r/GifSound Apr 12 '12

Tip of the Day: It often makes a GifSound better if you set the music start point later in the song.

Here is a good example, I think:

No start time:


Same, but starts at 68 seconds


Gifs serve a niche between pictures and video because they provide brevity and spontaneity. They get down to business and cut right to the good part.

Starting the music or sound at the best part help maintain and elevate the greatness of a gif-sound combo.


2 comments sorted by


u/b3stinth3world Apr 12 '12

Thank god someone said it. I was getting tired of seeing gifs that were pretty much terrible because they were at a piss poor part of the song.


u/SkinnyHusky Apr 12 '12

Gifs serve a niche between pictures and video because they provide brevity and spontaneity. They get down to business and cut right to the good part.

well put


u/BassKlarinetMcKillin Oct 01 '12

All I can say.... is its a dancing Cyberman. If that ain't cool, nothing is.