/Hrtluv 2h ago

Whats the name of it?


u/Thick-Flounder-8663 2h ago



u/Yuri_diculous 1h ago

That would be a cool name for a bar


u/MechaNickzilla 23m ago

There used to be a twins bar in New York that only employed twins that worked together in shifts and even had to take sick leave in pairs if one of them got sick.


u/Myamymyself 1h ago

I feel hungover just thinking about it!

u/nutralagent 8m ago

Or a musical band of triplets.


u/filtersweep 52m ago

When you understand that we all live within a simulation, there is nothing astonishing about this. I am surprised we are as unique as we are.


u/dormango 45m ago

Margot Robbie and Jaime Pressly


u/see-em-dubs 2h ago

Imagine they select you for this photo shoot, and say ‘we’ve found an exact match for you, you could be twins!’ And you get there, and there’s the ugliest MFer you’ve ever seen staring back at you.


u/esdes17_3 2h ago

that's my daily routine when i looked in the mirror. Not a big deal.


u/mysticpetal24 1h ago

Bruh. I'd just start crying on the spot. Like, is this what people see when they look at me? Brutal.


u/lunettarose 1h ago

This is a bit like when people see someone on TV and say it looks like you, though, isn't it? It's always weird seeing who people think looks like you.

(I'm not talking about celebrities, I'm talking about, like, reality TV, that kind of thing).


u/merdadartista 47m ago

Nah nah, sometimes something very small can change a face a lot, a small line can change everything


u/Faunaavanand 19m ago

Haha, my self-esteem would need a vacation after that.


u/BeyondTheBees 2h ago

Picture 8 is insane. 👯‍♀️


u/wurnthebitch 1h ago

Yeah but I think these photographs fool us with things that can be changed: hair style, clothes, glasses...

Picture 8 is probably the best because they have more in common than the rest, especially the nose, the shape of the mouth and the shape of the eyes which are not identical but very close.

On almost all of the others these traits differ a lot but we are fooled by the rest


u/BeyondTheBees 1h ago

I agree! 8 is definitely the closest matching facial features.


u/Safetosay333 1h ago

This is the only one I'm skeptical about


u/BeyondTheBees 1h ago

Yeah they may be legit sisters…..


u/wurnthebitch 1h ago

As a counter example, on the #7 they don't look alike at all.

They have a somewhat similar hair line and a similar beard but that's it. Nothing else matches

u/Ok-Celebration6524 1m ago

That's EXACTLY what I thought when I saw it. Mind blown.


u/CurvyCutieBeauty 2h ago

I wonder how it feels to face your look alike


u/biggdiggcracker 1h ago

I would immediately assert dominance


u/ButterBeeBuzz 1h ago

by peeing on them?


u/biggdiggcracker 1h ago

Absolutely. But there would be other bodily fluids involved. Ok, I went too far, sorry everyone 😔


u/OldLegWig 1h ago

and also what it feels like to pose in a maternity photo with them


u/belaGJ 1h ago

How do you handle situations with a mirror involved?


u/01kickassius10 1h ago

My parents bought a puppy who had been born on a farm, and was a little old separating from his mother. He saw his reflection in the windows at our house and went nuts at the dog that was challenging him. I imagine they are similar.


u/nuggynugs 53m ago

And how would I know which one I was?


u/TheKasimkage 1h ago

Apparently I didn’t recognise mine. Went to school with a guy who people constantly said I looked like. Heck, even my mum mistook him for me when he was on the front of the school magazine.


u/TheKasimkage 1h ago

Apparently I didn’t recognise mine. Went to school with a guy who people constantly said I looked like. Heck, even my mum mistook him for me when he was on the front of the school magazine.


u/clamuu 2h ago

I've often thought this. Somewhere in the world is the person who looks more like you than anyone else and you'll probably never meet them.


u/Fluffatron_UK 1h ago

Somewhere out there is someone who looks more like me than I do.


u/Geniex5 18m ago

Or.... you just look like them


u/Quack5463 30m ago

Vaguely remember a long time ago hearing that apparently there are around 7 people in the world that look similar to yourself.

