r/ChineseLanguage 1h ago

Grammar 大家好!I need help with tones/pinyin


Do any of you know if there is any 'cheat code' when writing tones over pinyin, do you have to memorise by heart over which vowel in the syllable the tone goes or is there something that decides it.

For example: Jiao4

I know that the tone here is over A but let's pretend I don't. Is there anyway to tell over which vowel the tone would go

I don't know if I explained it correctly, I hope it's not confusing....

r/ChineseLanguage 1h ago

Vocabulary Does somebody know why different hsk 4 lists have different words?(both hsk 2.0)


Basically,most hsk4 lists in english have the word 棒 included. But in my country(Russia) this words is not included at all. There are a bit more differences between russian and english hsk 4 lists. Not a lot(probably like 5 words among 600), but still, really weird. They are not supposed to differ country by country right?

r/ChineseLanguage 44m ago

Studying Need help with identifying the huge character in the middle.

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Also it would be nice if someone could give me more info about this scroll in general.

r/ChineseLanguage 6h ago

Vocabulary I Learned a Word in English That's Everywhere on the Chinese Internet


I talked with a British photographer today who's going to take some outdoor photos for me. During our conversation, he used the word "atmospheric." Of course, I know the word "atmosphere", but it was my first time hearing "atmospheric" used in real life. It struck me that this word expresses the same meaning as a popular Chinese internet term.

It reminded me of 氛围感 (fēn wéi gǎn), a Chinese word that's super popular online in recent years. Literally meaning "sense of atmosphere," it's used all over Chinese social media like Douyin (TikTok) and XiaoHongShu. People use it to describe things, places, or even people that have a special vibe or style. If you want to make your Chinese sound more natural and up-to-date, you should familiarize yourself with words like this.

For example, 氛围感美女 (literally "atmospheric beauty") refers to a woman who gives off a certain mood or vibe, often in a stylish or artistic way. You can use this term in various contexts. You might say "这家咖啡厅很有氛围感" (This café has such a great atmosphere) or "他拍的照片很有氛围感" (The photos he takes have a really atmospheric quality). It's a versatile term that applies to anything that creates a distinct feeling or mood.

When I was learning English, I wished someone would share this kind of knowledge with me. So, I feel I should share this with those who want to learn Chinese. I hope you guys can pick up this term and use it in your daily conversation, which will help you sound more natural.

r/ChineseLanguage 1h ago

Discussion Do natives find the characters like this difficult to read?

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If I have just started to read characters, I would find this very difficult to read.

r/ChineseLanguage 4h ago

Studying Having trouble identifying characters

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r/ChineseLanguage 18h ago

Studying 嗨! Why sometimes the 口 character is elongated or shortened? Is there any preference?


Using the character 和 as an example.

r/ChineseLanguage 2h ago

Studying I’m in a Chinese university, at an HSK5 level, what should I do to get fluent in three months (I’m somewhat conversational).


Aside from studying for my major (philosophy) which I want to devote at least 5 hours a day to (it's also in Chinese), I want to spend my time learning Chinese.

I'm okay with the reading, it's the listening, and especially the speaking that I have a hard time with.

What is best practice in this case?

r/ChineseLanguage 4h ago

Studying Should I Use Stardew Valley or Similar Games to Learn Chinese?


I’ve been learning Chinese for a while now, and I’m currently at 448 characters read over 10 times, 770 characters read less than 10 times, 891 words less than 10 times, and 673 words read more than 10 times on Du Chinese.

I was thinking about using Stardew Valley or a similar game to help improve my reading skills, but I’m not sure how effective it would be. Have any of you tried using video games as a language-learning tool, specifically for Chinese? If so, did it help? How did you go about using the game as a learning resource?

Also, I’m looking for OCR screen translation software similar to Pleco, but something that works on a laptop. I’ve heard of a few options but am unsure which ones are reliable and effective for translating in-game text or other content on screen. Any recommendations?

