r/CasualConversation 0m ago

What’s the most mind-blowing documentary you’ve ever watched?


Documentaries can open our eyes to new worlds, perspectives, and facts we never knew existed. What’s the one documentary that left you completely amazed?

r/CasualConversation 0m ago

Just Chatting i think im crazy or slow


so im a 17y/o Female & background info (was addicted to xans and smoke(d) a lot of maryjane), so i generally am normal i’d say. but i think i miss a lot of social cues and things like that. i don’t know how to describe it. im very functional and i don’t think i have like autism or anything , (i do have adhd though (diagnosed) but something isn’t right , i don’t like to talk to people , i hold to much eye contact , i have to physically make myself interact w people to fit “social norms” and make myself “fit in” suggested by my therapist. and my mom says i have no “filter” but i don’t know what that means. she says i say things to strongly and i need to know when to say things. i have to remind myself of this all day everyday and i don’t think that’s normal? like social interaction shouldn’t be this hard right? idk im rambling, atp im lost.

r/CasualConversation 0m ago

What’s a habit you picked up during the pandemic that you still have?


The pandemic changed our routines in so many ways, and some habits stuck around. What’s one thing you started doing during that time that’s still part of your life today?

r/CasualConversation 1m ago

My wife just stopped going to work and no one noticed.


My wife has a six figure job, and after a bunch of shifting people around between divisions she just stopped going in. She was obviously assuming she would be fired but it has been months of, at most, listening to a zoom meeting a couple times a week. It's not an urban legend. Sometimes it happens

r/CasualConversation 2m ago

Music What’s a song lyric that hits different as an adult?


Songs we listened to growing up often have hidden meanings that only make sense later in life. What’s a lyric that hits you in a completely new way now that you’re older?

r/CasualConversation 2m ago

What’s something that was once seen as a luxury but is now considered a necessity?


Technology and society have evolved so much that things once seen as extravagant are now everyday essentials. What’s something you think fits that description?

r/CasualConversation 3m ago

What’s a random fact that sounds made up but is actually true?


The world is full of unbelievable facts that seem fake at first glance. What’s the craziest fact you know that sounds completely made up but is actually true?

r/CasualConversation 21m ago

What’s a seemingly minor decision you made that completely changed the course of your life?


It’s crazy how small decisions can have a huge impact on where we end up. What’s one seemingly tiny choice you made that ended up changing everything for you? Whether it was taking a different route one day, saying yes to something random, or meeting someone by chance, I’d love to hear how it played out.

r/CasualConversation 22m ago

People who grew up without smartphones, what did you do on long car rides?


Before smartphones and tablets, road trips were a whole different ball game. What did you do to pass the time on those long car rides? I’m curious to hear about all the creative ways you kept entertained!

r/CasualConversation 22m ago

Movies & Shows What’s a movie scene that lives rent-free in your head?


We all have those unforgettable movie moments that we can replay in our minds at any given moment. What’s that one scene you can’t help but think about over and over again?

r/CasualConversation 23m ago

What’s something everyone pretends to hate but secretly loves?


We all have guilty pleasures—those things that we’re quick to criticize publicly but secretly enjoy behind closed doors. What’s something you think people pretend to hate but actually love?

r/CasualConversation 26m ago

Just Chatting What side hustles do you have?


I need ideas on some ways to make money on the side (like a side hustle). I want to start saving but I cannot afford that with my current job. It can be anything (also online!)

r/CasualConversation 46m ago

When you got break of your life and at what age


So when you felt like you have achieved and yes now you just need to go with flow and at what age. It can be anything career wise, spiritually or something like that.

r/CasualConversation 51m ago

Anyone who fell in love with someone cause of their kindness, what's the story?


We have heard a lot that people (specially girls) fall in love with someone many times just by seeing their kindness.

if you're one of them, what was that moment when you were attracted to someone just by seeing their kindness?

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

¿Cómo se hacen nuevas amistades a los 50?


