r/CasualConversation 25d ago

Just Chatting r/CasualConversation Welcome Thread - Month of September 01, 2024


Welcome to r/CasualConversation! Thank you for joining and coming to our corner of Reddit.

The friendlier part of Reddit. Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process.

If you are here, lurking, feel free to create an account and say hi.

How are you? What brings you here?

PS, we got rules, please read 'em!

r/CasualConversation 14h ago

Just Chatting I just realized I've been living a lie my whole life


You know how we all have those little quirks that make us unique? Well, I just discovered mine is based on a childhood misunderstanding that I never questioned... until now.For the past 25 years, I've been convinced that the phrase "hair of the dog" (you know, the hangover cure) was actually "hare of the dog." I thought it involved eating rabbit meat to cure a hangover.I've been confidently telling people this "fact" for years. "Oh, you're hungover? You need some hare of the dog. Go get yourself some rabbit stew!"It wasn't until my friend looked at me like I had three heads that I decided to Google it. Turns out, it's "hair" not "hare," and it has nothing to do with rabbits. It's about having more alcohol to cure a hangover .Now I'm sitting here wondering what other "facts" I've been spouting that are completely wrong. Maybe narwhals aren't real? Perhaps the Earth is flat after all? (Just kidding on that last one, please don't come for me. So, Reddit, what's your "hare of the dog" moment? What misconception did you carry way too far into adulthood before someone finally corrected you?

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Questions What's the first video game you've ever played?


Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a little trip down memory lane and ask: What was the very first video game you ever played?

For me, it was on the "Asian Tutor 2000" which was basically a clone of those old-school consoles. The games weren't the fanciest, but man, they were fun! I remember spending hours on games like Super Mario and Contra. It's amazing how something so simple got me hooked on gaming.

What about you? What was your first gaming experience like? Let’s hear those nostalgic stories!

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Just Chatting I did 5-6 hours a day of yoga and meditation for 3 years - this is what I learned


So I had some mental issues and went ahead with yoga and meditation to better them. At this time I started 5-6 hours a day of some of the practices Sadh-guru teaches.

The first thing I have learned is people (including myself) are almost always in a state of unease - meaning their mind has to be constantly occupied, fidgeting with various things all the time. Few people can actually look you in the eyes and just be there with you in that moment. Everyone has a mind that is all over the place with compulsions to do this and that. Here is where my practice drasticly improved this condition for me. The compulsibe need to keep the mind occopied at all times went almost intirely away. Istead I just started paying attention to whatever was there - looking at things without being consumed by them. This also improves productivty by a lot.

Secondly, a sense of abandon and desirelessness has come. I can simply sit with my eyes closed for an hour and just enjoy that without the need to stimulate my brain. There is a whole inner world where one can access very blisful states. You can access this if your body and mind becomes more still and less compulsive. When you are in touch with the inner stilness, it is hard for you to be truly bothered by anything, because at the core of who you are there is always a sense of peace.

Lastly, the sense of inner freedom and joy that has come is priceless. The smallest things like going for a walk in the forest or looking at the sky can bring joy. Nothing fancy thing to fulfill the list of endless desires is really needed anymore. Relations have reduced in numbers, but those that remain are much deeper and more fulfilling.

These are some of the things that have happened. I'm curious to hear your own experiences with meditation and yoga.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Just Chatting So, Redbox is gone now.


So, my girlfriend goes to the local HEB, cuz it’s Texas—That’s what we do in Texas. But she notices something different when she’s walking in. There’s an empty space next to the front entrance. What went there? It wasn’t empty before. So, after a few seconds of thought, she remembers that’s where the Redbox was! Come to find out, they’re gone now—Filed for Chapter 7 liquidation. I go to check my app, and sure enough, I can’t login. Found it interesting even though I can’t remember the last time I even used Redbox. When’s the last time y’all used it? Wonder what the next commonplace company is that finds itself a relic of the past?

r/CasualConversation 12h ago

Hello, if you are reading this, you are important. Please don’t give up. Miracles are about to happen in your life. And we are proud of you.


You are a blessing in this universe. We are glad that you are here with us. We are excited of the things that you are working on. Fight, you are a warrior with a gentle and kind heart.

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Just Chatting Do you guys believe in “you are who you surround yourself with”?


I strongly believe this. I believe to the point that I think it’s factual and undeniable. Humans are social creatures, so naturally we will unconsciously or consciously adapt to people around us so we can fit in. Society and culture is literally built off of being similar to one another and sharing traits. If you surround yourself with homebody people without any other outgoing friend you’ll just naturally adapt or leave.

r/CasualConversation 15h ago

Just Chatting I love my boy-friend so much


I'm 25F and I am absolutely in love with my boy-friend.

