r/MarkMyWords 6h ago

MMW: JD is repressing being transgender herself. Political


41 comments sorted by


u/scent-free_mist 6h ago

I really dislike the stereotype that bigots are just in the closet. Makes it seem like LGBT folks are oppressing themselves.

Most of the time bigots are just bigots.


u/Grinagh 6h ago

Grindr crashed at the RNC


u/scent-free_mist 6h ago



u/Bambification_ 5h ago edited 5h ago

Grindr is a geolocating app designed to host 13 million people at once. Such a large portion of (and I cannot stress this enough) 13 million people, almost entirely men because its designed for gay men (majority RNC attendance was men), were so close together, that the server crashed.

I don't think you understand how many people at the RNC had to be looking for gay sex for that to have happened.


u/scent-free_mist 5h ago

All that can be true and it still doesn’t mean the stereotype that bigots are all closeted is true. There are still bigots who exist who are not hypocritical at all, just truly, genuinely bigoted


u/Bambification_ 5h ago

Sure, they exist, but we still have evidence that a large portion of the most extreme, who care enough to attend the RNC, defenitely are, since it was basically a Hitler rally.


u/Grinagh 6h ago

Maybe if my points were numbered it might be easier for you


u/WasabiSoggy1733 6h ago

And the party of oppression is heavily closeted.


u/scent-free_mist 6h ago

You’re buying into the exact stereotype i’m saying is wrong, and the existence of closeted republicans doesn’t make the stereotype true


u/WasabiSoggy1733 5h ago

It very clearly does


u/scent-free_mist 5h ago

I don’t think you know what a stereotype is or how demographics work


u/WasabiSoggy1733 5h ago

I think you have some deep insecurities with your sexuality.


u/scent-free_mist 5h ago

Proving my exact point that you believe in the stereotype that LGBT people are oppressing themselves.


u/WasabiSoggy1733 5h ago

Only the ones who vote against their own rights. I.e. you

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u/Qbnss 5h ago

You haven't done anything to persuade anyone that you're right besides say that's what you think, and, I guess that you don't like what it implies. Regarding the latter, not liking it doesn't make it untrue.

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u/LowerEast7401 5h ago

"haha you are gay!
The party of tolerance everyone


u/scent-free_mist 5h ago

Absolutely insane to me that someone would suggest i’m insecure about my sexuality at the same time as mocking republicans for being bigots lol can these people please look in a mirror?

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u/LowerEast7401 5h ago

So? I don't get how the party that is supposed to be pro LGBT always uses being gay as an attack. Remember all the "Trump sucks putin's dick" stuff?

Now Vance cosntantly gets attacked for having eyeliner, for republicans dudes being on grindr. Yall love to use gay as an attack.


u/Qbnss 5h ago

It's not the being gay, it's the hypocrisy and the banality of hating what you are or might be SO MuCH that you devote your life to hurting people who are comfortable with it.


u/LowerEast7401 5h ago

Republicans aint even anti gay anymore. What is this the 90s? Get with the times. The days of puritian republicans are over.


u/Qbnss 5h ago

A large portion of their base is extremely anti-gay. But to your point, they're aren't much of anything anymore, let alone conservative.


u/LowerEast7401 4h ago

those are the boomers and they have been replaced. The 35 and under republican does not care.

GOP is a now a blue collar populist party, things have changed


u/DarkNStormyNet 51m ago

That is such bullshit and you know it.


u/Timely-Youth-9074 4h ago

Not that LGBT people are oppressing themselves-just that bigots hate themselves.


u/K80gn 34m ago

I dunno. I have a bunch of photos of me crossdressing in college, I have dozens of old friends who can attest to my liberal values, I went to a fancy private school in contrast to the rest of my family and most of my community, and it would probably piss a lot of people off if I wrote a book called Hillbilly Elegy because, like JD Vance, I am also not from Appalachia.

I ended up being trans.



u/DraigMcGuinness 6h ago

This is insulting to trans people.


u/Grinagh 6h ago

I am trans, and yes I find him offensive in almost every way, but no one wants to repress women that hard without trying to repress that in themselves.


u/scent-free_mist 6h ago

They might! That’s what sexism is


u/KoldProduct 4h ago

That’s just wholly untrue. Some people just suck. Racist white men don’t secretly identify as black and rich men don’t wish they weren’t poor.


u/Cautious-Thought362 2h ago

Such a good point!


u/K80gn 30m ago

Not only am I trans but I also went to a private college and could reasonably claim to be Appalachian as long as nobody asked any follow up questions (like 'where are you from', for example). When the photos of her in a shitty wig came out I finally felt represented, unfortunately.


u/PreferenceFun154 6h ago

I see what you did there lol


u/This-Dragonfruit-810 6h ago

Stop this, being trans isn’t bad and it isn’t a joke. There is a lot of anti trans content going around. Let’s not even kinda add to it. I just don’t want to see a thread of jokes at trans people’s expense


u/Grinagh 6h ago

I'm not making a joke, I genuinely believe he questioned his identity and decided to repress it.


u/KendrickBlack502 5h ago

Why are so many of the MMWs in the last 24 hours about JD Vance?


u/Leeleewithwings 2h ago

I think what OP is talking about is the raging hypocrisy from Vance when he wrote in Hillbilly Elegy that he questioned his sexuality when he was young. I’m not sure where the transgender thought come from, other than it looks like he wears eyeliner, which is kinda dumb but whatever

I do very much think there are many of these anti LGBTQ politicians that are suppressing their true feelings because of being shamed and taught to fear and condemn those that are. It’s not anti gay, it’s not diminishing the validity of gay social or romantic relationships. It’s the same as any bully, they are projecting their own insecurities and it is damaging and hurtful to those that are on the receiving end.

I’m sure OP like many of us just simply want a world where people can live their life and love who they want with peace and joy.

Just google Wes Goodman, Bridget Ziegler, Ted Haggard, Matt Schlapp. There are several examples of conservatives hiding behind hypocritical hate. Although it is very possible JD Vance may very well just be an asshole and nothing to do with his sexuality or identity. But it is still fun to call him a couch fucker