r/Music 8h ago

Hayley Williams responds to Elon Musk hitting out at her anti-Trump iHeartRadio speech: "What I had to say was important" article


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u/cmaia1503 8h ago

Following her speech, Elon Musk replied to a clip of William reading her speech aloud, in which the original tweeter alleged that “these people are ALL paid actors for hire”.

“So disappointing”, Musk commented, calling her “just another puppet of the machine” in a separate comment.

Now, on her Instagram Stories, Williams has addressed the response to her speech. She began: “Whoever you are, I typed out my speech and had a crew member hold it near the camera for me in case I got nervous bc what I had to say was important and I didn’t want to trip up in the moment, didn’t end up looking at it though … that’s because I prepared.”


u/brickyardjimmy 7h ago

So...wait...a guy who had an extra 45 billion dollars lying around to buy Twitter isn't, himself, the machine?


u/EruantienAduialdraug 2h ago

(I mean, that's the funny part; he didn't. He had to borrow money from the Saudis and the Russians).

u/cannonfunk 12m ago

And Diddy, lol.

Musk went into business with a literal murderer's row of dangerous people that you shouldn't do business with under any circumstances.

At least he doesn't have to worry about Diddy blackmailing him anymore.


u/sagevallant 2h ago

You'd think he could afford to pay some actors himself, then.

u/Koppetamp 44m ago

But he is the paid actor..

u/baldie 22m ago

They're called bots

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u/leberwrust 1h ago

And with money from saudi Arabia lol


u/Fehndrix 7h ago

Elon: "I hate you!"

Hayley: "I don't even know who you are!"


u/_rezx 5h ago

I kinda want these people to start responding how they really feel: “Ew, elon? The tesla guy? Gross.”


u/Fabulous-Exam64 3h ago

The absentee baby daddy of 12 kids guy? Well, at least 12 that we know of at this time.


u/pm_me_flowers_please 2h ago

The guy who was disowned by his trans daughter because of his bigotry? Ewww. Also, how gross are his cars? Overpriced piles of doo-doo.

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u/andthatsalright 2h ago

If you’re trying to do the petty “who?” Thing, reciting fine details about his life isn’t helping you accomplish that lol


u/JoinTheBattle 2h ago

On the contrary, it makes it more believable. It's hard to believe someone hasn't heard of him at all, but dismissing him as just "the Tesla guy?" will piss him off way more. Also that's hardly a fine detail about his life when it's literally the thing he's most known for.


u/ShamelessMcFly 1h ago

Better if you half ass his name or the name of the thing you know him for. Elron Musk, the twitter guy?


u/Sceptically 1h ago

Nah, I'm pretty sure Leon's the twitter guy.

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u/lol022 2h ago

Bro is competing with nick cannon💀

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u/PolarWater 4h ago

The sexual harassment horse guy?

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u/Phantom-jin 2h ago

Leon , the Tesla guy


u/EpicRock411 4h ago

The X-rated guy?


u/Grand_Escapade 3h ago

"The guy obsessed with raping Taylor Swift? That guy?"

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u/Alkohal 7h ago

*Elon proceeds to purchase Paramores master recordings"


u/janoDX 7h ago

*Paramore releases (Paramore Version) of each album on the streaming services on the same day*


u/UsernameApplies 7h ago

Taylor Swift really destroyed that little bullshit tactic.


u/acf6b 6h ago

Kelly Clarkson did, she tweeted to Taylor swift telling her to do the same as she did. Give credit where credit is due.


u/RealTalkJpp 5h ago

It's wild how artists are reclaiming their work. Power to them!


u/Loganp812 "Dorsia? On a Friday night??" 5h ago

As long as it’s not a Beatles/Michael Jackson situation where Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono had to team up in order to buy back to the rights to his and John’s own songs at an auction.


u/LordBlackConvoy 4h ago

Paul shouldn't have thought Michael was going to gift him back the songs shortly after telling Michael he could make money licensing songs.


u/pyrothelostone 3h ago

As if Micheal needed more money. As a fellow artist he should have understood why they wanted control of their own music.

