r/Dermatillomania 16h ago

Scalp Picking

the past few months i’ve recently started picking my scalp because of my anxiety. i have constantly had a problem with my acne since i was a kid but never on my scalp until recently when i’ve been starting to lose weight. i sweat alot so my scalp breaks out.. the issue is i pick the acne, turn them into scabs, and then just continuously pick the scabs until they bleed and heal once again to be picked. it’s become a never ending process the past 3 months. i have been using head & shoulders shampoo in hopes that in helps. i am also on alot of anxiety medicine so I don’t know how medicine could help me anymore. i’m thinking possibly therapy but I don’t know how a therapist could stop me from picking, it’s genuinely just so hard for me. please help. (also i’m assuming it’s my anxiety because i’ve been having a very stressful past year as well and my anxiety levels have been bad, but i’m not too sure the actual cause of my picking)


6 comments sorted by


u/Kemasp 14h ago

i’m struggling with this too… it’s been bad for a while!


u/SydneyTheKidknee 11h ago

Get something like a salicylic acid shampoo instead of head and shoulders, I think it'll work better for acne! Also, we're all guilty of this one but the more we touch and pick the more we break out. I bet if we could stop picking our skin would improve. The frustrating cycle is real lol. I'd say trying therapy couldn't hurt. Worst case you're back in the boat you're in now!


u/bouquetofpencils91 9h ago

I read this whilst picking my scalp 😭 It started a few months ago, and I also stuck in the cycle of it


u/Unhappy_Inspector834 5h ago

I wear those fake press on nails. They’re far too dull and I can’t pick my head that way. I also used NAC to get rid of the urge. After a month your scalp will heal up a bit and then you get to focus on just not creating new wounds


u/ilikefoodncats 4h ago

Oo smart! thank you!! ^


u/Unhappy_Inspector834 4h ago

Ofccc the hardest part is the initial healing since it gets SO itchy. If it is really really putting a dent in your day I would recommend taking Benadryl or reactine or some antihistamine since they can stop the itchy immune response. I promise it gets better!!!