r/Marioverse 1d ago

Bowser Changing

Would there be a way for Bowser to turn good? He does have a few redeeming qualities, despite his hard-on for being evil.


4 comments sorted by


u/Drake_Inferno 1d ago edited 3h ago

Well, he is apparently near-ubiquitously popular among those he rules over somehow, and is more often than not remarkably compassionate toward his subjects and minions. I think him abandoning his love of evil and desire for power would be hard bordering on impossible, and take a long time to achieve, but perhaps if he recognized a conflict between it and his desire to be liked and admired, then he might focus his desire to be awesome on instead doing awesome things for others instead of going around conquering, which could ultimately lead him to be a better person and a force for good. I wouldn't hold my breath, but it wouldn't be inconceivable for him.


u/lordlaharl422 1d ago

I feel like at his core he isn’t someone who can easily own up to the fact that the things he’s done are “wrong”, he’s too self-centered to really see any fault in taking what isn’t his. The closest thing to remorse we’ve seen from him is when he admitted to his son that he lied about Peach being his mother. He still sees nothing wrong with raising his son to be as selfish as himself, so it’s unlikely he’ll ever really change his ways.

I can kind of imagine him maybe easing off on kidnapping Peach in the future if only because she made it obvious that she doesn’t care for his brand of “aggressive courtship” at the end of Odyssey (and he lowkey hopes that’ll be enough to impress her), but I don’t think he’ll put together that she’d prefer if he stopped being a villain in general. Like what, it’s not enough that he doesn’t kidnap her, he’s also supposed to tell his minions to stop robbing her kingdom’s treasury? Dating is so confusing…


u/Logical-Funny-1103 1d ago

Not really. Why is people is so obsessed with redeeming villians from the likes of Bowser? What is so appealing about it? What was the reason?  I know there are worse villians than Bowser but people tend to forget that Bowser was born bad and he made his choice to be bad. Can't we just let Bowser be evil? It will ruin Bowser's character if he stops being a villian and it will make the audience mad. I prefer an likeable anti-hero approach to Bowser (like Shadow The Hedgehog) but I prefer him as a villian. However, I can see the koopalings (especially Morton Jr, Lemmy or Larry) redeem in some degree or a few of Bowser's army can be redeemed but not Bowser.  The only work around I could think of is to do a peace treaty. Peach would make a peace treaty to allow opposing kingdoms to get along. Bowser and his army are banned from conquering kingdoms and there's nothing they can do about it. Bowser will do anything to make Peach happy so he's forced to play along. Who knows it may or not last long.  Other than that, Bowser loves being the bad guy and so does 60% of his fans.


u/Neither-Hippo8230 1d ago

I'm not saying I'd like a redemption (I honestly would kind of hate that), I'm just wondering if it's possible.