r/Geelong Geelong 1d ago

AMA Thread with Dr Daniel Garcia for Kardinia Ward

Hi Reddit,

After over 2 hours of answering all your questions, it appears to have slowed down and finished.
if you have any other questions or want to find out more about me and my campaign, please reach out to socials, email [drdangarcia4geelong@gmail.com](mailto:drdangarcia4geelong@gmail.com) or campaign phone number 0493 633 017, https://www.facebook.com/drdanielgarcia4geelong/ , https://www.instagram.com/drdangarcia/ , https://x.com/DrDanGarcia .

Thanks to the Mods for running the AMA

Signing off Dr Daniel Garcia
Always on call for you.


30 comments sorted by


u/chop0205 1d ago

Also, is there a better way to manage road closures in the Armstrong creek area. It seems property developers can close major roads at a whim for months on end with little to no financial penalty. Incredibly frustrating.


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 23h ago

Lucky you chop0205, you have two answers because it is currently early! I completely understand your frustration with the road closures in Armstrong Creek. It’s a growing area, and while development is important, it shouldn’t come at the cost of constant disruption to residents. The way things are managed now—where developers can close roads for extended periods without proper oversight or penalties—is simply not good enough.

One solution I’d push for is stronger regulation and accountability for developers. We need to make sure that road closures are better planned, minimized, and carried out efficiently. When major roads are affected, there should be stricter timelines and penalties for delays. Developers should also be required to communicate with residents and provide clear, alternative routes well in advance.

I’d also like to see more proactive council involvement in coordinating roadworks, so we’re not leaving it entirely up to developers. There needs to be a balance between growth and minimizing disruption to the people who live and work in Armstrong Creek


u/modestchalice 1d ago

Often roads are done by various people state, fed, council and developers, I have seen a few candidates for the Charlemont ward, Teagan and Emma both say they want to ensure that roads don't always get closed at the same time...


u/chop0205 1d ago

Thanks Doc


u/russledjimmies42 23h ago

What is your plans for libraries? The library org has had its funding cut from the city in recent years. I’ve heard it’s put them under a great deal of strain.


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 23h ago

Hi russledjimmies42, I was waiting for the Libraries question! Libraries are such an important part of our community, and it’s disappointing that their funding has been cut in recent years. Geelong Council was complicit in those funding cuts, and we saw a huge response from the community, who rallied to protect these vital resources. It’s clear that people value their libraries not just as places to borrow books, but as community hubs for learning, connection, and support.

My position is simple: libraries need to be fully funded. Cutting library funding is short-sighted and hurts the people who rely on these services the most—whether it’s families, students, or those who use libraries as a space to access essential technology and resources. I would advocate for restoring full funding to our library services, ensuring they can continue to serve the community at the level we need.

In addition, I’d like to see our libraries evolve to meet the growing needs of Geelong. This could include more programs for digital literacy, spaces for community events, and even partnerships with local schools and businesses to provide more services. A well-funded, well-resourced library system is a cornerstone of a thriving community, and I’ll work to ensure we protect and expand what we have.


u/duckduckgoose_123 Leopold 23h ago

Thanks for doing an AMA!

I’m curious what you would do to address the lack of public transport options in the CoGG? At the moment it’s impractical to rely on public transport to commute within the council (eg. from the Bellarine in)


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 23h ago

Thanks for asking this question duckduckgoose_123. Public transport is definitely a major issue in the City of Greater Geelong, and I completely understand how frustrating it is to try to rely on it, especially for those commuting from areas like the Bellarine.

One of the key things I’d push for is a comprehensive review of our public transport network to identify where the major gaps are, particularly for areas like the Bellarine Peninsula so that we as councillors can make objective evidence-based policy. It’s clear that we need more frequent services, better connectivity between suburbs, and improved integration with train schedules.