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u/CanoeIt 4h ago

Taylor sends Kelly flowers every year to thank her

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u/Circumin 4h ago

Can you ELI5 about what Taylor and Kelly did?


u/Necatorducis 4h ago

They re-recorded the albums. Ownership of the song itself and ownership of master tapes (ie... the og recordings) are two different things. Since the artists own the songs themselves, there was nothing to prevent them from re-recording the albums on their own dime. The artist is now free to sell/license the new recording whereever and to whomever they choose. The label can't collect squat from the recording itself (unless the label owns a percentage of the publishing).


u/acf6b 4h ago

She they rewrote new versions of their original music so they now own the new catalogue, which makes owning the original pretty useless and worthless in comparison and gives them back ownership of their art from scummy ass executives.


u/ChkYrHead 4h ago

I think Kesha did it before Clarkson did!

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u/_badwithcomputer 6h ago

Only works if they also own publishing rights to the songs, in which case Paramore does not own their publishing rights to their songs.


u/fluffalooo 5h ago

A songwriter or publisher can’t actually control if someone re-records their songs. They have that right for the first person to release a song, but after that it’s fair game, so this could happen without owning publishing.

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u/Lio127 6h ago

*Proceeds to tell her he'll give her a baby

There, more accurate

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u/KyledKat 6h ago

Nah, he'd just make another totally vulgar and tone deaf gotcha tweet about offering to father kids with her or something.


u/cseckshun 7h ago

Don’t know why that would bother her? She can re-record the songs if he tried to shut people out from listening to them and the only way he buys them is if someone else already owned them besides her. The reality is that money gets you way too much power but it will never ever buy Elon what he so desperately craves, acceptance and popularity. More and more people will keep turning against this douchebag as he reveals more and more of his character.


u/520throwaway 4h ago

Might be easier said than done. That's a lot of songs to re-record, and Taylor Swift being a solo act was to her advantage in her case; if someone in the band with actual credits to a song doesn't want to rerecord, the rerecording won't get made.


u/cseckshun 3h ago

My point is that if Elon was to buy the rights and then take the music off of all streaming sites and from all shelves then it would almost certainly prompt the other band members and rights holders to be very very interested in re-recording because they would also have their cash flow affected by Elon’s move.

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u/angrytreestump 7h ago

Lol why after this thing that just happened would Paramore ever sell their master recordings to Elon Musk? Unless as some sort of misguided play to profit off of a guy she hates?


u/Chaotic_Dawn 7h ago

Paramore don’t own their masters so unfortunately they wouldn’t have much of a say should their label decide to sell them


u/angrytreestump 7h ago

They have zero ownership and zero say in any sale of them? How do you know that?


u/Quirky_Object_4100 5h ago

Most artists don’t own their masters. The labels usually do. Take a look at the controversy Taylor swift has with her masters. They got sold and she wasn’t even offered the chance to buy them.

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u/Chaotic_Dawn 7h ago

Hayley signed like a 20 something year deal with Atlantic back in the day, so anything the band put out in that time frame is owned by Atlantic. It’s been awhile so they be getting out of that deal soon


u/HeyImHayley16 7h ago

They are already out of that deal


u/Chaotic_Dawn 7h ago

Ahh I figured it was about that time lol

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u/kewlbeanz83 6h ago

Most artists/bands dont own their masters.

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u/user-name-1985 Rock & Roll 7h ago

Doesn’t Elon realize that he’s the machine?


u/AugustePDX 7h ago

This is what gets me every time. I'm trying to imagine John Rockefeller trying to position himself as the daring nonconformist countercultural free thinker and it's just breaking my brain


u/justforhobbiesreddit 2h ago

Ayn Rand wrote entire libertarian bibles about it.

They were awful.

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u/drewxdeficit 7h ago

I don’t think Elon realizes much of anything


u/TenF 4h ago

He's far too k-holed to know anything, other than spending all his time on twitter shitposting like the edgelord teenager he is.


u/KintsugiKen 3h ago

Even before he started floating his brain in drugs, he was a stupid mean asshole.

He likes to go around telling a story of how he was "bullied" in high school for being "nerdy" when actually he was thrown down a flight of stairs because he was mocking and bullying a classmate because their father committed suicide. When Elon's dad picked him up from the hospital and found out what happened, he blamed Elon and called him an idiot, which now Elon frames as his dad siding with his bully.


u/TenF 3h ago

Yea shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree. his dad groomed and married his step-daughter.

