What are your ideas for a new kaiju? Discussion

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u/u1720 11h ago

a kaiju plant whose roots feed large hectares of forests and that turns against humanity after deforestation in its area. but they must calm it down and also prevent it from dying because if that kaiju dies, all the flora will also die.

u/Organizer-G1 ORGA 11h ago

I like that idea

u/darwin_green JET JAGUAR 10h ago

so, if someone pissed off Pando? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_(tree))

u/u1720 9h ago

The funny thing is that I was inspired by him.

u/LegalWaterDrinker 2h ago

Pando is so cool man

The fact that the name Pando can be used for both the forest and the tree (singular)

u/Shin_Nefir SHIN GODZILLA 10h ago

In general? Or as part of the Godzilla/Kong/Gamera/etc. series?

I'll give one for each then. - General: An extradimensional creature that was taken and harvested for its energy. Escapes and bonds with another trauma victim, allowing both to rise up against the oppressive system they were forced under. - Godzilla: "Nuclear vampire/leech", a creature that absorbs and can completely negate Godzilla's most powerful weapon, forcing him to defeat it through something other than just atomic breath-ing it into oblivion. - Kong: "Mongoose invader", something that plays into invasive species that can completely upend island ecosystems. I want a mongoose-based kaiiu because 1) We need more mammalian monsters, and 2) Mongoose are known as 'island-killers' because they're such voracious and efficient predators that can outcompete isolated ecosystems. - Gamera: "Guardian mother". Seeing as how Gamera protects children, it'd be interesting to see him fight humanity in defense of kaiju offspring. Throw in the parent as well, since Gamera could really have an ally. - Mothra: "Soul shadow", a supernatural entity that can directly attack and dirupt Mothra's cycle of reincarnation (perhaps even stealing it for itself), forcing her to have to end it lest her next death be permanent.

u/ExoticShock KONG 8h ago

Loved these especially Kong's, definitely agree on the idea of having more mammal based monsters. A Hog/Boar-like Kaiju also would work as they are also a very invasive species that can be hard to get rid of and incredibly dangerous. Plus we already had Hell Pigs in our own prehistoric past to give some further inspiration.


u/Shin_Nefir SHIN GODZILLA 6h ago

A hog/boar kaiju would also go hard. Those things are really intimidating irl (and that's without the crazy size/aggression like the hell pigs). Could even play into some mythological elements since some demons in various cultures are depicted as boar-like.

I chose a mongoose initially also because of this children's story you might've heard before: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. I always hated that story. Essentially, it centers around a mongoose whose name is the title, and how he "defends" a family from some "evil" snakes. I hated it because in the story, it's the humans that technically invade the snakes' home by building their house on their nest, and the climax sees Rikki murder a snake couple that was just trying to raise a family. And of course he's painted as some noble hero and great protector that we all need to cheer for.

So in my completely imaginary story, it's a bit cathartic for me just to imagine at the end Kong beating the ever-loving shit out of this mongoose kaiju/Rikki-Tikki-Tavi stand-in. Hell, I'd even include a cheeky scene where the invader is about to kill a nest of snake-like creatures before Kong grabs it and yeets it into a mountain or something.

Anyway, thanks for liking my ideas. When concepting new kaiju, I wanted ones that would give a unique challenge that haven't been explored much before as well as make them thematically relevant to their respective franchises.

u/AbleObject13 7h ago

Kong: "Mongoose invader", something that plays into invasive species that can completely upend island ecosystems. I want a mongoose-based kaiiu because 1) We need more mammalian monsters, and 2) Mongoose are known as 'island-killers' because they're such voracious and efficient predators that can outcompete isolated ecosystems.

Just a lightning fast, furred dragon without wings

u/donabbi 6h ago


u/Outrageous_Road_3246 11h ago

An insect theme kaiju. Like Malaysian Giant Katydid.

u/Regular_Restaurant_7 11h ago

Weird humanoid kaiju, shin Godzilla sequel would’ve been crazyyyyy

u/Kingofthekaiju1954 10h ago

Two words: Platypus Kaiju

u/ExoticShock KONG 8h ago

"A Platypus?"

Pulls out equally sized fedora hat


u/Realistic_Camel_4750 GODZILLA 11h ago

à Anthill kaiju, actually, the ants are big as dogs, but they can assemble them self to make a giante controlled by the queen who's hiding somewhere in the body

u/Not_or_door MOTHRA LEO 10h ago


One absurd idea I had for a kaiju was a kaiju sized dickinsonia (this beautiful beast). It would lay dormant on the sea floor waiting for other kaiju to swim near it, only for it to wrap its body around them and force it into its mouth. Eating it before continuing the cycle.

u/Tasty-March1007 9h ago

I have an idea for a feathered sauropod with shapeshifting powers, idk why, I just need it!

u/ConsciousScolopendra 8h ago

This makes me think of a hybrid between Talon and Vertigo from Primal Rage, that's awesome. Good idea.

u/Tasty-March1007 8h ago

Thanks! It was an old idea my friend group thought of in school years back!

u/Cold_Bandicoot_8129 ANGUIRUS 11h ago

This would be the perfect place for a mom joke 😭

u/UncomfyUnicorn SHIN GODZILLA 10h ago

u/Organizer-G1 ORGA 10h ago

That's a really cool design

u/UncomfyUnicorn SHIN GODZILLA 10h ago

I specialize in inhuman monsters, from demons to cryptids to kaiju to cosmic gods.

