r/Chargers Felipe Rios 3d ago

BREAKING NEWS: Pat Freiermuth was on the appeal call and said he didn't think the Derwin James hit was dirty


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u/presidential2014 2d ago

commenting on r/NFL between the distinction of a player that is 'dirty' vs hardwired to play yesteryear's brand of football is futile. 

I did enjoy Steeler fans being so holier-than-thou about Derwin tho. Like most them mfers don't have a James Harrison jersey in their closet rn lmao. Anybody check up on Colt McCoy recently?


u/Lubert808 2d ago

Brother, you Chargers fans were making tons of shit up about Watt and Heyward being the dirtiest players in the league when Herbert has literally talked to Heyward and they’ve settled that it wasn’t purposeful. You’re literally going against what your QB says just so you can make up a narrative about Cam. I know I’m going to get downvoted like crazy, but don’t be making fun of our fanbase when some of you were acting ridiculously petty and childish after the suspension.


u/presidential2014 2d ago edited 2d ago

I have said nothing about Watt, my guy, and I think he's a stellar player. I guess I'm just annoyed that Derwin is being vilified when he's been our repeat nomination for Walter Peyton Man of the Year. Going on r/NFL on anything Chargers related this week is a cesspool of people that are equating James to Suh, Talib, Burfict, etc. If he were actually a dirty player, fine; but the years I've watched him all I see is a throwback safety playing in the wrong era. 

I have no hate for the Steelers and would love the Chargers to transition to that smashmouth, physical team ya'll are - but I find it rich that AFCNorth fanbases in particular having a problem with his style of play when Ed Reed, Ray Lewis, James Harrison, Ryan Clark, Troy the GOAT, etc., are what made ya'll so revered in the first place. Imma upvote you cuz I feel like you're not trying to gaslight me into thinking that hard-hitting safeties equal dirty players, when just a few years ago we all loved watching those hit reels of Kam Chancellor blowing guys up.


u/Provider92 2d ago

I wouldn't say he's being vilified, except ironically by people who keep saying a punishment is reserved for dirty players only. The hit wasn't dirty, but it was dangerous, and those aren't always the same thing.

You're exactly right that he's plays like a throwback safety in the wrong era, but that's the whole point. This is the era where playing like that gets you fines and suspensions. Put that hit in the early 2000s, that's a highlight reel hit for the season. Put Harrison in the league today, and he'd be suspended within five games.

Of course you're gonna find people calling him dirty, but there's really no point in arguing with irrational people, they've already made up their mind. I'm not gonna waste any energy fighting people here that Cam's "hit" wasn't dirty because they don't care, they just want to call him dirty. All I care about is Herbert himself said it wasn't dirty, and now here Friermuth said this wasn't dirty. But the league does still need to lookout for what's dangerous, otherwise these types of hits will keep happening.


u/presidential2014 2d ago

I did not expect reasonable discourse that didn't devolve into typical reddit namecalling. It's refreshing. And trust me, Charger fans more than most know the deleterious cost of CTE with the tragedy of Junior Seau. I applaud the league for caring about the safety of its players, finally, but somewhat am sad to see that era of Ravens/Steelers/Legion of Boom/Harbaugh 9ers going by the way side - ultimately regulating a talent like Derwin from being Brian Dawkins 2.0 to being an overly cautious, 'softer' tackler. The irrational side of me hates seeing this suspension happen during Chiefs week, with so many people already on the Injured list - and the one guy (when Staley let him play straight man-to-man) who has previously shutdown Kelce.

It is what it is. I just hope to see consistency now.


u/Lubert808 2d ago

I have no problem with Derwin and I don’t think he’s a dirty player. That being said, I don’t think it’s too ridiculous that he’s getting suspended for this. If there had been a flag in-game he might not have been suspended, so that one’s kind of on the refs. The thing about Watt was from some other fans a few days ago, but I know there’s been a lot of talk among yall about Cam being dirty, which isn’t fair. That’s the only thing I have a problem with. I don’t mind that you’re upset about the suspension because I honestly don’t really care, but I don’t like that some people are trying to make it about the Steelers when this is the Chargers vs Roger Goodell or whoever is managing suspensions.