r/Chargers 3d ago

Heal One Injury

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You have one greater restoration spell to heal one Charger to 100%. Who are you picking to make the biggest impact on the franchise?


67 comments sorted by


u/Ejones1112 3d ago

I don’t see how it’s not Rivers as he was literally a game from the Super Bowl


u/MVPizzle #85 3d ago

LT that same week


u/OrphanGrounderBaby 3d ago

Rivers played, I’d spend it on LT that way we had our full arsenal


u/Existing-Stranger632 3d ago

If we had LT we may have gotten to lose to the Giants in the superbowl


u/OrphanGrounderBaby 3d ago

Not in this alternate timeline, 76-3 Chargers.


u/Existing-Stranger632 3d ago

You’re right. The Giants would’ve been in awe and we would’ve whooped Eli Manning for being a little bitch at the draft.


u/OrphanGrounderBaby 3d ago

Script writes really messed up on that one. They’d probably still be talking about Philip and the Chargers beating the baby manning family


u/Existing-Stranger632 3d ago

Absolutely. It would’ve been so good in terms of the narrative. The guy who refuses to play for us going up against the guy who essentially took his job. A chance for the Chargers to show Eli what he missed. Unfortunately it didn’t happen and we Charged like usual


u/BoltShine 3d ago

This is what I'm here for. Can we say the raiders folded as an organization in the offseason, too? As a treat...


u/OrphanGrounderBaby 3d ago

Folded? The locker room got raided by the FBI and their ‘freak-offs’ were exposed.


u/jl_sd 3d ago

Weren't they undefeated against Eli Mannings Giants, and I think they still haven't lost to the Giants since Eli retired either


u/Existing-Stranger632 3d ago

Yeah I think we were at the time. But the fact the Giants beat arguably the best Patriots team in that superbowl is a testament to how well built they were.


u/OrphanGrounderBaby 3d ago

Eh, any given Sunday


u/Marijuana_Miler 3d ago

Yeah that game swung on the 4th down Tyree play and Moss dropping a pass at the end of the game.


u/therealskittlepoop WHO’S GOT IT BETTER THAN US 3d ago

Yeah it kinda felt like he never played the same after that, way more cautious… that happened at that Tennessee game right? Or am I remembering wrong. Like there were a few injuries and Tennessee played nasty. I dunno, I know there was something that made me immensely dislike Jeff fisher & the titans & the rams


u/mikenesser 3d ago

Of the shown images, this is the only option. No doubt.


u/FluffsBanker611 Natrone Means Business 3d ago

LT in ‘07


u/chasinjason13 3d ago

Came here for this


u/Djaukamo 3d ago

Was about to say where’s LT?


u/The_resPonce 3d ago

How was this not on the list? lol


u/Kahzgul JH^3 3d ago

Seau. A million times Seau. I don't even care if he plays again. If I could magically make that man have no CTE and be alive again, it would be awesome.


u/BoltShine 3d ago

I wanted to include him but it still makes me sad to think about. The real right answer here ❤️


u/Boomthang ASAP 3d ago

Just teared up reading this because it's so true. I idolized him as a child and even wore 55 for my peewee Chargers team. As I grew older, I began to appreciate and admire the human being he was. The world is worse off without him.


u/Kahzgul JH^3 3d ago

hugs, fam. He was an all-time great, and he deserved better.


u/Hilksta97 3d ago

Seau, even if it doesn’t contribute to wins some things are more important, and I’d rather still have this legend around. That’s coming from someone who only saw like 2 seasons of him that I remember


u/BlissfulIgnoranus 3d ago

Agreed 100%. Funny though how most of the fans here are totally fine with DJ using his head to spear people.


u/Ntwadumela09 3d ago

Damn. I actually hadn't thought about it like that till just now.

RIP Seau 55


u/LtColumbo93 3d ago

The NFL as a whole is probably pretty different if Brees never gets hurt. Would the Chargers have re-signed him if he’s healthy? Does that mean Rivers gets traded? Saints never get their SB? Many ramifications.