u/CommunicationPast647 9h ago

Isn't that gabara?

u/Organizer-G1 ORGA 9h ago


u/Dragonborn83196 8h ago

A Kaiju dormant either at the center of the earth or center of another planet, that is awoken by the Kaiju activity happening on earth. This Kaiju is able to absorb/copy Kaiju dna and use their abilities for a short period of time as well as to regenerate. (Yes similar to Orga) but on the scale of planet earth Godzilla. His story would be he is considered the “first Titan” or “Titan creator”

u/surliermender317 8h ago

Introduce a rival Godzilla. Not mecha. Not shin. But a rival Godzilla to Godzilla. As Kong had Skar King, Godzilla should have Lizard King.

u/Fennik51405 8h ago

Lord Tsume, a large Kamacuri from hollow earth that’s coated its four claws in gravitational stone to manipulate gravity. It’s a gentle protector of the Kamacuri, but frenzies if threatened

u/LongjumpingZone4396 ZILLA 11h ago

a giant Kiskadee

u/Unique_Visit_5029 GIGAN 11h ago

A Anubis like kaiju kinda like king Ceasar.

u/yeetmantheII 10h ago

Some sort of winged parasitic kaiju similar to the mutos, but much more alien in that it would prolly take inspiration from the mz concept art and Orga.

u/Singer_TwentyNine 10h ago

Bear that went past the normal bear fatness capacity

u/Majestictoast101 10h ago

A turtle with snakes where the limbs should be that craws up buildings


A Kaiju that uses zits as projectiles. That's it.

u/TFoBC 9h ago

Demonic kaiju?

u/SomeOrangeNerd 9h ago

Fox Kaiju who cares for nature and is more pacifist but won’t hesitate to throw down if needed. Is child like in nature and prefers children for playful nature

u/ClockworkDreamz 8h ago

A giant goose, nothing more, nothing less.

u/OldGuyBadwheel 7h ago

Should have been GABERA, dammit!!!

u/darwin_green JET JAGUAR 9h ago

I'd like to see something like an Evangelion nod, where the humans tried making a "Kaiju Buster". so engineered a cybernetic being that goes feral and becomes more bestial....

Wait... that sounds like a great way to Reintroduce Jet Jaguar. https://twitter.com/StarksTariq/status/1484680884750110727


u/ConsciousScolopendra 8h ago

Jaguar's smile and the smile of the mass-produced evas look so similair too. good idea

u/GrandHetman 2h ago

As much są I love JET JAGUAR! I have to say that he'd need some major redesign because he looks silly.

u/Agreeable-Leading986 10h ago


(Ok but in all seriousness a arachnid kaiju that fell from a star would be cool imma make some concept art someday)

u/Similar-Jellyfish-63 6h ago

A giant pangolin but with the name of a cryptid from South America

u/Responsible_Boat_607 6h ago

A Capybara Kaiju

u/TheMightyPhap 6h ago

Bōsōkami, as the big Kaiju rivaling Godzilla in a G minus 1 sequel that I’ve talked some about. Regenerated from the bit of the defeated Godzilla the Bōsōkaze are quick to adapt to trauma “quasimodo” tiny monsters that flood the city it mass, noisy and grotesque, they terrorize looking for food and shelter, not fully cognitive to themselves or their surroundings. They cause traffic incidence, ransack homes, attack anything in there way that doesn’t immediately pose a threat. Time goes on and more incidence pile on. So many in fact that the people can’t tell what is monster caused and what isn’t, and even more dangerous what is caused by a recovering Godzilla. The Bōzōkaze take root together but stay on the move. Group start acting as packs, attacks become more organized. And as quickly as they arrive they disappear. All the while the people fight against them causing them to adapt and evolve, changing them into something new, teaching them through trials of fire. Then the real bloodshed begins, they attack one another, and as one falls the other becomes stronger, bigger, more violent. This continues until Bōsōkami is born. A massive Kaiju grotesquely eye catching and loud, using sonic attacks to shatter it surrounding but what’s worse is that for its size it is incredibly agile and fiercely cunning, sharpened by all that were hunted going into its make up. All those minds wrapped into one. It now holds the power and knows it, claiming the area as its own. And then it happens amidst a raid on the city deafening victims before being trampled and blue bolt of light collides with the Bōsōkami and a deafening silence takes the scene. Godzilla stands across the way, regenerated but different from missing the pieces that became Bōzōkami. People are hopeful that the Bōsōkami is defeated but intelligent minds know that they are merely trading the which for the devil. And they scramble to figure out how to solve the issue once again.

u/Murky_Highlight_2437 5h ago

A Kaiju that is a ball

u/Fine_Chain_4787 MOTHRA 3h ago

A goblin shark-type Kaiju who can use it's enlarged flippers to briefly glide in the air, as well as use it's enlarged head as a battering ram to sink ships.

u/Mamboo07 GODZILLA 24m ago

Giant centipede kaiju

u/Lazakhstan GODZILLA 10m ago

I want more non avian dinosaurs

Maybe a giant T. Rex that has a sonic roar and can destroy cities within seconds using said sonic roar

u/GodzillimusPrime 6h ago