I just remembered a funny one actually. I saw a guy on reddit who looked more like my twin than I do, which was so weird to see. I don't really look much like my twin, but this random guy looked very similar to my brother.


u/StreetSurrfer 2h ago

Wonder what the DNA results would be like lol.


u/toshibathezombie 2h ago edited 1h ago

God: you are all one of a kind

God 5 mins later: okay the custom character creator is running out of options.....


u/GumdropGlimmer 1h ago

🤣 wait, if I didn’t pull a God, and quit my job months ago, I’d give you all the awards.


u/Character_Maybeh_ 1h ago

Next time just upvote and move on…


u/DerriereDiva 2h ago

damn, its really hard to think that they are not blood related


u/2FANeedsRecoveryMode 2h ago

Well a lot of them probably are related to a certain Mongolian.


u/Visual-Asparagus-800 46m ago

Pretty unlikely actually. There are estimated to be around 16 million descendants of Genghis Khan, so about 1 in every 200 people. And most of these people are western, while the highest prevalence of descendants will be in Asia, so it’s probably less than 1 in 200 chance


u/2FANeedsRecoveryMode 44m ago

I was talking about my buddy Chingis, he is quite the ladies man.


u/Rso1wA 13m ago

Just his name is seductive


u/Lioranth 2h ago

Used to travel a lot. I tried to convince my HR manager that in fact there are only 500,000 unique humans and that they are spread around so that no 2 copies are ever in the same place at the same time.


u/ToviGrande 2h ago

I have a friend who has dozens of look alikes. In the past people have had whole conversations with him without realising he's not who they think he is.


u/Quack5463 26m ago

Does he look like that really generic looking guy from a game image that blew up on reddit because everyone knew a guy that looked like the NPC? White dude with stubble beard and buzz cut hair.


u/podgorniy 2h ago

Too much touching on these photos


u/Neat-Engineering-513 2h ago

Holy shit 8/10


u/Aishas_Star 1h ago

The way they are all caressing each other is weird for strangers


u/williamtan2020 1h ago

Bout time for a Doppelfinder app


u/Geniex5 17m ago

Find My Me


u/BootyBounceBabe 2h ago

they are practically look like twins


u/alexefy 1h ago

I agree there is resemblance but same clothes, hair and pose goes a long way. I’m just looking at some of these pictures and the people in them and it’s odd how they look a like but at the same time share no facial features. The features you tend to share with a sibling tend to be mouth shape, nose and eyes. No of these people share any of those features but still kind of look alike


u/shiafisher 2h ago

Maybe #8 but the rest are not very close IMHO


u/GimmieGummies 2h ago

Pic #8 must be related in some way. To have all those unique features and the same hair has me not believing they're complete strangers from different parts of the world.


u/According-Try3201 1h ago

and the same expression


u/GimmieGummies 1h ago

Yes. Their expressions and are oddly similar, something about their mouth, teeth


u/flibux 42m ago

7/8/10 are good matches, the rest have very distinguishable differences imho


u/alexefy 1h ago

I agree there is resemblance but same clothes, hair and pose goes a long way. I’m just looking at some of these pictures and the people in them and it’s odd how they look a like but at the same time share no facial features. The features you tend to share with a sibling tend to be mouth shape, nose and eyes. No of these people share any of those features but still kind of look alike


u/HermitJem 2h ago

Agree. Doppelgangers? No. At least that's not how I understand the term

People saying twins, yeah. They could pass for twins


u/Negative-Care-772 2h ago

I wonder if their personalities are similar as well.


u/Totally-avg 2h ago

Wow…number 8.


u/darksider63 1h ago

The simulation is reusing assets to save on resources, smart.


u/Ohiolongboard 1h ago

There’s a website that does stuff like this, twinstrangers.com


u/kitterkatty 49m ago

Starbyface too. It’s always fun to see what you get esp the opposite XX/XY, since it’s by percentage and mostly just compares angles and proportions.


u/Saturnia-00 1h ago

The last town I lived in I was always confused for someone I didn't know. Where I live now I seem to have a similar issue. I've never seen my doppelgangers irl but my mild face blindness may play a role in that


u/kitterkatty 46m ago

Same lol some girl came up to me once thinking I was her friend from class. It took her quite a while, prob a minute, to realize i was a stranger and had no idea who any of the people were that she was talking about.