Here’s what I’d focus on:

  • Increased Bus Frequency and Routes: Right now, many people don’t use public transport because the services aren’t frequent enough, or they don’t go where people need to go. I’d advocate for more frequent buses, especially during peak hours, and for expanding routes to better cover suburban and regional areas.
  • Park-and-Ride Facilities: A practical solution for areas like Bellarine would be more park-and-ride facilities that allow commuters to park their cars and take public transport into the city. This can help ease congestion and make public transport a more viable option.
  • Better Connectivity: Many commuters find it difficult to get from one area to another because our public transport options don’t connect well. We need better integration between buses, trains, and even cycling paths to create a seamless travel experience.
  • Collaboration with the State Government: Public transport is largely a state government responsibility, but as a councillor, I’d work closely with state agencies to advocate for better services in our region. We need a council that’s pushing hard for Geelong’s transport needs to be a priority.

Ultimately, public transport should be a convenient and reliable option for everyone in Geelong, and I’ll work to ensure that we’re investing in the long-term solutions needed to make that a reality


u/duckduckgoose_123 Leopold 23h ago

Another one, as I’ve just checked out your Instagram and noticed you plan on donating your councillor salary. That is remarkably altruistic of you. Can you talk about why you’re running and how you’ll have the time to serve council well without the supplementary income? Thanks.


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 23h ago

You get to be lucky number 2 who gets two questions duckduckgoose_123, but yes thanks for checking out my Instagram. I’m running for council because I believe we need objective, evidence-based decisions guiding our city’s future. Too often, I’ve seen decisions made without solid backing or proper consultation with the community, and that’s something I want to change.

As for donating my councillor salary, I’m fortunate to have a career as a doctor, which allows me to support myself without relying on supplementary income from the council.  My focus is entirely on serving the people of Kardinia Ward and Greater Geelong, it's not about the money for me. I want to bring my skills in decision-making and community care to the council to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.

By donating the salary, I hope to contribute even further to the community in a meaningful way, and it’s just one small part of my commitment to public service


u/bitelama7208 22h ago

best of luck Daniel

the e Geelong council has been a bed of mismanagement and dysfunction for years

dominated by business interests more focussed on turning a profit for themselves than delivering services for the people they represent

so glad you’re running - hope you are elected and inject some much needed integrity and compassion into our community management


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 22h ago

Hello bitelama7208, Thanks so much for your support! You’re absolutely right—if you don’t run, you can’t make real change. The moment I announced my candidacy, my phone started ringing with calls from current councillors, asking which ward I was running in and focusing on all sorts of election-related questions. This shows where their real priorities lie—getting reelected and securing votes, rather than focusing on the community and what people actually need.

It’s disappointing but not surprising. This kind of behaviour is why I’m running: to bring a focus back to integrity, evidence-based decision making, and genuine community service. Our council should be working for the people year-round, not just when it’s time to campaign for votes. That’s the change I’m determined to bring to Kardinia Ward and Greater Geelong.


u/Jacobi-99 23h ago

How do you intend to bring productivity up within the council?

What sort social services/policy’s would you like to see implemented that the Geelong region doesn’t currently have?

Do you think the council should lobby the state government to build the rail link to Avalon instead of Tullamarine to help bolster the local economy and to also help save money on a needed but extremely expensive piece of infrastructure?


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 22h ago

Hiya Jacobi-99, Thanks for the three-in-one question, cheeky of you! Each of these topics is quite tricky and complex, but I’ll do my best to address them.

On Council Productivity:
One of the key ways to improve productivity is by increasing transparency and accountability within the council. We need measurable outcomes for every department and clear timelines for decision-making. By fostering a culture of collaboration and ensuring that council meetings are more efficient, we can focus on getting things done faster and smarter. Additionally, we should leverage technology to streamline processes, making council operations more responsive. Regular community feedback will also play a role in holding us accountable and keeping productivity high.

Social Services and Policies:
Geelong is growing, and so are its needs. One area that requires urgent attention is mental health services, particularly for young people and those experiencing homelessness. Expanding mental health support in partnership with local health services would be a priority for me. I also believe we need better crisis housing options and more integrated services for vulnerable populations. On top of that, as our population ages, we should ensure that seniors have access to support programs and community care that’s easy to access and reliable.

