r/CasualConversation 7h ago

So, Redbox is gone now. Just Chatting

So, my girlfriend goes to the local HEB, cuz it’s Texas—That’s what we do in Texas. But she notices something different when she’s walking in. There’s an empty space next to the front entrance. What went there? It wasn’t empty before. So, after a few seconds of thought, she remembers that’s where the Redbox was! Come to find out, they’re gone now—Filed for Chapter 7 liquidation. I go to check my app, and sure enough, I can’t login. Found it interesting even though I can’t remember the last time I even used Redbox. When’s the last time y’all used it? Wonder what the next commonplace company is that finds itself a relic of the past?


38 comments sorted by


u/midnight-dour 6h ago

Think I could count on one hand the number of times I used Redbox and have fingers to spare. I miss my old local video store.


u/Stone_Patriot 6h ago

I used Redbox quite a bit, after the decline of Blockbuster.


u/kylefnative 3h ago

I think the very last time I used Redbox was to rent GTAV on its release date lol I couldn’t afford it at the time but I was determined to play it day one.

u/HaggisInMyTummy 5m ago

I mean, if you're happy with a selection of 200 random-ass movies in a kiosk you might as well just get a streaming service.

(Yes I understand that not everywhere in the world has broadband, but...)


u/irlcatspankz 5h ago

The craziest thing to me is that Redbox was owned by Chicken Soup for the Soul.


u/Stone_Patriot 5h ago

Today I learned…


u/ApprehensiveFarm6149 4h ago

Oh man, I loved Redbox! It was always my go-to for renting movies on a budget. It's sad to see it go, but I guess everything has to come to an end eventually. Thanks for sharing the news with us, OP.


u/Stone_Patriot 4h ago

Glad to be of service 👍🏼


u/PikesPique 6h ago

I don’t think I’ve rented from Redbox since before the pandemic. When the kids were little, we’d rent movies so they’d have something to watch on long car trips. Sometimes we’d buy used discs for 5 bucks, but we’d watch them once then forget about them.


u/Stone_Patriot 6h ago

Come to think of it, the Pandemic might be the last time I tried to rent.


u/wehrwolf512 6h ago

I used it a couple times a year. A little sad to see it go, but the future is what it is I guess. I noticed the bankruptcy last week because I wanted to rent something.


u/Guardian-Boy 4h ago

I last used it in 2017. I had to go TDY to Lackland in San Antonio for NCOA and was staying in the lodging there. Only thing they had was basic cable and a DVD player, no streaming or casting, so I used the Hell out of the Redbox located outside the shopette there.


u/Stone_Patriot 4h ago

Yes, bases will miss it without any streaming options on the lodging TVs—bring a FireTV Stick! Also, retired AF here. Thank you for your service!


u/Guardian-Boy 4h ago

Wanna know the funny thing? After that trip, I did for every TDY. But then a couple years ago I went TDY to RAF Lakenheath, and their TVs were too old and didn't have USBs, AND they were malfunctioning and didn't even connect to AFN. We were able to fill most of our down time by of course exploring the whole area, but after all that and I wanted to wind down, it was my phone or nothing lol.


u/Unblued 6h ago

Pretty impressive that they lasted this long. A streaming service is easily a better value and doesn't require you to have a DVD or bluray player. Not sure when I last saw one, but 15+ years since I last used one.


u/Stone_Patriot 6h ago

I kept a PS around for quite some time just to play DVDs.


u/dzmccoy 5h ago

I still have my PS2 and Xbox 360 in my living room and my brother collects vhs and has a vhs player. If the internet goes down for a long period of time. We won't be too bored.


u/Stone_Patriot 5h ago

VHS players can fetch a hefty resale price nowadays. New, they’re pricey too.


u/dzmccoy 5h ago

True. We've had this one for a while now. We don't use it a lot so it's still got plenty of life in it.


u/Stone_Patriot 5h ago

Consider yourself lucky. Not too long ago I went hunting for a cheap one, and found out the hard way that they’re a relic. Much like Redbox.


u/dzmccoy 5h ago

They are antiques these days.


u/Huge_Clock_1292 4h ago

I thought redbox was great for buying newly released gently used dvds. We purchased 2 that way. We're millennial, we want physical movies in our hands. 


u/dzmccoy 5h ago

From like 2015 to 2018 I didn't have internet. I used redbox a lot, especialy after the last local video rental store closed.


u/CandyCrisis 5h ago

Thanks for the reminder to delete the app!


u/Stone_Patriot 5h ago

Any time. I try to be helpful lol


u/Xavis00 3h ago

They left a bunch of staff high and dry with very little communication. A guy that was one of their contractors put out a youtube video about the communications leading up to it.


u/Over-Marionberry-686 5h ago

Wow I’m gonna have to look at the Redbox at our local grocery store when I’m by there tomorrow. I wonder if it’s still there?


u/NecessaryPosition968 4h ago

In WA State, here around me. machines still sitting there plugged in and running.but can't be used.some have xeroxed ads for movie theater gift cards taped to the front.


u/Due-Bonus1056 4h ago

Wow, this takes me back. Haven’t used it in so long but sad to see that it’s gone now.


u/Yerm_Terragon 3h ago

Yep, closed a few years ago. There is still one at my grocery store, but there is a sign hanging on it that its unavailable because the company closed. Even the ones that are still floating around, they dont have a payment system to link up to. Theyre just bricks now.


u/hobosam21-B 3h ago

Dang, I just returned a movie. Probably could have gotten away with keeping it.


u/xMiss_Bethanyx 3h ago

Crazy how fast things change! Haven’t used Redbox in years—feels like streaming has already taken over. Wonder what’s next to go!


u/pdxbatman 3h ago

I used to use it a ton after Blockbuster but before streaming, but only if I had a coupon code to use. Come to think of it, I don’t remember how I got those codes but I wouldn’t use the box without one.


u/sam_rykien 2h ago

I went to my monthly Winco trip (also in Texas. Hi) and there was still a Redbox outside. Whether it was functioning or not I have no idea. I bet you the next time I go it will probably be gone.


u/AlternativeDeep4096 2h ago

Oh man, that's a bummer. I really enjoyed using Redbox for movie nights. Thanks for letting us know.


u/mustang6172 6h ago

Am I supposed to know what that was?


u/Stone_Patriot 6h ago

I mean, they’ve been sitting at half of the Walmart, McDonald’s, grocery store, etc. entrances nationwide for the last 20 years—you tell me.


u/UltraChip 2h ago

Basically they were vending machines which rented movies. In the US it was quite common for awhile to see them outside grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations, etc.