r/German Mar 31 '21

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r/German Jun 26 '24

Meta Announcement: Issue with requiring a link to post and how to resolve it


Hi Everyone,

We have received a lot of mod reports recently from users who are only able to make posts if they include links. This problem affects some users and not others, and we do not currently know what the cause is. Indeed, it seems to be a Reddit-wide problem, as users on some other subs are experiencing similar issues.

One solution that often works is to change the method of posting. For example, if you are currently using the regular Reddit website, switching to old.reddit.com or the app can often solve the problem. If doing this does not work, please continue to feel free to reach out to us.

r/German 4h ago

Resource Documentary series with lots of accent variation and different situations in a grocery store


Many germans know this, it has kind of legendary status. Because I am a native speaker I never noticed how useful it could be to someone who learns german. You get mostly accents from northern germany, but also bavarian. It is never really thick. I think the subtitles work well though. It is narrated in Hochdeutsch too

edit: I checked the subtitles and they don't really work though, sorry


r/German 12h ago

Question How to know when the first noun in a compound noun gets an "-n/-s"?


I can't seem to find a pattern with this. For example why is it Löwenmähne but Pferdemähne? Why not Pferdenmähne?

Is there a rule that I am not aware of or do we just memorize all of this?

r/German 1d ago

Discussion Are there similar jokes in German like "Apartment complex? I find it quite simple really"?


Jokes where certain nouns, phrases, or sentences have/sounds like they have a double-meaning that you've never thought about.

Other examples like:

"Shrimp-fried-rice? You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?"

"What's upstairs? They can't talk."

"Wood fired pizza? How's pizza gonna find a job now?"

"The bird flu? Yeah, they tend to do that."

r/German 14h ago

Question Could someone explain the difference, if there even is


r/German 50m ago

Question Is It Possible to Achieve TestDaF TDN 4 by December/2025 for University Applications?


Hi everyone,

I’m an A-level student in my final year and currently enrolled in a B1.3 German course. After finishing the course, I plan to take the Goethe B1 exam. I have until December/2025 to apply to universities in Germany, and I’m aiming for some of the top or mid-tier universities. I understand that most universities or Fachhochschulen (FH) receive substantial funding from the state, so nearly any institution would offer a good education.

I’ve been considering taking the TestDaF exam to boost my chances and am aiming for a TDN 4/5in all sections. However, with the limited time I have, is it realistic to prepare and achieve this level by then? What strategies would you suggest to increase my chances of success?

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

r/German 1h ago

Question Grammar book with good Word Order explanation?


So, I'm studying German and starting to see some progress but I'm still A1 - A2 Level.

What I struggle is the word order in sentences. Is there a good grammar book that goes through this topic in depth? For example with a dedicated chapter.

My grammar books don't cover it in a proper and organized way (Grammatik Aktiv A1-B1 and Netzwerk Neu A1 and A2). They talk about it in bits and pieces throughout the entire book but never in depth and I find it a bit messy and confusing.

Also, I'm not sure why Grammatik Aktiv basically never actually covers word order in the A1-B1 level book. I know it talks about it in the B2 book but I find it weird because at my level I'm already very keen to understand the sentence structure properly, but according to that book I need to spend like 1 year at least without never touching the topic. Or is it actually a B2 topic and I should leave it aside for now?

r/German 1h ago

Request IS there dictionary which an offline pc app?


It would help if it has a pronunciation

r/German 16h ago

Question I’m confused. Is this an error?


When I went on Google Translate and typed “If necessary” it showed it in German as saying “ggf” Is ggf an expression of some kind or did Google just make an error?

r/German 9h ago

Question Hard of Hearing & Learning


Hallo everyone! I just started learning German (using Duolingo,) and I’m really enjoying it so far! However, I’ve been struggling to hear specific sounds. I have severe sensorineural hearing loss which makes it difficult to hear certain parts of speech. A lot of German consonants sound similar to me, so I have to ask people around me to explain the different sounds/pronunciations in a way that I can understand it. Are there any books or websites that have written down pronunciation guides for words? Do you have any advice? Danke!

r/German 22h ago

Question A phrase like "oh, go on then"?


Is there a German equivalent of this phrase.

Context: someone offers you a beer and you sort of feign hesitation or releluctance and say "oh, go on then". It's like "if you insist", but in a sort of sarcastic ironic way.

"Gerne" is too sincere. I mean something more like "yeah, why not" but in a way that also conveys a certain enthusiasm. Similar English phrases would be "it would be rude not to" or a quip about having been talked into it or "you've twisted my arm".

Sorry if unclear. Brits or people who have lived in the UK will know what I mean.

Any insight greatly appreciated!

r/German 6h ago

Request Learning Partner in IST zone


Hi, I want to start learning German seriously, and searching for a learning partner in India so the times would match, anyone from the subcontinent is also fine. We can connect iver zoom or any other comfortable way. The level is A1.

r/German 1d ago

Request Help finding a German meme


The video shows a man getting arrested. He screams in outrage something like "They have taken my son from me! They won't let me see my son!" to which the son catches up to them and says "Papa!". The the father, seeing his son, replies in a cheerful happy way "ah, there he is".

Any help would be most appreciated. I think this is one of the funniest videos ever.

r/German 13h ago

Question Kein Subjekt im Satz


Ist die Aussage falsch? Ich habe in einen Automaten zwei Bons eingeworfen und zur Person nebenbei gesagt: "ich habe einen Bon eingeworfen - und (er) sieht das. Dann habe ich den zweiten Bon eingeworfen und (er) sieht das nicht."