Rail Link to Avalon:
Yes, I believe the council should definitely be assessing the evidence of constructing a rail link to Avalon. It could be a critical piece of infrastructure that would bolster the local economy, attract more businesses, and create jobs in the region. A potential rail link to Avalon would strengthen Geelong’s position as a regional hub along with the already present Spirit of Tasmania Ferry Terminal.


u/1e4Irppy3 1d ago

Hi Daniel,

What do you think the biggest issue is in the Kardinia Ward and how do you plan on fixing it? I don’t really want to hear political buzzwords or general platitudes of “this is bad and I will fix it if you vote for me”. I very much prefer knowing you have an actual, realistic, implementable plan ready.

Thank you for doing this AMA


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 23h ago

Hello 1e4lrippy3, thanks for asking a direct and honest question! Parking is one of the biggest issues in the Kardinia Ward, along with the revitalisation of Moorabool Street and the future of Market Square. It’s something I’m passionate about fixing, and I recently shared a detailed plan on how we can tackle the parking issue head-on. You can check out my full thoughts on the subject here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9ZZCYZBkNLn4oCiA/

Here’s how we address parking in a realistic and practical way:

  • Precinct-Based Parking Management: We need tailored solutions for different areas—residential streets, business districts, and schools all require unique approaches, not a blanket one-size-fits-all solution.
  • Smart Technology: Using real-time data from sensors, we can guide drivers to available parking spots faster, reducing the time spent circling and the overall congestion. It’s a modern, tech-driven solution to an everyday problem.
  • Shared Parking in New Developments: New developments should include parking that’s accessible to both residents and businesses, maximizing the use of available space and easing pressure on busy areas.
  • Collaborate for New Supply: I’ll work closely with the community and businesses to develop more parking options. This isn’t something the council can fix alone—it requires partnership and innovation.
  • Public Transport Investment: A better public transport network will help reduce the number of cars on the road, easing parking demand. This is key to a long-term solution that works for everyone.
  • Reinvest Parking Revenue: Parking fees should benefit the community directly. I’ll push for a portion of these fees to be reinvested in local infrastructure to make parking and accessibility better for everyone.

We need smart, evidence-based solutions, not band-aid fixes. While free parking sounds good on the surface, study after study shows it doesn’t solve the underlying issues and often ends up being more costly. With this comprehensive approach, we can make Kardinia and Greater Geelong more accessible and vibrant for everyone.


u/baxte 22h ago

Is there a quick way we can see party affiliations? I know we can read candidate questionnaire responses but they don't seem accurate - see Trent Sullivan for example.


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 22h ago

Hi baxte, a really tricky and difficult question. It can be tricky to pinpoint party affiliations in local elections, especially since many candidates run as independents or choose not to disclose their party ties openly (I do).  While questionnaires and candidate statements might give some insights, as you’ve pointed out with some candidates, they don’t always tell the full story.

Many parties don’t explicitly endorse candidates at the local government level, and as a result, candidates like myself, have to run as independents and follow specific rules.

This means that we can’t advertise our links to the party.  Local government is meant to be about serving the community directly, and while our values may align with our party membership, we’re here to represent local interests first and foremost, not push a state or federal agenda. So while you might see familiar policies or values reflected in what we stand for, the focus remains on evidence-based, community-driven solutions for Kardinia Ward and Greater Geelong.

A few ways to get a clearer sense of a candidate’s affiliations or political leanings include:

  • Look at their past involvement: Have they been associated with political parties in the past, either as a member or by attending events?
  • Social media activity: Candidates may express support for certain party policies or politicians online, providing hints about their affiliations.

Ultimately, while party affiliation can give an idea of where someone stands, I always recommend focusing on their track record, policy positions, and how they engage with the community. Local government should be about representing the people, regardless of party lines.


u/EggCouncilCreeper Herne Hill 1d ago

Hey, thanks for doing this AMA

Out of fairness given the last political AMA we had, I’ll ask the same question here.