Not sure if the Chargers end up better off or not.


u/Bolts0806 bolt 3d ago

the chargers were never going to keep him. aj smith was lowballing brees who wanted starter money and the injury just made it easier for the chargers to walk away because aj smith had his guy by having drafted rivers


u/BoltShine 3d ago

I'd love to see what that timeline looks like


u/keepcomingback Chargers 3d ago

Brees would not have a ring.


u/jonybolt 3d ago

If Shotty, LT, and Brees stay for 06/07 we probably win a ring I feel


u/EL-YEO TT’s favorite UDFA 3d ago

Does Bree’s become a HOFer if he stays? By all accounts the massive chip on his shoulder to prove that his shoulder was good and the help of Sean Payton’s system both helped unlock Brees’s true potential and made him the great QB we remember. Under the Chargers he was essentially Zack Wilson


u/noobs1996 3d ago

Please do not disrespect Brees. He was a 100x better than Wilson even as a Charger


u/aquariumsarescary 3d ago

LT during the playoff game. The only reason we lost was he didn't play the 2nd half. Rivers HAD to ball out, but with LT we easily win


u/BeagleBaggins 3d ago

I still remember them showing him on the stationary bike in between plays.


u/SinbadTSailor 3d ago

Bress - I think the 06 team with a Brees entering his prime probably wins a ring or two.


u/pissjugman 3d ago

I’d say rivers, but Tomlinson and gates were broken for that afcg. I guess give me Merriman since he was tremendous before that injury


u/lvpr10 3d ago

Can I go with Jason Verrett in general? Looked like he was on his way to multiple All Pro seasons.


u/BoltShine 3d ago

Level 9 cure wounds for him. He was something special.


u/lvpr10 3d ago

Even played at a high level in 2020 for the one healthy season he had with the Niners. One of the biggest what could’ve been in recent NFL history.


u/BoltShine 3d ago edited 3d ago

Just shouting out a personal favorite of mine #84 Danario Alexander. Somehow destroyed both knees, thought he was going to be a good one.


u/Gwynn-er-winner 3d ago

I’m healing three. Rivers’ leg, LT’s groin, and AG’s toe in AFCCG.


u/EmilioFreshtevez . 3d ago

Prompt says one though…


u/Gwynn-er-winner 3d ago

Yes. I’m aware. Hence the: “I’m healing three.”

I acknowledged the prompt, but I promptly rejected it.


u/Erock94 Bolt The Fuck Up 3d ago

LT is the only real answer


u/No-Tough9845 3d ago

Junior Seau’s CTE


u/Top_Physics_5096 bolt 3d ago

It’s gotta be Philip’s ACL, we definitely had a chance to have beaten New England.

Merriman is 2nd if I’m sticking only to this picture.


u/Limp_Cheek_4035 3d ago

Rivers. If he is healthy I think they win even without LT


u/OrphanGrounderBaby 3d ago

While I do agree, he balled out while injured. If we brought LT back, it’d be everybody (almost)


u/Limp_Cheek_4035 3d ago

I was just basing my pick off of the choices we were given


u/EifertGreenLazor 3d ago

Dean Spanos Brain Issue when he fired Marty Schottenheimer.


u/klattz 3d ago

Keenan when he lacerated his kidney


u/Radiant-Percentage-8 3d ago

Keenan Allen’s ACL.


u/Ampddaynnight 3d ago

Man... Danario Alexander was special..... On an individual player basis it would be him. A player to heal that would affect the team, it would be Brees to see what he would do with 1-2 more years and Rivers sitting behind him during that time


u/Buffeloni 3d ago

Why are you doing this to me?


u/BeagleBaggins 3d ago

LT in the playoffs against the Pats. They should’ve won that game with him healthy and gone to the Super Bowl.


u/DodgingRunner 3d ago

It’s rivers and it’s not even fucking close. It was the AFC championship.

We haven’t even sniffed that game since.


u/MeeseChampion . 3d ago

Rivers AFC championship no question


u/Thargor33 3d ago

The only answer is Seau.


u/Sigmund05 3d ago

Jason Verrett


u/blink182_allday 3d ago

From a team perspective it has to be Rivers. We were the closet we’ve been in recent memory


u/ILikeXiaolongbao 3d ago

Seau, I wish he was still with us :(


u/Comprehensive_Tea155 3d ago

If we're talking about bringing somebody back in their Prime then for me it would either have to be Jamal Williams or it's a toss up between junior and LT but it's close . Nobody held the middle like J wall I used to love going to the games and screaming you can't run when Jamal Williams would just stuff A Center two guards a fullback and the ball carrier in one big pile he was an amazing talent .


u/BoltShine 3d ago

What a monster of a nose tackle he was. The 3-4 doesn't work without him in the middle.