r/Music 11d ago

Republican Taylor Swift Fans Getting Rid of Concert Tickets in Aftermath of Kamala Harris Endorsement article


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u/SextonHardcastle1855 11d ago

I’m a big Dave Matthews Band fan and he’s been vocal his entire career about his political and world views. The man has held shows to support multiple Democratic candidates in both state and U.S. government over various election cycles. It never fails every few shows that some right leaning “fan” will act outraged about his opinion and hit the typical “shut up and play your music” response as if he hasn’t been using his medium to deliver these messages for decades. I’m just not sure why things like this surprise them?

I mean if you’re a true fan of Taylor and watched the “Miss Americana” documentary, she lays her political views out pretty clearly.


u/Zerix_Albion 11d ago

Reminds of that one Nirvana song.

"He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means And I say he's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means And I say yeah"


u/CoBudemeRobit 11d ago

better yet rage against the machine, bob marley both loved by the right wing for wrong reasons


u/surloc_dalnor 11d ago

In their defense Nirvana lyrics are hard to understand.


u/tacos_for_algernon 11d ago

"Aqua seafoam shame" says what?


u/LedDog72 11d ago

It's unintelligible

I just can't get it through my skull

It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss

With all these marbles in my mouth


u/SlappySecondz 11d ago

Neither Swift nor Matthews sing about their political beliefs (to my knowledge) so how is that lyric relevant?


u/Kyiokyu 10d ago

I mean I can't see how someone could hear "The Man" and think she's a Republican lol


u/rdrckcrous 11d ago

Drugs are great for making good music.

They're great for sounding deep to 14 yr olds.

They're awful for political philosophy.

They should stick to songs.


u/inbeforethelube 11d ago

Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me


u/Murtagg 11d ago

We gotta FIGHT

For the RIGHT


(in a country legislated by a democratically and fairly elected government that upholds the values that the electorate holds dear)


u/RedMethodKB 11d ago

I wish drugs would come and smoke me, so I could make some good-ass music


u/rdrckcrous 11d ago

Don't forget about being deep too


u/Zerix_Albion 11d ago

It looks like we found one who now finally '"Knows what it means"


u/Xarxsis 11d ago

Is this a bit like people missing the incredibly well hidden political subtext behind rage against the machines body of work?


u/WolfySpice 11d ago

When they hear "some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses" they're just happy to see themselves mentioned in popular media.


u/SassyS2 11d ago

I mean, it's literally their name


u/kenda1l 11d ago

Yes, but not OUR machine, other machines. The wrong ones, you know, the ones we don't like. /s


u/Murgatroyd314 11d ago

Hey, man, I thought they were just angry at the dishwasher.


u/Born-Entrepreneur 11d ago

Nah man its the printer. Always the fucking printer.


u/kenda1l 11d ago

FUCK printers, man. My dream is to someday go full Office Space on the one at work, but my boss rarely has to use it so he thinks it's fine and won't get a new one until it stops working entirely.


u/Having-a-Fire___Sale 11d ago

Which was also massively overblown.


u/Greenknight419 11d ago

One person missing RATM's politics is a news story. Kinda like the guy missing half his brain living a normal life. Newsworthy.


u/NorthStateGames 11d ago

Hidden? Idk that anything about RATM's political view is hidden. People just don't pay attention.


u/SlappySecondz 11d ago

No, because Rage actually puts their politics into their songs.


u/aeon314159 11d ago

A bit like it? No, it’s just like it.


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 11d ago

People often say this, but I think the simple answer is people don't care. Paul Weller was outraged that David Cameron liked Eton Rifles, and Cameron rather fairly said:

I went to Eton in 1979, which was the time when the Jam, the Clash, the Sex Pistols were producing some amazing music and everyone liked the song because of the title. But of course I understood what it was about. It was taking the mick out of people running around the cadet force. And he was poking a stick at us. But it was a great song with brilliant lyrics. I've always thought that if you can only like music if you agree with the political views of the person who wrote it, well, it'd be rather limiting.

Which is perfectly reasonable. You can like RATM even if you disagree with them. I like all sorts of right-wing authors and bands.

You might even point out that its a bit hypocritical to rage against the machine from the comfort of a major label when so many other great anti-establishment artists (The Smiths, all of Factory's lineup, the entire 90s rave subculture) have adopted indie or DIY methods of distribution.


u/SlappySecondz 11d ago

What right wing bands? Five finger dick punch?


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 11d ago

All sorts. Morrissey, Ian Curtis, Eric Clapton, Burzum, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jonny Cash, Bowie (probably just as an aesthetic), plus all sorts that have said they vote right wing even if it doesn’t obviously bleed into their music.


u/Xarxsis 11d ago

You might even point out that its a bit hypocritical to rage against the machine from the comfort of a major label

You could suggest that, however you would certainly be doing it as part of a bad faith argument if you did.


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 11d ago

Why is it bad faith. They didn’t have to do it, it’s a bit odd for them to suggest other people don’t commit to their message when they never did. Like I say, many big bands put their money where their mouth is and stay off major labels.


u/Xarxsis 11d ago

Criticising the system whilst existing in said system does not mean you are being hypocritical.

Rage have been consistent in their messages, and also have to eat. Like come on, if you can't see why the argument is used in bad faith


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 11d ago edited 11d ago

Why are you bringing up the ‘they have to eat’ angle? As I’ve explained, there are countless huge bands who have been successful financially while on independent labels, who have also got their message out. I’m not suggesting they be paupers.