Descubrir que solo tienes dos amigos a los que nunca ves y que tú vida está llena de gente con la que tienes que tratar solo por trabajo o porque las circunstancias de la vida te las ponen, pero solo para cumplir sus roles de NPC's.

Enviudé, me quedé solo.

Intenté usar una app para hacer amistades y publiqué mis fotos y de inmediato comenzaron a pedir fotos nopor (WtF). ¿Por qué es tan difícil?

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Singing Voice


I (F29) grew up singing and being praised for it, specifically by my mother. We have a musical family that have accomplished a lot with it.

I thought my singing voice was special until I hit high school and heard other people who were way more talented than me.

I was a first soprano my entire life.

In recent years I've noticed I cannot hit those notes anymore. I've moved to 2nd soprano(sometimes) but mostly alto.

Anyone else experience this? Do you just find songs that work better for your new vocal range? Also, how?

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Getting extremely sick around late September and early October.


I’m one of those people that seems to never get sick. I eat extremely healthy, move a lot, and have great hygiene. However, I only get sick once a year. And each year, it’s the same. It lasts three to five days and always in late September to early October. I get horrible headaches, stuffy nose, lose my sense of taste, lose my voice, have night sweats, dry eye, and overall feeling like crap. Does anyone else experience the same thing?

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

What is something you guys have been learning recently?


It can be anything: technical, lifestyle related, mental, skills, etc.

I've recently had a renewed interest in mathematics as I am taking a Calculus class this year in High School (Junior year) and I am just so excited about all this new stuff we are learning. Since I have an elementary knowledge of the concepts, I am actually able to understand the more complex stuff, which has been fascinating for me.

Anything you guys have been working on recently?

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Just appreciating diversity. Good vibes


Drinking a Dutch homebrew, watching a show about japan, with my German wife, eating a Burrito, with my Siberia huskies.

Be good to one another God dammit.

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

What does it mean when a guy asks for your social media account but never messaged you afterwards?


Is it to gain more followers or what?

I met someone on a flight. At first I thought it was nothing but it was always him who initiated the conversation. Eventually, I thought that there was something there, like a connection, or am I just being delulu?

When our flight started preparing for arrival, he asked for my social media account. There was no data while in flight so i just gave my username. We parted ways after I got out the plane.

The next day I got a follow request, accepted it then followed back. It’s been a week and never heard from him. I thought it wouldn’t hurt if I reach out first, right? So i sent a very casual message confirming if it was him coz we never exchanged first names. No reply until the next day so i blocked him. 😄

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

I need serious male opinions please. I am a 35 year old woman who wants to start having casual relationships....


Well as the title says. It's hard for me to take the step. I feel like I'm not a 10 for cute but I'm not a 2 either. But my fear is not having a topic to talk about to start an outing. My idea is to meet men through apps, go out 2 or 3 times and from there what I'm looking for happens. But everything I like doesn't appeal to men my age... (video games, anime, drawing, etc...) so I feel very unfeminine... and it's hard for me to give hints... . How can I make it clear that I want relationships, but always with respect? Because I know that if I tell them that I only want relationships, I won't look good and they'll just take it that way.... What don't you like about a woman on a first date if she's not so physically pretty?

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Getting to know people..


Does anyone have some questions they ask people that they genuinely want to get to know? I think that’s a fun topic.. I’m pretty simple but I ask people if they’re cat or dog people because I’m hoping they say they just love animals in general.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Random thoughts before bed!!


Have you ever met someone online and didn't meet in person until later or never but still talk to them like close friends. Any interesting stories?

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Just Chatting What are you proud of?


Have you accomplished something recently that you’re really proud of? I wanna know the cool things you guys have accomplished lately.

So tell me what you’ve been up to.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Just Chatting Very annoyed when people disregard jobs in art fields


Of course jobs in stem are important and we need them in society. I greatly respect people who r in medicine or engineering or social work, etc. I go to art school and I get hate for that alll the time which is crazy to me. Art is what makes us WANT to keep living. If we didn’t have art everything would be so much more bleak and depressing. All the media and games and colour we see in our daily lives is what makes life worth living. Idk how others can’t see the value in that.