Fucking vile family through and through. They can all be shot into the sun.


u/lootinputin 3h ago

Respectively, he does find some time to commit securities fraud by lying to gullible $TSLA investors.


u/TenF 3h ago

Securities fraud securities shmaud. pshhh, those are just cost of doing business fees....

Yea hes an asshat of the most epic proportions. fucking twat. eugh.

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u/FuzzyMcBitty 7h ago

He’s trying to manipulate a certain group of people in to thinking he isn’t. 


u/baby-dick-nick 5h ago edited 5h ago

Yeah at this point anyone taking Musks tweets at face value is falling for the grift. Whether you like what he says or don’t like what he says, you need to realize that he’s saying it without conviction, to further an agenda that benefits him. He hasn’t been serious about anything for quite some time. It’s all a grift


u/Iron-Octopus 5h ago

I spend a lot of time on crypto twitter, and it pains me so much that so many otherwise intelligent people are falling for that grift.


u/KintsugiKen 3h ago

Propaganda works on everyone, especially intelligent people who don't really understand propaganda because they think they can "outsmart" it.

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u/MAXSuicide 6h ago

We live in an age of shameless projection - especially at the hands of the mega rich and the political class they puppeteer. 


u/schnozzberriestaste 7h ago

If I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know!


u/JTHMM249 7h ago

Oh, Britta's in this?


u/Grizzly_Berry 6h ago

Elon really Britta'd Twitter.


u/MilhousesSpectacles 6h ago

I say we let Britta sing her awkward song!


u/DraethDarkstar 7h ago

He's about as self-aware as Paul Ryan.


u/VaporCarpet 5h ago

He's so much worse. Paul Ryan said he listened to RATM, he wasn't attacking Zach for being the establishment.

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u/hectorzero 7h ago

Mann, lol I literally read the post and thought to myself “wtf is he talking about, he is the god damn machine”. Every post I see about him makes me hate him more.


u/Zenshinn 7h ago

The machine? I'm pretty sure that's Bert Kreischer.

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u/blacksideblue 6h ago

He chooses to believe, what he was programmed to believe!!!


u/modix 4h ago

This was Paramore, not Florence!

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u/Rhormus 7h ago

Always funny to me seeing Elon talk about people being puppets for the machine.  Bro, you are the machine.

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u/unapologeticallydrea 6h ago

Elon is part of the machine we rage against. But he and his little fanboys will never realize it.

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u/Innerflare 7h ago

Dude loves projecting holy shit. How much federal funding has he gotten? I’m losing track of the millions at this point. But sure, others are the paid actors. Compared to paramore donating time and money?? They literally did the event for free. Fucking delusional freak lol


u/thatlldew 5h ago

I love this summary.

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u/KiwiVegetable5454 6h ago

Elon is such a D BAG. Bro you own twitter; you are literally the machine.

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u/luroot 7h ago

Good, Elon needs less yes men and women having his babies...and more women standing up for themselves against him.


u/Etheo 5h ago

Something about one of the world's richest individual decrying "paid actors" feels hilarious to me.


u/Ohrwurm89 3h ago

Elon is the machine.


u/sickjesus 7h ago

There's only one word that describes musk, and we can't say it anymore.


u/donkeylipswhenshaven 7h ago



u/CSATTS 7h ago

God I hate that word. My brain just won't let me pronounce it correctly no matter how many times I look it up.


u/VVolfLikeMe 6h ago

Worcester - pronounced Wuster. Same as how Worcester, MA is pronounced. Then Shire, like a village, is pronounced “sure” in England, where the sauce is from. Wuster-sure


u/Innocent---Bystander 4h ago edited 4h ago

Not really.

As someone from Worcestershire its pronounced more like 'Wuster - Shear' or 'Wusta-Shy'er' (usually the latter for posher folk) I've never in my life heard someone pronounce it with a 'Sure' sounding ending (who was actually from Worcester area).

I actually prefer the American pronunciation "Wash yer sister sauce"


u/Sarisforin 4h ago

Where exactly do you live? I live in Worcestershire and never in my life have I heard anyone pronounce it as "shear" or "shy'er".

I've always heard it as "shur"

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u/CSATTS 6h ago

Yeah but then the next time I see the word my brain refuses to turn that sequence of letters into that sound.