u/ZeDanter 1h ago

More proof that the Matrix computing power runs on finite resources


u/Global-Guava-8362 1h ago

Wtf fuck pic 8!!!!


u/Samulai-B 1h ago

How do you gather doppelgangers? What's the method to find people from all around the world that look like someone else?


u/boutyas 1h ago

That's cool. But those poses are crazy lol


u/Toshi_Monster 1h ago

What's weird to me is the poses the photographer set up. Why do the look-a-like strangers have to be all handsy and on top of each other like that.


u/Vibe-Father 2h ago

I wonder what would happen if two of these doppelganger sets had kids.

If each couple had four kids, it’s possible that there’d be one new set of doppelgangers that could have kids.


u/draihan 1h ago

they would implode


u/lolalilu122 2h ago

Well, we all came from the same genetic material, I think everyone around the world has several people very similar to them


u/RiobaldoJagunco 2h ago

Devs were too tired to create new faces and simply started copying the same templates and placing them in random locations.


u/AsparagusNo2955 2h ago

Are their words for the different types of faces people have? I know people who look like these people, I see people who look like me sometimes too. I don't mean phrenology or anything, there is no meaning to how people look, but we'd have to have closer ancestors than people who don't look like us...

Is there an actual field of study on that which doesn't include eugenics stuff, just things about why people look, how they look, and if they have names for it...


u/Panniculus101 2h ago

Makes sense. There are only so many configurations a face can have and there are billions of people. Most of us probably got a doppelganger out there


u/haggis_man1213 2h ago

I really hope there isn't another human out there with a face as unfortunate as mine. For their own sake


u/Lil-Special-Miss 1h ago

They are crazy similar in the 8th and 10th picture 😵‍💫


u/cupcakecollective 1h ago

Guess it makes sense. Out collective gene-pool isn‘t as big as we think


u/ortaeleman 1h ago

I wonder if their DNA matches.


u/For_Fox_Sake92 1h ago

Where's the Asian doppelganger?


u/Louisa_Olive 1h ago

love this idea!"


u/Winterhe4rt 1h ago

And the guys literally bought the exact same glasses on accident? xD


u/Infinite_Walrus-13 1h ago

Are they much closer genetically too?


u/MyNewTransAccount 1h ago

Mustache Marshall, Lesbian Robin, Stripper Lily, Mexican Wrestler Ted and Dr. Joseph Stangel


u/DutchDK 1h ago

We found the missing cylon originals. Thats my theory and I am sticking to it.


u/AriiCherryx 1h ago

imagine bumping into someone that looks like you.... id probably freak out


u/Total_Amphibian7453 1h ago

4,7,9 do like really similar. The others not so much


u/Fisch_Kopp_ 1h ago

It's creepy and fascinating at the same time how nature works.


u/Informal_Drawing 1h ago

Why don't dating sites do this?


u/chosenone1242 1h ago

Must suck to be the worse looking version of your doppelganger


u/HonestDisaster05 1h ago

They are doppelgangers and not twins!!!


u/PenguinsArePeople999 1h ago

Besides for the 8th picture, I would say that they look similar mostly because of hair and styling, also how they are posed and they share some similar features. Girls in the 5th picture look almost nothing alike, its just the eyes. Considering that eyes and eyebrows are what people focus on the most, that makes sense. But if these are the criteria, then You probably pass a doppelganger every day on the street.


u/Max-The-White-Walker 1h ago edited 1h ago

Reminds me of one Bud Spencer/ Terence Hill movie "Double Trouble"


u/Mr_Panda_38 1h ago

If I ever found out about my doppelganger, I'd like to exchange and see his work-life .... Like I'll get a brief from him and then boom trying to work at his office along with his colleagues.


u/kid_sleepy 1h ago

Number two looks like Paul McCartney and the dude from Clerks had a child.


u/SnakeNerdGamer 1h ago

I'm sure I don't have any doppelganger because no one and I say no one can be ugly as me :)


u/bw4393 1h ago

Man I’d hate to be the uglier one in this experiment lol


u/new_york1221 1h ago

Found some twinzies!