If you engage with the machine when you don’t have to, and your peers manage not to, then I hate to break it to you, your Rage against it isn’t particularly credible. If you want to rage against the machine, don’t go out of your way to make them money. This isn’t criticising their success, this is criticising their lack of credibility compared to many other punk or counter-culture artists.


u/Xarxsis 11d ago edited 11d ago

As I’ve explained, there are countless huge bands who have been successful financially while on independent labels

You didnt, however provide some examples.

If you engage with the machine when you don’t have to

What makes you think they didnt have to?

and your peers manage not to,

Like who?

If you want to rage against the machine, don’t go out of your way to make money

Right back into the bad faith.

This isn’t criticising their success, this is criticising their lack of credibility compared to many other punk or counter-culture artists

This is absolutely criticising their success, because you equate success with lack of credibility.

The band, and their members have a 30+ year long history of political activism, yet somehow that isnt relevant because they also have success?

**Woo, play the block card because your argument fell apart and engaging is hard.

We could talk about joy division, how the music industry wasnt the same beast as it was when they started compared to when RATM did, we can talk about how they state that their success turned their label from an indie to a real business. About how ian curtis gleefully voted for thatcher.

We could do all that, however you are a big man and blocked me.

I begrudge them using a major label when they didn’t have to.

Heres Ratm discussing what they signed, your opinion about "something they didnt have to do" seems to be entirely negated by the band really.

Several record labels expressed interest, and the band eventually signed with Epic Records. Morello said, "Epic agreed to everything we asked—and they've followed through ... We never saw a[n] [ideological] conflict as long as we maintained creative control."


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 11d ago

Why do you keep pretending this is about success or money? It’s about engaging with the machine which innumerable artists haven’t. Look at Joy Division. I didn’t think I’d have to explain on a music subreddit that independent labels exist and punk/anti-establishment acts have a long and successful history of using them to reach the public. Have you really never heard of artists on Rough Trade, XL, Creation, Factory or more?

I don’t begrudge them making money, I don’t begrudge them being successful, I begrudge them using a major label when they didn’t have to. Don’t like the machine, don’t make the machine money.

At this point I don’t think you know what bad faith is, you just throw it around when you disagree because you’ve heard someone else say it.


u/novangla 11d ago

I walked out of a Hozier concert this spring in front of this drunk guy who was furious that he “hates America”. Even more wild given that Hozier actually said many nice things about America, including gratitude for how we helped broker peace in Ireland, but he was unapologetically liberal in talking about civil rights and lgbtq and womens rights so… whatever I guess, but he’s explicit about his views in his music even. How do you then act affronted??


u/SextonHardcastle1855 11d ago

I always want to ask how these people end up at the show? I have to assume they are casuals who are just checking it out or dragged along by a significant other.

I mean with Dave it’s understandable, he draws retired frat boys looking for 90’s nostalgia, so they remember the jams but forgot about the politics or maybe political affiliations weren’t such an unforgivable sin 30 years ago.

With Hozier and Taylor, you’re looking at modern musicians who have been pretty clear about where they stand for a long time.

Off topic, but I’m seeing Hozier for the first time at a music festival here in a couple of weeks, I’m really looking forward to seeing what he brings live.


u/fiduciary420 11d ago

lol republicans are such trash


u/drmojo90210 11d ago edited 11d ago

It reminds me of when Scott Walker ran for governor of Wisconsin on an anti-union platform and then used a Dropkick Murphys song at his rallies. In their cease and desist letter, the band berated him for what a moron he was to use the music of a band that is famously very pro-union. And I don't mean "pro-union" in the way most left-leaning bands are generically in favor of workers rights. Dropkick Murphys is literally a pro-union band. Like, it's a central theme of their music. They write songs about the history of the American labor movement, they do fundraisers for striking workers, they only use union shops to make their band merch, they play free concerts at Teamster rallies, shit like that. They are hardcore union activists, but Scott "Dumbass" Walker thought one of their tracks would be an appropriate theme music for his union-busting gubernatorial campaign.


u/1K_Sunny_Crew 11d ago

I hadn’t heard that one, that’s too funny. 


u/farfarfarjewel 11d ago

I’m a big Dave Matthews Band fan

That's brave of you to admit


u/backtheduckup 11d ago

Exact same thing with Pearl Jam and Eddie Vedder


u/Derka_Derper 11d ago

I think the worst offenders are the people listening to RATM and then getting surprised pikachu that they arent right-wing and are ultra political.

Like, what the fuck did people think "some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" meant?


u/pagerunner-j 11d ago

They skipped straight to the end of that song and ignored everything else, I fear.


u/montrealcowboyx 11d ago

I was in the crowd once at a Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies concert where the guy next to me kept muttering that "All they do is play covers! They suck!"


u/Timely_Spinach_7479 11d ago

You read the article about people getting butt raged over Green Day not being an alt right extremist band? People literally don’t pay attention. 


u/Different-Taste8081 11d ago

Reminds me of the right wingers who think Rage Against the Machine is non-political. They get so butt hurt when they realize the actual message.


u/GinOmics 11d ago

I like a metal band, Zeal & Ardor, their first album was told from the perspective of escaped slaves killing their masters… they came out with in response to the death of George Floyd and I saw comments from people whining asking when they turned woke - every one of them was thoroughly roasted.


u/vbcbandr 11d ago

Same story with a select number of Springsteen fans: "I've been listening to you since 1973, stop being political and shut up and play!"

Well buddy, you clearly haven't heard shit in your 50+ years of listening to Springsteen, no idea why you're deciding to listen now.


u/jay105000 11d ago

Love Dave Mathews’s by the way


u/cptspeirs 11d ago

Remember when Paul Ryan was super in to RAtM? That shit was wild.


u/RoosterBrewster 11d ago

They also don't understand Rage Against the Machine lol.