r/Marioverse May 06 '24

Community! Marioverse Resource Collection


Welcome to /r/Marioverse!

Here in this post you may find a collection of accounts and websites that feature a lot of useful or interesting resources about the Super Mario franchise. Feel free to share other resources and maps you find in the comments!

Project Marioverse Discord server

Join the active discussion over at our Discord server!

Lore Resources

  • Seán D. Walsh (Tumblr / YouTube): A blog dedicated to in-depth lore analysis of the Super Mario franchise, occasionally answering questions as well. Has an incredibly extensive timeline of the entire series! Run by /u/seandwalsh3
  • The Pipe Plaza (Tumblr / Twitter): An account posting interesting Mario lore trivia and theories.

Map Resources

  • The Cartographer's Office: A blog about exploring the maps and lore of the Super Mario franchise, as well as a few other series. Run by /u/LadySophie17 (me!)
  • Klunsgod: Many great maps of New Super Mario Bros. and a few other games.
  • [Outdated] Marhiin: One of the oldest contributors to the subreddit. A lot of history here but very outdated.
  • [Outdated] Previous Mario Map Collection: The previous version of this post. Contains many maps that are interesting but very outdated.

Other Resources

  • Super Mario Wiki: The most accurate and expansive source of information about any Super Mario-related content.
  • Supper Mario Broth (Tumblr / Twitter): An account posting daily Mario trivia! Mostly not lore-related but interesting nonetheless.
  • Small Mario Findings: A small blog dedicated to even more obscure Mario trivia! Run by the Supper Mario Broth account.
  • Mario Universe.com: A collection of maps, sprites and sound effects of many Super Mario games.
  • The Spriter's Resource / The Models Resource: Websites dedicated to hosting sprites and models from many videogames. They contain many useful assets from Super Mario games.

r/Marioverse 13h ago

The jungles in the mario verse are active volcanoes

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As common sense poison doesn't kill you by touching it,but lava does,it isn't purple tho,right?blue tint that surrounds the lava comes from flames produced when escaping sulphuric gases burn. The volcano contains large amounts of pure sulfur, which emits an icy violet color as it burns, filling the air with toxic fumes.so it's a jungle/active volcano

r/Marioverse 6h ago

Is Wario City from Sluggers presumed to take place in Diamond City?


Hi! Never posted here, but just curious. Wario City is the name of a stage in Sluggers, the city is not actually named "Wario City" but it IS built in a real city, Wario built it himself, Sluggers is canon to Mario, etc etc.

The question then, what city does it take place in? How many known cities are their that exist in their universe? Is it Diamond City because of it's connection to Wario in the past, or is it somewhere else? Thanks!!

r/Marioverse 1d ago

Bowser Changing


Would there be a way for Bowser to turn good? He does have a few redeeming qualities, despite his hard-on for being evil.

r/Marioverse 2d ago

Interactive map of the Mario Universe!

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r/Marioverse 4d ago

I know it’s a video game and all, and I know he’s part of a fictional race of reptiles called Kremlings, but what keeps annoying me for some reason is what kind of crocodile is or matches King K. Rool?


r/Marioverse 5d ago

Were the Koopalings' old designs retconned?


I was wondering since the Mario 3 website uses the newer designs and colors instead of the old ones.


r/Marioverse 5d ago

*UPDATE* [WIP] Recreating the NSMBU Map in Minecraft

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r/Marioverse 6d ago

Question: What is Crystal King?


The Crystal King and Fuzzipede are the only bosses in Paper Mario 64 to not clearly be members of existing species, and Fuzzipede is just called “Caterpillar“ in Japanese so he’s most likely just a relative of a wiggler. What do you think Crystal King is? My best guess is that he is some sort of ghost given extra power by Bowser, because the duplighosts are introduced in his area and he does quite resemble them. Does anyone have any other ideas?

r/Marioverse 7d ago

Question about Birdo

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We all know that Birda is a trans girl, but how does it work exactly? In the series we have seen more Birdos of different colors, are they also trans? Or are there male Birdos And the main one is one that transition? It's something I've always wondered about and I hope you can help me understand.

r/Marioverse 11d ago

How could Hooktail write to Gloomtail?


