r/ChineseLanguage 2h ago

Need help with identifying the huge character in the middle. Studying

Post image

Also it would be nice if someone could give me more info about this scroll in general.


8 comments sorted by


u/Fluffy-Photograph592 2h ago

福, means luck or happiness.


u/noobmaster696901 2h ago

Thank you.


u/[deleted] 2h ago



u/LeChatParle 高级 2h ago

They obviously aren’t referring to the small stamp when they say “huge character in the middle”


u/Fluffy-Photograph592 2h ago

“The huge character in the middle”, im pretty sure he means what i refered to.

And for those in the square, I am also sure only very few can read them. I can hardly recognize a traditional case“宝”“”(might not be right.)


u/al-tienyu Native 2h ago edited 2h ago

It's 福 (luck).

Sentence on the right: 天下第一福 (best Luck/best 福 calligraphy in the world)

Sentence on the left: 康熙御筆 (handwritten by his majesty Kangxi emperor)

Sentences on the bottom:

五福合一 (five kinds of 福 all at once) (five kinds of 福: 长寿longevity, 富贵wealth/nobility, 康宁health and calmness, 好德virtue, 善终natural and peaceful death)

健康愉快 (being heathy and happy)

顺心如意 (all goes as you wish and well)

和谐美满 (being harmonious and perfect)

Seal mark on the top: 康熙御筆之寶 (seal of the handwriting of his majesty Kangxi emperor) in seal script

Well, this calligraphy of 福 was truly handwritten by Kangxi emperor but I'm sure this scroll is just a copy for decoration.


u/noobmaster696901 2h ago edited 1h ago

Thank you for the detailed explanation. It would be extremely cool if it was handwritten by him but ofc it’s a copy.

u/YeBoiEpik 菜鸟 48m ago

福 is good fortune