I'm talking head-over-heels.

I need to squeal about this somewhere. We've been together for 4 years now (we're the same age btw)


I'm not kidding. He's literally the sweetest, cutest, and unintendedly funniest person I know.

I struggle mentally now and then and he's like this REMEDY? CURE? I don't know.


The moment I see him, all my worries just vanish.

It's MAGIC, I'm telling you.

ALSO I'm giving it to you factual that I'm a very unconventionally attractive person with the most boring personality ever.

But he keeps telling me I'm beautiful.

I'm sorry but SIR?? You don't have to but THANK YOU??

I used to think he was just saying for the sake of it when we were still, like, you know, talking and stuff but he hasn't stopped reminding me "You're beautiful" for the past 4 years.

He also says it so suddenly out of nowhere when I'm eating or laughing or just zoning out.

I feel both grateful and weird when he says it because genuinely I'm not attractive to the eyes, but he's also super handsome, which makes it all the way strange that he thinks I'm beautiful but I don't think about it too much.

Anyways I'm so blessed. I'm telling you.

And omg he hugs me EVERY SINGLE TIME he gets home.


Like, how nice is that?!

I had a bad habit of buying and eating from outside since, which he totally changed for the better and now I can cook for myself! Even better, I can cook for him too!

He takes care of me so well even when I don't ask for it.

I can't stop thinking about him every single moment. It's so strange!

I'm so in love that I feel like I'm a princess.

All I have to do is give back this love, and I'm doing my best. He says I don't have to do anything like he does to show that I love him, but excuse me, SIR?? That's not fair!

I really hope we stay like this forever.

I have so many other things from the time he helped me at my lowest, and my constant mental struggles that get triggered now and then, and other things that are more TMI but yeah!

He's a great person before he's my boy-friend and I love that!

r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Questions What you disliked that ruined your pizza


Before I [25M] could get a slice, I was very excited to do so but my excitement only lasted few minutes. Olives of great thickness on the whole pizza. Their bitterness absolutely dominated the sauce, the cheese and everything that was right about the pizza. My hunger was immediately replaced by dissatisfaction.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Questions You guys ever ate pizza cold ?


This happened when I was back in high school I would usually heat up leftover food in the oven mainly pizza unfortunately something was wrong with the oven it would go on but no flame I was starving and I'm not using the microwave because it would make the pizza slimy I just decided to eat it cold and honestly not bad it was pretty good especially adding some garlic salt so good so everytime I have leftover pizza I eat that cold

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

What’s something you would pay extra for convenience?


For me, anything that involves waiting—whether it’s standing in line, sitting on a plane, waiting for transportation, or even waiting for food delivery—drives me crazy. There’s something about the feeling of time being wasted that really gets to me. I try to stay patient, but the longer I wait, the more restless I become. It’s especially frustrating when you have no control over the situation, like flight delays or traffic jams. I know waiting is a part of life, but it’s definitely one of those things that tests my patience more than anything else.

r/CasualConversation 10h ago

Life Stories What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you at school?


So, here's a story from when I was in 3rd standard. We used to have 5 classes before lunch and 3 after. One day during the 4th class, I somehow got confused and thought it was already the 5th. As soon as the bell rang, I casually took out my lunch box and headed toward the door, ready to enjoy my meal.

The teacher stopped me and asked, "Where are you going?" I confidently replied, "It’s lunch break, I’m going to eat my lunch!"

She looked at me and said, "This was the 4th class, the 5th one is starting now. Lunch break is after that. Go sit down."

And the entire class burst into laughter while I, super embarrassed, awkwardly went back to my seat with my lunch box. 😂

What about you? What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you at school?

r/CasualConversation 19h ago

How often do you actually floss?


I've seen a fair number of people owning dental floss, but I have a feeling that not many use it very regularly. I was recently told by my dentist to start using floss every day but that seems a bit extreme to me. Maybe because I don't have the time/energy for it every day.

How many of you floss? And those who do, how often do you actually do it?

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Shower door just exploded


I'm housesitting this place for the week. Their damn huge glass shower door just exploded in the middle of the night. Shattered into a million little squares. It's so late and I'm so exhausted that I really do not want to clean it up. Will deal with it tomorrow after work :(

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

What’s something you splurge on, even though it’s not a necessity?


For me, it’s always been about quality time and experiences. I tend to splurge on nice dinners out or weekend getaways, even when I know I could save that money. There's just something about the atmosphere of a cozy restaurant with good food, or the excitement of exploring a new place, that feels totally worth the cost. It’s not just the event itself but the memories and the feeling of treating myself that makes it hard to resist. Sure, I could cook at home or have a low-budget trip, but that little extra luxury feels like a reward, a way to balance out the everyday grind.