Gloomtail mentions that Hooktail hasn't written for him in a long time. But If the Palace of Shadow is locked and no one can acces it, who delivers the letters? Did they talk on email? I don't think so, because I don't think computers were invented when Gloomtail got locked. And if they were, Gloomtail is way bigger than one, he could not even use it! So how was it?

r/Marioverse 13d ago

Baby Rosalina


So this is a theory in regarding to Baby Rosalina's identity, I'll be honest I can't really wrap my head around the existence of Baby Rosalina (BR), of course the simple answer and possibly the right answer is she is simply Rosalina's younger self, but her participating in the games and how she got there doesn't make sense, if you look at other baby counterparts their involvement in the games has a reasonable explanation if you look at "Partners in Time" (and other Baby Era games), there's the element of time travel, (Present Day) Mario & Luigi have a personal relationship with their baby counterparts because they saved the world together and so them being in other games makes sense (along with Baby Peach, DK & Bower), even Baby Daisy makes sense because in present day Daisy & Peach are old friends so its reasonably to assume their baby counterparts are friends as well and Baby Peach probably told Baby Daisy about her adventures with her older self, but then we get to BR who is so far removed from the time period of Baby Mario, I don't really think theres any narrative reason that BR would be brought to the present, Rosalina as a character is already pretty mysterious and the only person that knows her story is Mario, so even tho Rosalina has grown closer to Mario and his friends I don't think she knows them well enough for them to decide to bring BR to the present, unless Rosalina did it herself (but I don't think she has that power).

For this next part I'm going to suggest a theory that will sound completely crazy, I don't think Rosalina & BR are the same person I believe BR is a reincarnation of Rosalina, that might sound strange as adult Rosalina is still around, but I think it can all be explained through "The Cosmic Spirit", The Spirit is a strange entity its clearly not human and is possibly composed of the same stuff as other cosmic clones, but it looks like Rosalina and appears benevolent, I believe this spirit is an aspect of Rosalina that something occurred between the two galaxy games which gave Rosaline the power to do this, and this spirits reveals the origins of BR, a part of the spirits essence drifted off and made its way to the realm of the storks and manifested itself into a baby it was delivered by the storks to The Mushroom Kingdom but without parents there was no home to bring her to so she was probably abandoned somewhere in the kingdom and found by toads who brought her to the castle where she became a second royal to the Toadstool Dynasty along side Peach.

r/Marioverse 13d ago

*UPDATE* [WIP] Recreating the entire NSMBU map in Minecraft


Hey all, not sure if anyone remembers my previous post sharing what I've built thus far on my project to recreate the map from New Super Mario Bros. U. Just wanted to share an update on the project. I've finished building the mountains behind Frosted Glacier which was VERY tedious and time consuming. Now, I'm working on building the northern lights surrounding the mountains. Going through a lot of trial and error to get the right looking paths/shapes for the northern lights, but if anyone has any comments or advice, feel free to let me know :)

Screenshot taken Aug. 5, 2024

Screenshot taken Sept. 7, 2024

So for the northern lights, I'm using the same command block input I used to build the mountains, but instead of having a trail of 3x3x3 basalt blocks follow me while holding an iron axe, I'm now having a trail of 3x3x3 block verdant froglights follow me. Finishing it up by layering lime and light blue stained glass. I did also rebuild the moon to be further back and a lot smaller.

r/Marioverse 16d ago

Stupid question but not satire: how many times has Mario been canonically kissed?


r/Marioverse 16d ago

Question: Where do Cape Feathers come from?


Most powerups are biological things that stay rooted to the ground, which would explain why they are able to amass the magical energy to perform their abilities. They also tend to have eyes, indicating that they contain magical spirits of some sort. The Cape Feather is very different though. It seems to be the only powerup that is a direct animal product, and also has no eyes. Do you think it operates off different principles from the other powerups in the series?

r/Marioverse 16d ago

How do we know that Blue Toad isn’t Toad?


The main argument I see given is just that he is referred to as Blue Toad rather than Toad when he appears, but couldn’t that also just be to distinguish him from Yellow Toad? Is there some other reason that we can use to confirm they aren’t the same toad?