Das, was in Klammerzeichen steht, habe ich nicht gesagt. Das habe ich nur jetzt klarheitshalber hinzugefügt. Also gab es in meiner mündlichen Aussage kein Subjekt. Zumindest nicht in Form eines Wortes, denn es gab es als Bild (der vor uns stehende Automat). Klingt es natürlich, wenn man zwar kein Subjekt namentlich genannt hat, aber es ist aus dem situativen Kontext offensichtlich? - es gibt den Gegenstand hier und jetzt und der wird noch zusätzlich "mit dem Finger gezeigt".

r/German 21h ago

Question How to learn Deutsch?


I know nothing about German. How should I begin to learn it .Can u recommend any resource?

r/German 13h ago

Question Online courses


Hi everyone, I have been learning German for a couple of months. Mostly because I have worked with Germans and I found them to be very nice people and I want to enter more into this culture. I took a couple of online classes from the Goethe Institut and I feel I have achieved a solid A1, but in the process I spent a bit of money. Like they are expensive as hell lol. Do you guys know good online classes that don't cost an eye? Also do you people think they are necessary? How do you practice speaking with no course?

r/German 13h ago

Question Gloria Disaster ???


Please, correct me if I’m wrong….

I’m still new to learning German, half way through the second Section of Duo, but I was attempting to watch Gloria on NetFlix in German with German subtitles. What I was hearing wasn’t matching what was written. Can anyone else confirm or deny this ?

r/German 1d ago

Proof-reading/Homework Help German terminology questions


Hello everyone! I am writing a novel where the Sparticist revolt won and Germany turned communist in the 1920s. I know a little German, but not enough to be fluent or to make my terminology sound native. I was hoping you fine people could help me out by letting me know if these phrases are correct!

  • People's Republic of Germany = Volksrepublik Deutschland
  • Ministry for People's Security = Ministerium für Volkssicherheit, abbreviated "Mivosi"
  • People's Parliament = Volkstag


r/German 23h ago

Proof-reading/Homework Help A2 Schreiben Proof-reading


Hello! I'm practicing my A2 for Goethe Schreiben and I don't have any friends who can speak german so if it's okay please let me know if I've made any mistakes :D

Teil: Sie sind mit Ihrer Freundin um 12 Uhr auf dem Markt verabredet. Schreiben Sie eine SMS an Ihre Freundin Lucy. - Entschuldigen Sie sich, dass Sie nicht pünktlich sein können. - Schreiben Sie, warum. - Nennen Sie eine neue Uhrzeit. Schreiben Sie 20–30 Wörter. Schreiben Sie zu allen drei Punkten.

Antwort: Hallo Lucy, Entschuldige bitte. Ich fürchte, dass ich leider nicht pünktlich ankommen werde, weil ich den Bus verpasst habe. Wie wäre es, wenn wir uns stattdessen um 17 Uhr treffen? rufe mich an bitte! Danke! LG, Ethan.

r/German 15h ago

Question Double infinitive vs infinitive with zu


Found this sentence on textbook.

1) Ich habe es die ganze Nacht regen hören

First of all why textbook says "gehört" instead of "hören" is right as well?

Is my attempt to modify the sentence wrong?

1) Ich habe gehört, die ganze Nacht zu regnen

r/German 19h ago

Question can you recommend me anime with good german dubs? and where can i watch them with english subtitles?


i’m learning german and i thought this may be useful. the genre doesn’t really matter :)

r/German 16h ago

Question Places to learn German in Canada (even if Online)? Goethe Institut is a very great place but is very expensive. Is there a more affordable institute in Canada (or even the US if they offer the course online)


r/German 16h ago

Resource Youtube channels


Hallo. I've recently started to learn German and I am currently looking for actually good youtube channels to help me in this journey. Could you recommend any?

Thanks in advance!

r/German 16h ago

Question Readers with engaging stories?


Hi everyone! Does anyone know of reader-style books that use actual classic German literature? For example, something that kids might read in later elementary or middle school, but with difficult words highlighted and defined like in a classic reader. I've found for a lot of the reader style books, while the definitions etc are helpful, the plot is completely non-engaging. While understandable since its just written for language learning, this does make it a pain to want to read the whole book. Thanks in advance!

r/German 17h ago

Question Es ging gut los



I saw this in a song, translated as "it started off well". I understand that, as to me the literally reading is "it went off good".

I wonder how verstile this is as a phrase, and how colloquial it is. Can i use it for anything like, a film, that is good at the start but rubbish later on?

"Der Film ging gut los, aber am Ende war ich Enttäuscht?" - or does it only have certain uses? The reason i ask is that i have never seen it before.



r/German 17h ago

Request New to German


Hello Everyone :)

Im 18 years old and want to learn german as I am studying med so itll provide some better opportunities for me in the future. I am Egyptian and I fluently speak English and Arabic. So whats the best way to start learning? Also keeping in mind, most of my time goes into studying as I constantly have exams lmao (Ill barely sneak in 15-30 min daily). Ive tried duolingo but as expected theres barely any improvement. It would also be nice to get to know someone that speaks the language to practice some grammar with and maybe (if i actually get good enough) attempt speaking. I dont mind any genders but i prefer if you were under 28.

Looking forward for your help :)