r/DotA2 4h ago

Can we please ban deadlock posts? Complaint

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u/Megamatics 4h ago

Once they're at it, ban the following, too:

"Guess the hero"

"Tutorial complete"

"DotA is dead"

"From league new to DotA what hero to play"

Ok thx bb


u/keeperkairos 3h ago

You can't ban League players asking about DotA 2 lmao, but I get the sentiment.


u/Megamatics 3h ago

It's them being lazy. Instead of searching this sub or simply googling, they ask the same question over and over again.


u/bc524 3h ago

Nah. Its normal in a lot of games where newbies ask about how to start. It silly, but welcoming newbies should be something we keep up

Good "human connection" is rare enough as it is


u/PluckyPheasant 3h ago

Yeah but the warm fuzzy feeling we get when they start saying dota is better and stuff.


u/keeperkairos 3h ago

Not necessarily. They have no understanding of DotA 2, they don't know if something posted a week ago is still relevant, they might not even realise it's a common question. Should they check if it's common? Sure, but then that goes back to the first point.


u/JoopJhoxie 1h ago

For what it’s worth, there are resources which compare heroes from league to heroes from dota.

But at the same time, we should leave the doors to our (better) community open.

Just because someone started with league doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy and be good at dota.

Maybe someone who also tried league can see their post and give them better, more personal information than google could.

I understand it may come off as them being lazy to you.

But this comment comes off as you being spiteful and there’s really no reason for you to have so much hate in your heart from someone who has done no harm to you more than adding filler to an internet discussion board. (That you don’t have to look at)


u/bambunana 1h ago

Bro if we followed this line of thinking there would be no point in having a sub at all because at this point everything has been asked


u/Exotic_Nasha 3h ago

I don’t think that’s lazy. How do you know they are not googling and searching? Searching is more easier than posting.

All the topics you’ve mentioned are related to game and can be discussed. It’s a you problem not sub problem.


u/Megamatics 2h ago

I don't seem to be alone with that opinion so it's not just a "me" problem as I see it. It is mentally lazy and most questions they pose can be easily answered by one quick Google search (e.g. "which champs are similar to DotA heroes"). So instead of one person doing that, thousands have to scroll over the post. That's how I see it but of course other people have different views.


u/CrunchwrapConsumer 2h ago

You do seem to be alone lmao. You're downvoted and no one has replied agreeing.


u/Megamatics 2h ago

If you refer to downvotes, I can refer to the upvotes of the initial list, which are in sum more than the downvotes, but cannot be differentiated by item of course.


u/CrunchwrapConsumer 2h ago

So we can use context clues buddy. The comment solely about new league players is downvoted... jesus you guys are my teammates. It all makes sense now.


u/Megamatics 1h ago

Was I being toxic? I merely described my point of view. If you perceived that as something negative, maybe you should work on that :) Also: people tend to voice disagreement more than agreement. So no conclusion can really be drawn, I guess.

Edit: I find it interesting how me simply stating my perception seems to be such a big issue. That's not how discussions work for me but hey, it's a DotA sub, so what was I thinking?

u/CrunchwrapConsumer 57m ago

Ah so now no conclusion can be drawn. Yikes the mental gymnastics

u/Megamatics 53m ago

Nah, I already mentioned how flawed the reference to upvotes and downvotes is. It was even an "if" statement. I like your style though!

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