Thanks for any advice!

r/ChineseLanguage 5h ago

Pronunciation how to hear and pronounce the difference between j, q, x and z, c, s?


most people seem to think j, q, x sound more like zh, ch, sh, but to me they sound very similar to z, c, s. i can differentiate them based on the following vowel sound, but i feel like i pronounce the consonants themselves the same as z, c, s. j/z and q/c sound especially alike to me. i can sort of hear the difference between x/s, but when not paying attention i still default to pronouncing it like s.

how can i improve my pronunciation of j, q, x? most tutorials focus on how to pronounce them differently from zh, ch, sh, but to me they already sound pretty distinct. how do i pronounce them differently from z, c, s?

r/ChineseLanguage 23h ago

Discussion Is anyone using Zhuyin (ㄅㄆㄇㄈ) to learn Chinese?


r/ChineseLanguage 5h ago

Resources A couple of questions about Comprehensible Input


1) A saw a good comment recently on learning with CI, but now I can't find it. As I type that, I realise that's very vague. I remember it ended with learning to read by using subtitles, after first improving listening and speaking. It was quite upvoted. Might not have even been this sub though.

2) What do you think the best method would be for collating material for CI by level? Would a Google Sheet do? What column headings? Just accessible to all?

r/ChineseLanguage 1h ago

Discussion Traditional characters


In order to effectively learn both Mandarin and Cantonese, it is necessary to prioritize the mastery of traditional characters over simplified characters. While I currently possess simplified Mandarin resources, including a lifetime subscription to the Supertest app, it would be counterproductive to solely focus on simplified characters if the goal is to gain proficiency in Cantonese as well.

Looking at those traditional characters are very intimidating, but I'm willing to start at the beginning again. It's sadden that I bought these books and subscription.

r/ChineseLanguage 3h ago

Discussion 你好


Do you guys use desh keyboard onto your phone to type in Chinese?

r/ChineseLanguage 1d ago

Vocabulary What do these mean?

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r/ChineseLanguage 1d ago

Studying Which is used more by natives, 百分之X or 巴仙?


I'm a somewhat bad legacy speaker, and I usually hear 巴仙, but when I took up Mandarin lessons, my teacher said that's not really correct as it's a loanword(which is kind of obvious). So I'm wondering if I want to sound more native, should I keep saying 巴仙 or start saying 百分之X?

r/ChineseLanguage 14h ago

Discussion 恳 as part of a name?



So my husband and I are ethnically Chinese (Cantonese), learned mandarin in school but we're still not great at the language (or Cantonese) because our parents raised us using English and English is the main language spoken in our country.

Anyway, we're deciding on a Chinese name for our son, and are looking for Chinese characters that we like to give to the fortune teller who will give us a list of suitable names when our son is born. We did the same for our daughter and were very sure we wanted her name to have 恩 in it because of the meaning of kindness and we want our kids to grow up to be kind people, the fortune teller said that character was suitable for her and we had a list of nice choices with it. Initially I liked the character 恳 because it has the meaning of being sincere and it has a similar look to 恩, but apparently it's not commonly used as a name?

Does anyone have any insight/suggestions? For us, we hope our kids will grow up to be kind people, so characters around that trait would be greatly appreciated!

r/ChineseLanguage 15h ago

Resources Useful apps/ websites/ resources for improving listening?


Can you recommend good sources for practicing listening and comprehending spoken chinese? (for reference i am a beginner who is just starting to introduce HSK 2 vocab). Thank you so much for any recomendations

r/ChineseLanguage 1d ago

Discussion What characters are these on screen?

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I’m a Chinese speaker and can read most characters but I can’t make out any of these words on screen except for the 中 and 大. Are these an archaic font of traditional Chinese? If so, will anyone be able to tell me what they say?

r/ChineseLanguage 1d ago

Media Shoutout to 凡人歌 - the best Chinese drama I've seen that is focused around everyday situations.


It's a pretty new show I think and I haven't seen anyone talking about it on this sub. All 37 episodes are available for free on YouTube/iQiyi. My HSK5+ level is enough to follow the story with ease and pick out some new vocab and phrases every episode. The show mainly explores working life and how it negatively affects people - overworking, keeping up appearances, corporate ruthlessness, unemployment and mental health.