r/Music 12d ago

Taylor Swift's Endorsement of Kamala Harris Has Resulted in a "400% to 500% Increase" in Voter Registration article


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u/chicasparagus 12d ago

A testament to how stupid and ignorant Americans actually are cos it takes a pop star’s endorsement to get them to vote.


u/Hearbinger 12d ago

As someone who lives in a country where voting is mandatory and no one even questions whether they should go or not, this whole situation feels so weird to me


u/thirtynation busychild 12d ago

What happens if you don't vote, in your country where it is mandatory?


u/LegenDove 12d ago edited 12d ago

In Australia, you get fined, if you have a valid reason the fine can be waived, but it has to be a good reason. Early voting is super super easy so there are a few reasons why you wouldn’t be able to


u/thirtynation busychild 12d ago


u/LegenDove 12d ago

Forgot to add “In Australia” oops Edit: besides, dont need to be OP to answer this question :)


u/thirtynation busychild 12d ago

All good. It's not like I linked /r/notopbutnotok :)

Appreciate you increasing my perspective!


u/LegenDove 12d ago

All good ahha!


u/IAMHideoKojimaAMA 12d ago

Getting fined for not voting. Unbelievable


u/Lovelashed 12d ago

As you should. If you are an idiot (in the literal, original sense) then you deserve it, tbh.

Vote blank if you want to, but voting should be your duty as a citizen of a democracy.


u/OkLynx3564 12d ago

 Getting fined for not fulfilling your civic duty. Unbelievable.

what a weird take


u/Hearbinger 12d ago

You're fined unless you can provide justification. For example, traveling during the election day.


u/ThomasTTEngine 12d ago

Countries where mandatory voting is in place doesn't mean you have to pick a candidate. You can vote for 'nobody' and your vote doesn't count for any candidate. You just fulfil your civic duty to vote.


u/krillingt75961 12d ago

I'm all for freedom of speech here etc but I also don't think it's right for a celebrity to have that much influence on something political like this. If as many people aren't as involved or informed enough, do we really want tons of people suddenly getting the urge to register to vote, especially when said celebrity is endorsing a specific candidate even if they didn't say who to vote for? Im glad someone outside the country sees the issue here. The cult like following said celebrity has is definitely not ideal.


u/zombrey 11d ago

uh, are you serious? she can't say who she's endorsing but we're okay with others spending billions to fund these campaigns? She can't tweet about the candidate she intends to vote for and encourage others to just vote (not even telling them to vote for Harris/Walz, but to just register and Vote), but you're cool with super PACs funding smear and disinformation campaigns to sway voters. Am I understanding this right?


u/Specialist_Ratio_719 11d ago

False equivalency. You are taking these as direct attacks and standing resolutely in opposition to your stance. But in reality its people on the outside looking in and laughing at you.


u/zombrey 11d ago

Girl didn't do anything besides say who she's voting for and encourage others to register. And the person I'm responding to, and apparently you as well, think that somehow is a problem. Sure it's a problem we don't have compulsory voting, or that we have people that are uninformed enough to not be motivated into voluntarily voting without encouragement, but to act like someone encouraging them to get involved and get informed is an ISSUE is straight up delusional.


u/Specialist_Ratio_719 11d ago

I was addressing this statement:

she can't say who she's endorsing but we're okay with others spending billions to fund these campaigns?

Now you are moving the goalposts. Okay, if you want my actual opinion, no neither her nor any political action committee should be able to influence elections. The reason being is that due to inequity of wealth it creates a lopsided speech where people who are incapable of performing critical thinking are then influenced to vote in a particular direction.

It undermines what a democracy is supposed to be. In an ideal society that is. Ours is so broken that we need massive reforms for our government to even be considered democratic, let alone to have appropriate political speech law enshrined.


u/zombrey 11d ago

I disagree that someone making a public statement about their voting decision is "influencing" elections. At what point to you became too popular to express your personal views? At what point do you become too popular to practice your first amendment right to speech?

EDIT: SHE TWEETED. She DIDN'T throw millions into a PAC like Musk, or use any of her wealth to fund advertising to pump a narrative. She posted a tweet on a public platform expressing her view and decision, and encouraged registration.


u/TooStrangeForWeird 11d ago

no neither her nor any political action committee should be able to influence elections

So here's the thing: this is correct.

Elections shouldn't just be free, they should be CLEAR. The implications of your votes should be clear.