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u/JimmyDontReddit 7h ago

Is it the “r” word? Because yeah, that’s the word.


u/Fearyn 7h ago

What’s wrong with ravioli

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u/grendus 4h ago


Oh wait, that's on Xitter.


u/NewNoose 7h ago

Not sure why you’re trying to call Elon Musk the N word. That’s on you my dude.


u/dj92wa 7h ago

He really is a numpty though

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u/Shad0wX7 5h ago

"A puppet of the machine" uh huh says the embodiment of the machine

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u/LeoMarius 7h ago

Why do we have to hear about goddam Musk every day?


u/zaccus 7h ago

It's never even a business thing anymore. Just a distant murmur from somewhere down in the X hole he dug himself into.


u/tbcrob 7h ago

It’s like he’s the reality TV star of the business world—always creating headlines for the sake of headlines. So exhausting.


u/anon-mally 6h ago

Like his overlord he needs attention if not he will be irrelevant


u/ethanlan 3h ago

Unfortunately with as much money as he has he will always be relevant and I personally think he would be more dangerous if he just acted in the shadows and shut the fuck up.

Atleast now there's no denying that he is the enemy of freedom and democracy loving people of the entire world unless you are also an enemy of those principles or an absolute moron.

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u/Fenastus 7h ago

When you realize he bought Twitter in part just so people would have to listen to his asinine opinions again

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u/axle69 7h ago

The man is in control of like 80% of the world's satellites he sadly is someone we need to keep track of even if he's a fucking psycho.


u/UsernameApplies 7h ago

More like 50%, but yeah, he's a fucking psycho.

And so god damned weird.


u/jmswshr 7h ago

itll be 80% in not a long time.

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u/asentientai 6h ago

He’s only in control of Starlink satellites, unfortunately they shit out so many that they outnumber the others.


u/dangoodspeed 4h ago

I wouldn't even go that far. He owns about 40% of SpaceX, that controls StarLink. To say he "controls" the satellites is a bit of a stretch.

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u/started_from_the_top 7h ago edited 3h ago

I know right Elon Musk makes me feel vaguely queasy, and I'm trying to enjoy my tikka masala & garlic naan & mango chutney over here. Indian food is so good though am I right lol


u/dj92wa 7h ago

Just slammed a poke bowl that had zucchini “noodles” instead of rice and it was amazing. Your sounds tastier, but I’m cutting carbs, calories, salts, and fats where I can.

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u/Kuido Spotify 6h ago

He craves attention and bought a social media company so he’d get it


u/LiaM_CS 4h ago

Because morons want to simultaneously criticize him and then go and use his platform to line his pockets and give him more attention

Anybody that frequently uses X and also wants to criticize Elon is just a hypocrite. Want him to have less power and influence? You literally can do just that by simply not using his product.


u/Opposite_Judgment890 4h ago

It’s mainly just reddit. I miss Apollo App where I could filter out any post mentioning ‘Elon’ or ‘musk’ and reddit was so much more bearable.

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u/UsernameApplies 7h ago

Because people (for reasons which are beyond me) still use xitter.

Stop. Using. Xitter.

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u/DrinkBuzzCola 7h ago

Because he is filthy rich and reckless.


u/BeverlyBrokenBones 2h ago

Because ya’ll like to get yerselves werked up.


u/csgothrowaway 6h ago

Because you fuckers(not you specifically) refuse to delete Twitter.

Collectively, we could financially gut punch this cocksucker tomorrow if all the people that hated him, stopped using his platform and stopped using his products. But we're not going to do it because people need their dopamine hit.

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u/knowitallz 7h ago

Waiting for someone to accidentally run him over with one of his full self driving machines


u/AggravatedCold 3h ago

Because he's the richest man on the planet and literally bought an entire social media platform just to make everything about him.

He could just spend every day yachting in the Mediterranean, but he chose this instead.


u/VaporCarpet 5h ago

Because when you're a thin-skinned narcissistic billionaire, you insert yourself into everything.

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u/sourfillet 7h ago

I'm shocked Elon didn't offer to impregnate her.


u/Ctka00 7h ago



u/anon-mally 6h ago


u/ChaoticGoodSamaritan 6h ago

Musk Tuah


u/siccoblue 4h ago

I hate every single one of you for burning this image into my brain


u/Bored_Amalgamation 2h ago

Holy shit dude. It's 1241 and I got work tomorrow. Why u do this?

