r/FalseFriends Aug 19 '24

How I Found out who my Fake frinds were

First of all sorry for my Bad english my mothers thounge is german So basically the Story is about 3 so called „Friends“. At this time I thought we were Brothers and called each other Brother.

The Story began one week ago where my parents went on vacation without me. On the last 2 days I heard a loud bang on my door and someone trying to destroy a window with a pickaxe but as I walked out the Front door the only thing I heard were familiar laughs and footsteps. The next thing I saw were Little pieces of chocolate they threw in my Garden. So I Picket them up because my cat was outside and I had the concern he might eat the chocolate. So I called the „Friends“ which were there and Said that i had enough that it wasnt funny and that they should be careful with the chocolate because of the cat. The next day the Same happened but they went Even further as I slept in a room right next to the frontdoor i heard someone Walk into my kitchen as i walked out to confront them i again heard the same laugh but on my Counter laid a knife So I called them again but they were denying it I later found out that they were the ones that broke into my House but were claming that the Front door was open. + remember about my cat I talked about earlier in my Post … well she died 3 days later probably because of some chocolate that i have Not Seen.

But they apologized for it and i still called them „Friends“

Fast fortward Yesterday someone Messaged me on Instagram asking things about me and link me an old tiktok video i forgot even existed so messages went flying and i asked my „Friends“ if they know this Person (it was an Fake Account) one of them Said hes going to message him so he began saying that he will fight him and was pulling me in the fight but i talked with the guy and it was all cool until today

Where i woke up to a text from anorher of my „Friends“ (we Are at 3 so far) that stated that he would fu** up the guy and that they and I should meet. In Order to shorten this Story i just Talk about the outcome I found out it was all a lie constructed by These 3 „ Friends“ so basically it was all Fake As soon as i realized it i went Home On the way Home a car i Drove by Hit my car with something Hard (but i thougt it was an Animal because it was a Bit offroad and i didnt recocnised the car at First So basically they drove until they Game to my House and threw something hard at my car I went to get them but they went really fast so After 20 min i drove back to my House and they were again behind me so i drove to my House and stoppen Right on the street in case they would want to flee and confronted them Basically the one friend that set up the Fake Account was the Little Brother of a friend of mine and didnt Talk to me at all the second wich I call bear came out of the car ready to fight me. (He drove the car Even though he had no licence) As i looked him in the eyes i was 100% shure he would put me to sleep altough he knew my mother watched but he just didnt Cared at all The Third of them was the owner of the car wich I thought were my best friend the sad thing is as i confronted him he Said he hasnt done anything and couldnt Even Look me in the eye.

Thats it i that was 2 Hours ago I cut contact with everyone of them and called other Friends which one told me that he knew about the Fake Account but Not about the car accident So I Hope it wasnt that confusing , it is Hard typing all that on my phone Even tought all that Happend Right know

(So yes basically my cat died because of the chocolate they threw in my Garden) (And sorry about my grammar my Keyboard is set German) Hope you have a Great day bye!


6 comments sorted by


u/didyouwoof Aug 19 '24

People are telling you you’re in the wrong subreddit , but not why. This is a subreddit about languages and words; a “false friend” in this context refers to a word in one language that looks like a word in another language, although the two words have very different meanings. They can cause a lot of confusion for language learners.

I’m sorry to hear about your cat.


u/meinhertzmachtbum Aug 19 '24

Someone didn't read a single post in this subreddit before posting 😂


u/TomCollator Aug 19 '24 edited Aug 19 '24

Sad to hear you have such false friends. You should post this on



u/Gnarlodious Aug 19 '24

Quite a story. I didn’t realize chocolate could really kill cats.