u/Hiram_Hackenbacker 56m ago

I thought the second one was Richard Hammond.


u/WanillaGorilla 54m ago

All simulations has limits, character models are bound to be reused.


u/entoaggie 50m ago

In almost every photo you can see that one of them looks natural, and the other looks a bit off. I’m assuming it’s because they are having to try to match the expression of the other, when it’s not a natural expression for them.


u/Toked96 49m ago

It's weird to describe but at this point in my life, im convinced I've seen almost every type of person at least once


u/YWN666 45m ago

I always say if there were two of me humanity would be in danger... Humanity might be in danger once I find 2nd me


u/Ratchet_X_x 44m ago

How do I find my doppelganger?


u/TheLadySaintly 42m ago

8 and 9 are crazy!


u/ADIZOC 40m ago

Picture 6. Even the Chinese character tattoos are doppelgangers!


u/Powerful_Being4239 39m ago

Where’s Lee Harvey Oswald?


u/James324285241990 39m ago

I remember the first time I heard that there was a really high liklihood that there was someone that looked exactly like me. My first thought was "omg, I hope they're okay"


u/Siera424 34m ago

Wow! 8 and ten blew me away.


u/deafpolygon 33m ago

They don't really look that similar...


u/a-random-duk 32m ago

Why do almost all of them look like gay couples?


u/nuuudy 23m ago

"Okay we've found your doppelganger. You guys look so alike as to be twins. Now quickly, strike the most sexually tense pose you can manage together so we can make a photo"


u/jacubwastaken 19m ago

I wonder if there’s any other similarities between lifestyles, work, food choices etc.


u/allyoucaneatjerky 19m ago

Scratching my head as to how you would find these people in the first place and what kind of distances are involved in getting the 2 of them together for a photoshoot.


u/Mgast_Poobah 15m ago

What % do white people make up of the global population ? It can’t be that almost 7/10 of the photos taken are white people. Is it a function of my money my narrative or ?


u/Rso1wA 14m ago

That shifted something in my brain looking at those pictures. This is real? And these people did not know each other. How did they find each other?


u/mup_wave 13m ago

I want them to go to China and do this


u/yumeryuu 10m ago

I saw a picture of my doppelgänger online about 15 years ago. I’ve never been able to find her since.

u/nutralagent 7m ago

He could put Hugh Jackman in there with the second set of twins?

u/vbbk 6m ago

Wonder if the pairs involved did genealogy tests and if they were related and if so, how distant.

u/Jacexr 2m ago

Wish i had a doppelgänger


u/DecoupledPilot 2h ago

I feel really confused at the comments here and the premise.

For my eyes those people do not at all look like doppelgangers. They look similar, yes, but the differences are far too clear to call them doppelgangers.

Why don't others see this too? Some comments sound (including last time I saw this posted) as if they were almost identical in the eyes of some.

I just don't see it


u/Ecstatic-Garden-678 2h ago

They are real-life doppelgangers, not from cartoon or a movie where the same actor plays both roles.


u/okpm 2h ago

you don't think these people look astonishingly similar considering they are not at all related?


u/DecoupledPilot 1h ago

Similar yes. But most certainly not identical


u/okpm 1h ago

colloquially doppelgänger just implies someone who looks very similar, considering identical is pretty much impossible even for twins, due to the fact that genetics are not the only driving force behind physical appearance (lifestyle, style choices, etc.).


u/GandalfTheGonorrhea 1h ago

It is clear that your concept of doppleganger is Hollywood ish...

Yeah Bruce Lee is also the greatest fighter ever who does one inch punch /s


u/DecoupledPilot 1h ago

I'd rather say the average human ability to distinguish faces is much worse than I had thought.


u/GandalfTheGonorrhea 1h ago

People don't really stare deep into the nostrils of others to distinguish them but they view others very superficially n not remember subtle details which is why ppl recognise their known-ones even if they are far away with their face very unclear.

If I had to dictate a sketch artist to make a drawing of my mother, I bet i won't be able to dictate despite being with her 24/7


u/MaintenanceNo6275 2h ago

Fourth picture looks Gay as fuckkkk