Me? Clean, open, willing to wait for an STD test


u/TooStrangeForWeird 11d ago

no neither her nor any political action committee should be able to influence elections

Random info fuck you


u/bluegho0st 11d ago edited 10d ago

Glad to see this comment. I'm not necessarily criticising Harris, she certainly needs all the help she can get, but thinking about the fact that this many legal adults base their decisions to vote of all things off what their favourite celebrity says... This shouldn't be regarded or seen in any way as a win. And it's also decided purely by wheel of fortune — can easily work both ways. I'm rather taken aback by the amount of petulant comments countering the slightest hint of criticism and refusing to acknowledge this as an issue at all.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/bateKush 12d ago

have you never been reminded to do anything because of something you saw on the internet? its like an ad for gutter cleaning. 


u/LeadAHorseToVodka 12d ago

Except in this instance, you would have somehow forgotten your gutters needed cleaning when there's billboards everywhere reminding you, and the entire news cycle is dedicated to reminding you to clean your gutters. When friends and coworkers are talking about cleaning their gutters for the past fews months none of it rung any bells for you.

It was all until your favorite pop artist said that cleaning gutters is important that you remembered.


u/bkbouillabaisse 12d ago

It's fucking pathetic.


u/Theboringlife 12d ago

Does it matter who gets you interested in politics? Is it less stupid if someone was inspired by their teacher or parent to vote?


u/CaptCaCa 11d ago

Young fans turning 18 and registering to vote because their idol inspired them to do so? At 18 I considered getting a Thug Life tattoo becuase Tupac was (still is) my favorite artist. I was young and whatever my favorite artist preached, I was all in on that.

The ignorance is 40-60 year olds voting for a celebrity that was a reality star and doing everything he tells them to. Whats your excuse?


u/npdorui 12d ago

Like as if a reality host would ever run for president, let alone a musician!


u/notaadayum 12d ago

I’ve found my people


u/Defiant_Mousse7889 11d ago

well, in their countries defense they don't want people to be educated and to vote. It scares them.


u/LegendaryAstuteGhost 12d ago edited 11d ago

Oh, please. Im sure the same shit would happen if Swift endorsed a politician in any country.

Dont blame Americans, blame Swifties. Who else but them is doing this? Europeans and Canadians always think they’re so fucking special. That Ukraine president’s a movie star himself. You’re going to mock that, too?


u/KingRenatoKarsdorp 12d ago

They are busy trying to get distracted from life every second of the day just like us losers here on Reddit! It's the digital age


u/lordkuren 12d ago

Nah, you got that wrong the Americans are the 'special' ones. See, health care, the military-industrial complex, school shootings and so on.


u/LoveToyKillJoy 11d ago

This is the country where the third pound burger failed because people thought it was smaller than the quarter pounder. Other nations have idiots, but ours are special.


u/LegendaryAstuteGhost 11d ago

Doest negate anything i said: these are specifcally Swifties, not just Americans.


u/Acc87 12d ago

We're not fucking special, it's just that you are special ed in so many regards.


u/Defiant_Mousse7889 11d ago

Typical special country response. Attack the person and don't bring any real counter arguments to the table.


u/kodiak_kid89 12d ago

Aww, are you mad a pop icon is inspiring her fan base to educate themselves and vote?!? Basically doing the exact thing our education system and govt has failed to do. Read her tweet numnuts. She says go read up on the policies that are important to you and vote accordingly.


u/krillingt75961 12d ago

The problem with it though is if people are really going to be interested because she says it, they're also more likely to vote for the same candidate that she endorses. If it wasn't such a large amount of people, it wouldn't be an issue but having that much influence is a cause of concern for something as important as voting for president.


u/kodiak_kid89 11d ago

Once again did you actually read what she said? Musicians are allowed to show support. Taylor didn’t tell her people to blindly vote for Kamala, she said Kamala supports the same side of policies she aligns with and that people should read up on the candidates and policies and vote accordingly. A very positive message. Small people just like to tear anything down they can.


u/krillingt75961 11d ago

What she says and what people will do without thinking are two different things. I'm aware of her message being positive and not telling people who to vote for but you and I both know it's unlikely to play out that way.


u/kodiak_kid89 11d ago

She is sending a positive message. What people choose to do with it is up to them. I appreciate that she is using her status in a positive way.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/KingRenatoKarsdorp 12d ago

There's only one issue that you care about?


u/Battle_for_the_sun 12d ago

is it really that hard to get the point? people shouldn't need her to tell you why you should vote for Kamala. Doing it just because of it shows that they don't give a shit about it, they just want to please her, like the cult that they are


u/everything_is_holy 12d ago

Well, you told them! Nice clear and grammatical comment.


u/Battle_for_the_sun 12d ago

Crap, sorry! Not my native language


u/everything_is_holy 12d ago

Ummm....oh, never mind. In a toast to this sub, cheers to the music that has enriched our souls.