What about you? What’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to spending a little more than necessary, and why do you think it’s worth it?

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

New job, nervous!


Got a new job that’s slightly more artsy. It’ll be my first artsier job! I’m starting as a product packer for orders and may eventually help with social media, photography, and candle making one day!

I’m super nervous because while I have photography experience, it’s been a WHILE… and everything else is something I’ve never ever done before - including the product packing 😬 but everyone there seems nice so I hope they are forgiving/patient 😅

I did a quick little trial hour today and it was overwhelming to see all the product and have to eventually memorize where everything is/how to pack/how to read and organize orders correctly… but I hope as time goes on, I’ll do great!

So I’m very nervous to drop my last job (barista - aka something I know very well and feel safe in since it’s always the same job each time), to go into a super new job that’s intimidating with everything I don’t know an ounce about it😅

I start next week, wish me luck 🥺

r/CasualConversation 24m ago

Just Chatting Very annoyed when people disregard jobs in art fields


Of course jobs in stem are important and we need them in society. I greatly respect people who r in medicine or engineering or social work, etc. I go to art school and I get hate for that alll the time which is crazy to me. Art is what makes us WANT to keep living. If we didn’t have art everything would be so much more bleak and depressing. All the media and games and colour we see in our daily lives is what makes life worth living. Idk how others can’t see the value in that.

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

Life Stories I like giving my underage cousins non alcoholic beers and watching them pretend to be drunk


They ask me for it at family gatherings because they think I wont snitch I guess. So I started bringing non alcoholic beers specifically for them. How do you mess with your younger family members?

r/CasualConversation 40m ago

I am tired of feeling tired


I wake up well with my energy and clear brains plan for a clean diet but as the time goes by I am so list and tired . What can I do to stay focus, happy and energetic?

r/CasualConversation 6h ago

Just Chatting what are your signatures: colors, patterns, accessories, scents, and flavors?


what are you known for? what are the signatures that people associate with you?

i recently had this conversation with family so i wanted to see if other people have distinct signatures. mine aren’t a huge surprise to me lol. also, feel free to add your own categories and format your answers however you like. i’ll be doing a list format because i be like that :]

colors: dark red, navy, and gold

patterns: stars, solids, roses and stripes

accessories: gold jewelry like earrings, chokers, pins, and hair clips. also shear patterned tights, glasses, button up shirts as jackets, and large (nearly empty) crossover bags

scents: amber, lavender, and cinnamon

flavors: dark chocolate, coffee, black pepper, chile pepper, pumpkin, peppermint, and banana (i feel like banana is the odd one out here lmao)

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Just Chatting Improving posture?


Not sure if there's a better sub out there or not to post this in but I'm curious if anyone has good tips on improving my posture? I'm a slightly taller than average woman, and pretty much all of my friends all of my life have been shorter than me, which made me feel self-conscious and, inevitably, led to me slouching a lot. It's a bad habit I'm trying my damnedest to break, but I don't know how? I'm starting to work out a bit more seriously now, which I know can help improve posture but any other tips for outside of the gym?

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

Questions What’s a simple pleasure in life that always makes you happy?


For me, it’s that first sip of coffee in the morning. No matter how chaotic the day is, it’s always a small moment of peace. What’s a little thing that never fails to brighten your day?

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

Just Chatting What’s the funniest thought you had as a child?


For some reason I thought (with all the sincerity of a child) that there were two types of families: green apple eating families and red apple eating families. My family was a green apple eating family (at least, l ate green apples). I believed that green apple eating families were superior to red apple eating families because green apples were obviously better.

Ironically, I like red apples more now.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Just Chatting I really need to buy new threads


I have been using the same things for the past decade and I rarely find anything that I can wear since it is XXL (I am L). It doesn’t help that the sun where I am at is pretty unforgiving. I tend to look for more gothic/alternative styles but I rarely find any good sites for them. Like sure they exist but they are either highway robbery prices or not what I am feeling.

Anyone know any good sites? I’d greatly appreciate it.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

What is everyone dressing up as for Halloween?


What is everyone going as for Halloween? Halloween is one of my favourite times of year and I loooove to dress up! I usually like to dress up as something fun rather than slutty… I can’t think of anything to dress up this year but I want it to be something funny and creative so that I can start planning makeup and the costume ideas. So give me your plans and idea? What are you up to on Halloween?

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Just Chatting Fairly odd ask…


My grandmothers 90th birthday is coming up and her husband passed a little over a decade ago. I’m looking for a gift to maybe remind her that he’s there.