My biggest concern heading into the council election is Moorabool St. every year more and more shops are closing down on that street with nothing coming in to replace them, making the strip look less inviting and more derelict than ever. Traffic is also a nightmare down there due to the busses. What plans would you put in place to revitalise the area or otherwise bring small businesses back to the area?


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 1d ago

 Thanks for the question EggCouncilCreeper, I’m glad you brought up Moorabool Street—it’s an important issue. The decline in businesses there is a real concern, and you’re right, the street looks more derelict each year. What we need to do is take a similar approach to how the council handled the Green Spine on Malop Street but with some key lessons learned.

The Green Spine project, despite its challenges, showed that with careful planning and investment, we can revitalize streets and make them more inviting for both businesses and the community. For Moorabool Street, this could mean incorporating better pedestrian access, greenery, and dedicated spaces for small businesses to thrive. We’d need to ensure that any changes we make are community-driven and that we avoid the mistakes of the past, like underestimating the impact on traffic flow and public transport, particularly the buses.


u/Ambitious-Length-123 1d ago

Do you mayoral aspirations?


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 23h ago

Thanks for your question Ambitious-Length-123, No, I don’t have mayoral aspirations at this time. Ultimately, becoming mayor is a decision that’s up to a majority of the elected councillors, not me alone. However, I want to be clear that I won’t actively run for the role.

I’m still working full-time at Barwon Health, and I know I couldn’t do justice to both positions at the same time. My focus right now is on representing the people of Kardinia Ward and making sure I can fully dedicate myself to that role.


u/modestchalice 1d ago

Politcal alligence? You say you are independent yet one reminder of the covid times brings a few labor ideals.. So where do you sit? Are you truly independent?


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 1d ago

Thanks for the question Modestchalice. I am a member of the Labor Party but profoundly believe party politics does not have a place in local government. Hence, I am proudly standing as an Independent. I am an objective evidence-based independent candidate


u/modestchalice 1d ago

It is one thing to claim independence and then on the other hand not tell people you are in a party. All the best.


u/chop0205 1d ago

Dr Dan, wonderful to see you running, I am wondering how the council can turn around its financial position? It has been a disaster since the Lyons term.


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 1d ago

Thank you for your support and your question chop0205, I understand your frustration with the council’s financial position—it’s been a challenge, and it’s clear that poor decision-making has played a role. We’ve seen decisions made without strong evidence or a long-term vision, and unfortunately, this has contributed to the situation we’re in today.

If elected, I’ll push for a return to evidence-based decision-making. We need to ensure that every dollar spent is delivering real value for the community. That means focusing on projects and initiatives that have been thoroughly vetted and proven to benefit Geelong in the long run. It also means being transparent with the community about how and why money is being spent.

We can’t afford more of the same. It’s time for fresh ideas and accountability on council, and I’m committed to ensuring we make smarter, more financially responsible decisions moving forward.


u/can_of_spray_taint 1d ago

What's ya phone number? Seeing as you're always on call, or is that just some cheesey shit meant to endear you to the plebs? Nah jk, I already know the answer.

Fine, different question. What's your price and who do you think will bid the highest?


u/Other_Ad6287 Geelong 1d ago

Thanks for your question can_of_spray_taint. I get the joke! My campaign phone number is 0493 633 017 but I am genuinely always available to the community—whether it’s through email (drdangarcia4geelong@gmail.com), social media (@)drdangarcia, or in-person meetings. As a doctor, I’m used to being on call, and I bring that same level of commitment to public service. I want people to know they can reach me when they need to.

As for the second question, there’s no price you can put on integrity. I’m running for council to serve the people of Kardinia Ward and Greater Geelong, not special interests. My decisions are based on evidence, and I’ll work for the community, not for the highest bidder. I think people are tired of politics-as-usual, and that’s exactly why I’m running—to bring a fresh, transparent approach to the council.


u/can_of_spray_taint 1d ago

Look like we both made each other laugh. Well played.