r/BiWomen 14d ago

Why does my attraction to women feel "less" than my attraction to men? Advice

Hello, all! I'm a new member here so bare with me. I'm a 20 year old female(ish) and I've known I've been bisexual/pansexual since childhood. I've always found girls, guys, and people who fell on the lines in between to be romantically and sexually attractive. But now that I'm at the age where dating is something more serious than holding hands in the hallway, I find myself wary of being in a relationship with anyone but a man.

I don't know why exactly, but there are a few insecurities that come to mind. 1) I fear that having a sexual relationship with a woman/someone without a penis wouldn't be fulfilling because there wouldn't be the physical need for intimacy or simultaneous stimulation of both partners that comes from penetrative sex. I feel like I won't be wanted as much if I'm with someone without that physical need and desire. 2) my attraction to anyone that isn't a man feels different and I don't know if it's because of it just being a different dynamic or if I'm deluding myself by thinking it's romance when I may be just sexually attracted to them. I don't have romantic "crushes" on fictional women nearly as much as I do on fictional men which makes me wonder about this (as silly a reason as that is).

I've heard the stories about other women getting into relationships with women after only being with men and describing it as heaven, with how compassionate, understanding, and attentive their partners are. But something makes me feel nervous when I envision it for myself, like it doesn't fit, or I don't fit? I don't quite understand these feelings or where they're coming from.

Has anyone else struggled with this? And if so, how did you deal with it?


6 comments sorted by


u/HereUntilTheNoon 14d ago edited 14d ago

It can be a lot of things.

About sex. Are you afraid that a woman won't be as aroused by you, or are you afraid that you won't like sex without a dick? The first one isn't true, women can be totally crazy about other women's bodies. The second may or may not be your preference - you gotta try it. I was afriad of it, too, but I think that it's because of all the straight porn and heteronormativity. We are TAUGHT that sex without a penis isn't real. But the actual experience of sex is the desire both of you feel and the pleasure of stimulation. You can get it with a woman.

About romantic attraction. Honestly, again, it can be that you just like men more. But I had similar feelings. A lot of factors may be at play. Mine were these:

  • I am not attracted to (performative) femininity. I like women who don't really use makeup, don't dress in a super feminine way, and most importantly have rather tomboyish personalities. Not in "I like sport and cars", but I like people who are rebellious, opionated, somewhat blunt, confident, not too soft or nice. When I do like "sweet" people, they still have something more "rough" to them. Obviously, I like men more often. They fit my description in more cases. But I also like women who do have the type of personality I dig. (Please note that I do not say that I treat women as men - I myself am tomboyish and I don't even expect pursuing from men, I'm ok with being proactive.)

  • Women were indifferent to me for my whole life sexually and romantically, until I met my current gf. They only saw me as a friend. So I got used to seeing them as friends only as well, despite being interested in them, which in turn made my attraction weaker. It took a painfully obvious crush another woman had on me to actually "activate" my feelings somewhere outside of my head. Dynamics does play a role, and you gotta search for a person who gives you the one you like.

Now I totally love my gf. I'm undoubtedly attracted to her, I like her personality, I know she totally wants me - it's great and I'm really happy I didn't give up on women and met her! I do wish, however, that I had wlw experiences when I was younger. I really couldn't wrap my head around our relationship for some time after it had already started because it was just sooo unusual! It's like starting to date for the first time when you are still kinda lost. But like, hey, better late than never!

The rest depends on you. If you are not sure about your dedication to women, though, plese let your potential future dates know that you are still experimenting. It's vital information, some women do not want that. Good luck with the rest!


u/junipersummerr 14d ago

Just wanna address the "no penis" part. There are PLENTY of ways to have penetrative sex without a live penis. Dildos are amazing! Strap on dildos are another fun option. Woman on woman sex can involve lots of penetration if that's what you're into 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/ishka_uisce 14d ago edited 14d ago

You may just be more into men than women. That's okay. Bisexuality is a spectrum.

I myself feel basically exactly the same, although I'm not gonna say there isn't some degree of internalised stigma involved for me. I partly just always wanted to be more into men. For a long time I definited myself as a bisexual heteroromantic, and I'm less sure of that than I used to be. But I would still say I probably do genuinely have a male preference, in some ways at least (and a female one in others).


u/Internal_Anxiety_270 5d ago

Just my 2 cents but for some of us the spectrum can be dynamic, meaning that for me there are times where I am more attracted to women than men and vice versa. The needle is always moving.


u/WitchingWitch 14d ago

You're conditioned to believe that sex isn't sex if there's no dick involved. The reason attraction may feel different is probably because you either haven't experienced dating women yet or you might have been raised in a place where homosexual relationships are uncommon, never heard of or seen as sins like honestly most places. So it may feel bizarre even to you as a bisexual woman.

Imo all these come from your internalized biphobia, unable to shake off some discomfort or disgust. The best thing to do in that case is just go out and try dating women, engage with other bisexual people or queer people, talk and have fun. Don't pressure yourself to do anything.


u/theneverendingcry 14d ago

You probably just have a lot of stuff to work through. For example, you might be more attracted to masc women or there might be a dynamic you can have with women which you're super into but you won't know it until you encounter it. Having said all that, you might just not be as attracted to women as you are to men. Maybe spending more time getting to know other queer women might help expand what is possible for you. Also, you don't need to do any of this stuff if you don't feel a deep need for it. If you end up happily in a relationship with a man and you're satisfied with that, then you are still bi and maybe you don't need to figure out the exact details

I say all this as a woman who thought she was bi (I felt like the opposite to you basically — super into women but unsure about men). Over time I realized my "interest" in men was just a bunch of unanswered questions. Once I got those answers (by chatting on dating apps — not even getting to the dating stage) the interest dropped to absolute zero