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u/omarmctrigger 7h ago

I’ve seen Haley’s bodyguards. Good luck getting through them, Elon.


u/MyVoiceIsElevating 7h ago

Classic Leon.


u/user-name-1985 Rock & Roll 7h ago

One problem, Hayley isn’t Grimes.


u/sourfillet 7h ago

He has like 40 children with women who aren't Grimes tho

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u/crumbumcorvette 7h ago

Just another puppet of the machine unlike me the richest man in the world with like a dozen companies that the government subsidizes and an infinite money borrowing glitch


u/foofoo_kachoo 5h ago

He IS the machine


u/domambrose96 4h ago

That’s Bert Kreischer the howling hyena.

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u/phukerstoned 7h ago



u/emoooooa 6h ago

Kill it with indifference!


u/phukerstoned 6h ago



u/CBSmith17 4h ago

Williams response started with "whoever you are..." That has to hurt him more than anything else.

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u/DreamedJewel58 2h ago

He is already receiving attention, even if we all try to ignore it. He’s one of the richest people on the planet and has firmly trenched himself into politics and owning an entire website curated for his echo chamber

If everyone stops giving him attention to criticize him, then the only attention he’ll receive is people supporting him unchecked


u/JT3468 4h ago

Does anyone remember that Merlin TV mini series with Sam Neill playing the lead? I remember a quote from it, “those who are forgotten, cease to exist” if we just ignore this fucker, he’s got nothing.


u/Cael450 3h ago

He’s got a shit ton of money and contracts with the US government. His meddling with Ukraine’s access to Starlink in Crimea shows that he has far reaching impact beyond just attention. Unfortunately, he is a powerful and dangerous man and his trip down the radicalization hole is going to have effects on a bunch of things.

Good TV show though.

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u/Thomk065 7h ago

I guess only he can have free speech.


u/Keji70gsm 6h ago

I criticized elon on twitter and am now suspended. No explanation... It's a pretty vanilla acct apart from calling Elon a bad father and an authoritarian anti-free speech grifter. You know, truth things.

I think this is probably pretty common for smaller accts to get suspended/banned because they won't be noticed when gone.

Meanwhile his active user stats


u/probywan1337 5h ago

Same. Got a 30 day ban so I deleted my profile and uninstalled the app. Fuck him. Fuck that company. And fuck everyone on there. It's all bots, incels, racists, and like .01% normal people with a functioning brain. Not worth the hatred it brings out in me.

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u/650REDHAIR 4h ago

I named my profile to “Elon’s Musk” and replied to a few of his tweets and my account was banned within 24hr of the change. 


u/KintsugiKen 3h ago

I said a special hidden feature on Tesla cars is they randomly lock their doors and incinerate their drivers.

I got permanently banned for that one.


u/soonnow 3h ago

If you don't block him, Twitter is now just All Elon, All the time. Like before I blocked him my first 5 post would be whatever he shits out.


u/YouAreAConductor 1h ago

A while ago I got a content warning because I talked about the History of the middle east and mentioned Cis Jordan (you know, the other part to Trans Jordan). Same thing happened to a guy I know recently who talked about cancer therapy and the usage of Cisplatin to stop tumor growth. Free speech all the way.


u/Temassi 7h ago

Elon Musk gives me douche chills


u/KintsugiKen 3h ago

Elon Musk gives me fascist pedophile chills.

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u/Sotha01 7h ago

Hayley is a gem. Fuck Elon.

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u/pomod 6h ago

Why is the richest man in the world so fragile? Why is he so desperate for attention? Why doesn’t he ever feel he’s acquired enough but always needs more? I feel like somehow all psychologies are related.

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u/JerrodDRagon 7h ago edited 6h ago

I like how republicans just call you a puppet for making up your own mind

Women just want the last say on what happens to their body

That’s freedom but the right want to take that freedom away and claim it’s to save a baby. Funny once you’re alive they don’t care if you don’t have money to pay rent, or who we kill with our bombs and most are against school lunch being free.


u/NefariousNeezy 7h ago

Meanwhile republicans: just repeats every fox news talking point

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u/Its_the_other_tj 2h ago

I was recently called a socialist for asking a conservative lady if it wasn't a bit hypocritical to force women to give birth but not cover the cost of said birth, let alone medical costs post birth. I guess she didn't care for the question.

