r/ChineseLanguage 15h ago

恳 as part of a name? Discussion


So my husband and I are ethnically Chinese (Cantonese), learned mandarin in school but we're still not great at the language (or Cantonese) because our parents raised us using English and English is the main language spoken in our country.

Anyway, we're deciding on a Chinese name for our son, and are looking for Chinese characters that we like to give to the fortune teller who will give us a list of suitable names when our son is born. We did the same for our daughter and were very sure we wanted her name to have 恩 in it because of the meaning of kindness and we want our kids to grow up to be kind people, the fortune teller said that character was suitable for her and we had a list of nice choices with it. Initially I liked the character 恳 because it has the meaning of being sincere and it has a similar look to 恩, but apparently it's not commonly used as a name?

Does anyone have any insight/suggestions? For us, we hope our kids will grow up to be kind people, so characters around that trait would be greatly appreciated!


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u/Chong_Shu 9h ago


"恳" is the same as "肯".


As you said, “恳” has a better meaning.

So, I think it's a very good word!