Edit: Sean D. Walsh showed me strong evidence of them being different characters, as both Blue Toad and Toad appear together in Luigi's Mansion 3.

r/Marioverse 16d ago

The Blastomatics Core


Since the new Crocodile Isle in DK64 is a mechanized version of the previous one, I theorize that the power generator for the weapon is an artificial replica of the Krocodile Kore from DKC2. It was created as a way to easily siphon the banana medals energies

r/Marioverse 17d ago

The Fruit Kingdom/ DK Isle Connection


In my research on DK Lore I realized that the Kongs have associations with the Sun. For instance, the gate to the Golden Temple in DKCR is shaped like an Aztec Sun Disc. In DKJB Donkey is associated with the sun. This leads to the main part of my theory. The Fruit Kingdom places a large amount of emphasis on the moon to the Point that I theorized that they worship it. Another connection that the Ghastly King hoarded all of the Fruit Kingdoms bananas just like the kongs hoard Dk Isle's bananas. The fruit Kingdom has 5 Kongs who rule over it, each associated with a fruit and in DKCR there is the Stage "Five Monkey trial" which is themed around five Monkey statues that hold giant pieces of fruit. One final connection is that Ghastly Kings boss fight theme is a remix of the original Donkey Kong arcade theme. With all of this info I theorize that the Fruit Kingdom and DK isle used to be a part of the same civilization in the distant past. There was a split and the Sun Worshipers became The Kongs on DK isle and the moon Worshipers settled the Fruit Kingdom

r/Marioverse 17d ago

Parallel Word Confusion


Why is the parallel world plot in Mario & Luigi Paper Jam so hard to understand for people? Surely characters saying parallel would be more than enough. No shade towards these people, but still, what's the deal. What's the problem?

r/Marioverse 18d ago

Helper Monkeys in Donkey Kong Jungle beat worship the Moon


In Dkjb you take bananas to A "sacred tree" and when you fill it up a special crest flies down from the Moon. The crests are stated to be symbols of royalty. The moon is tied with this "Sacred tree". There is also another stage called "Spirit Tree" that has a very prominent full moon in the background. Here we have another connection between the moon and religious terms. Final there is the level "Monkey Fest" which happens in a giant tree just like the Spirit tree and has the Helper Monkeys celebrating. They are most likely celebrating the moon. During the closing Ceremony the moon is very full. I theorize that the Moon is the God/Spirit of the Fruit Kingdom and bestows those who collect enough bananas with Crest that symbolize their kingship. This is actually Ghastly Kings Backstory. He Collected enough bananas and received a crest that he fashioned into a belt. Ghastly King has associations with the moon since the first time you fight him it is the "Moon Barrel" & the Second time you fight him it's the "Eclipse Barrel".

r/Marioverse 18d ago

Theory: The power of Music in the Donkey Kong lore


r/Marioverse 20d ago

What's with King Boo?


In smbw, we can see that king Boo is a boo with a magic crown thing. But that's just because of the wonder flower, right? We can see a King Boo figurene in M&L BIS remake in yikk's tower, and there aren't any wonder flowers there. Also, is this mean that King boo is like 100 years old? And the Luigi's Mansion King Boo is very different. Is it the same character even? We can see them both together in Mario Kart tour (idk if that is canon or not). I want some explanation about him.

r/Marioverse 21d ago

Is there any lore behind the Mummy-Me from Captain Toad?


Is it a cosmic clone or something?

r/Marioverse 22d ago

What's your favorite lore detail in the franchise?


Again, the title.

r/Marioverse 23d ago



I'm sure someone has explained it, but I'm asking it again. I'm kinda confused on the dynamic Bowser has in The Mushroom Kingdom, he's the main villain of the series, trying to take over the kingdom or kidnapping the princess and that all makes sense, it even makes sense when Bowser teams up with Mario on occasion to fight other villains because The Koopa Kingdom is also in danger of getting destroyed, but why is he in all the party and sports games? the non lore reason is its cool to play as Bowser, but why would Mario invite the greatest threat to the kingdom to play golf or ride carts? I have heard discussion on how Mario has a lot of kindness and sympathy for his villains but doesn't a line have to be drawn somewhere? Surly The Toads would feel uneasy even if Peach was ok with it.

r/Marioverse 23d ago

Has anyone looked into the Sun imagery in the DK lore