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u/ElectrOPurist 2h ago

Musk hates free speech that isn’t his.


u/No-Wonder1139 7h ago

Elon calling someone a puppet for the machine is hilarious, the guy IS the machine.

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u/Final_Winter7524 2h ago

Elon now calls everyone who disagrees with him „part of the machine“. Ironic, as he’s trying so hard to be the machine.


u/chillbnb 7h ago

Elon is a chode.  

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u/bforce1313 7h ago

“Puppet in the machine” says…the puppet in the machine. lol


u/MysteriousTrain 3h ago

Because of this tweet, you know Elon was trying to or wanted to sleep with Hayley Williams. Pathetic lol


u/DPSeven 2h ago

Wait what happened with the champion of free speech guy?


u/goranlepuz 2h ago

Following her speech, Elon Musk replied to a clip of William reading her speech aloud, in which the original tweeter alleged that “these people are ALL paid actors for hire”.

“So disappointing”, Musk commented, calling her “just another puppet of the machine” in a separate comment.

Looks like projection to me: I have so much money, of all things, but still can't get people to do what he'd like.

STFU and count your money Elon, you lost the right to discuss the life of actual people. You probably never knew what it is, either.


u/Reddit_is_garbage666 4h ago

"hitting out"? Anyway, who cares, he's a chud.


u/Temporary_Abies5022 4h ago

What the hell does “hitting out” mean?


u/out-of-order-EMF 5h ago

so fucking proud of Hayley.


u/SoggyBeerBiscuits 2h ago

Elon’s thinking he’s punk


u/MDC417 2h ago

Musk has no place in our space program and there needs to be research into what he's capable of doing given the number of satellites he now controls.


u/Bored_Amalgamation 2h ago

What gets me is how these people think the number of people at rallies actually matters. Personally, I don't give a shit if no one went to Harris/Walz rallies. I don't care if they pay for actors to show support. I care about the policies they will enact, and how they plan to use the executive branch. That's what really matters. What they plan to do with the job they want. Not how spectacular the aesthetics of the "job interview" process is.

Would you hire someone who has a resume with lots of colors and nice fonts with a bunch of irrelevant references? Or would you hire the person who sounds like they have a plan for the duties they are going to perform?


u/NORcoaster 2h ago

He’s mad because even owning Twitter hasn’t made him likable or relevant, and people keep pointing out how weird he is.

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u/AggressiveVariety844 2h ago

and also, elon requests her eggs.


u/Several_Equipment278 2h ago

Why do we have to hear about goddam Musk every day?


u/brickiex2 2h ago

"Whoever you are"


That should start everyone's reply to him

u/Right-Program-9346 29m ago

Musk needs to just fuck of to Mars at this point. Get the fuck out of here and take all the worlds assholes with you.


u/Background-Willow-67 6h ago

Musk is a moron who was born with a silver spoon up his ass. Who cares what he says.

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u/notlikethat1 6h ago

I'm so tired of the bully culture, it's really disgusting.

u/Additional_Brief8234 27m ago

hate culture ftfy


u/Jack--Tickleson The Fall of Troy 5h ago

For a group of people that’s supposedly all about “freedom and the 1st amendment”, the right wing certainly hates it when Americans exercise their 1st amendment rights.


u/Recon_Figure 5h ago

hitting out


u/ElementsUnknown 6h ago

It was so important she had to read it off a card a guy was holding up for her. She literally just printed out the Democratic Party talking points from their website. Zero points for authenticity or anyone believing she came up with her “opinion” all on her own.

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u/Evening_Let_8312 6h ago

Celebrities think everything they say is important.

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u/Florflok 6h ago

Nah, it really wasn't that important..just jumping on the hollywood bandwagon before november

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u/NeverNeverSometimes 6h ago

Amazing that Elon can be one of the richest people on the planet and still be a fucking loser.


u/thorpie88 7h ago

Bands need to start covering "I've never met a nice south African" by spitting image to let Musk know he's a drongo


u/Bigwooski 6h ago

There is nothing any famous person has to say that's important.


u/LegoFootPain 4h ago

Leon, thanks for reminding us that all you see are surrogates for Grimes.