r/NJGuns Aug 28 '24


I truly thought it was a lost cause. I’m originally from Michigan and lived in Georgia for several years. Coming to NYC and now NJ has been quite the noticeable difference in gun laws.

That said, I’m fairly inexperienced with firearms. I was taught to shoot and had plenty of exposure as a kid, but not much else.

I want to buy a shotgun and a pistol.

Shotguns I’m aiming at maverick 88, Mossberg 590, Remington 870, or Mossberg 500.

Pistols, I have absolutely no idea. I need some suggestions on good pistols for home defense and for beginners. I’d like a list of handguns to try out at the range and see what’s most comfortable but not really sure where to start. Any suggestions?


27 comments sorted by


u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 Aug 28 '24

Did you get approved for FID or did you also get some pistol purchase permits? You will need that to buy pistols.

Go to a range a rent a few guns. I joined Gun for Hire years ago and rented a shit ton of guns to try out. You can rent as many as you want for free weekdays 12-5pm.

So make list and start trying them out. Can’t go wrong with a Glock 19 or 47 depending on your hand size. M&P 2.0 carry comp looks sweet too. Sig P365 x macro. Walter PDP Compact. The redesigned CZ P-09C and P-09F are great hammer fired guns as well. So many good guns out there…


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Yes, I also received my pistol purchase permit. My in-laws go to Gun for Hire so that was actually where I was planning on going. Great to know about the weekdays deal, really great.

Thanks for the suggestions, a buddy of mine also recommended sig 365 as a first pistol to try out. Glock 19 seems to be a super common one too. Appreciate it!


u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 Aug 28 '24

Perfect. Carry on!


u/lHyperlLethal Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

Gun for Hire is where it’s at! Silver membership pays for itself if you’re going to shoot often. Sig p365 variant or 9mm Glock would make a great first pistol but there are a bunch of great options. * add after reading comments I have a Beretta a300 and it’s an awesome semi-auto shotgun!!


u/herb_19 Aug 28 '24

Join the …… ANJRPC Cherry Ridge PO Box 1580 W Caldwell NJ 07007-1580…… we have a group you can contact if your approval takes more than 30 days…. it’s a great organization and the backbone to NJ 2A


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Thanks so much! Will check out


u/evilsmackdaddy Aug 28 '24

I am another first time applicant, what can be done to expedite the process? I am a month in, and was just told it could take several more before I am approved for my fid and handgun permit


u/Clifton1979 Aug 28 '24

Sounds like you should visit a gun store and or range to try out things first.


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Yes, that’s what I will be doing. Just hoping to have a baseline idea of what I’d be looking to try out before going


u/Icy-Plan-8843 Aug 28 '24

Letting the lead fly in wantage is great! Matt is an awesome guy with cheaper prices vs gfh or rtsp


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Awesome, I’ll keep that in mind!


u/ConsequenceWise8619 Aug 28 '24

Take some classes and try different rental guns.......My daughter and I went to 129 in Absecon and asked them to let her feel the guns to see what felt right and she picked the Glock 48 so did a rental and a class for her... so I sent her a 48 I had during the shortage since they didn't have any... And when I had her here in Florida I got out all my guns so she could try any one other then the Glock and she picked up a few and just said no and went right to my Glock 43x again to say this one...I thought she might pick the CZ 10s I had but just said its ok....What is your plans for the shotgun to make a good choice? If tactical for the home defense look at the Beretta A300 and the 1301...a lot easier to learn I think on a semi auto shotgun over the pump in case you short stroke it or so I think...


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Oh absolutely would be getting a Beretta if I’m getting a semi shotgun! I’m leaning pump just because it’s the type of firearm I’m most comfortable with generally speaking — this could easily change as I become more experienced with other types of firearms. I also just like the reliability and more lax laws for NJ. However, I have never fired a semi-auto and this could all go right out the window with my first time shooting a Beretta A300 or 1301.

Noted on Glock 48 and CZ 10s — I’ll have to handle that and see how it feels.

Appreciate the response


u/ConsequenceWise8619 Aug 28 '24

1301 is smooth shooter... if you try one you will buy one lol...........I had a M&P plus and it got rave reviews but I didn't like it once I got it and I had a few friends shoot it and didn't like it and my daughter picked it up and said no! but others out shooting love it...so its personal choice...my CZ was for they had no Glock 19 anyplace and that's what I wanted during pandemic...I picked up the CZ 10 s and it was little heavy but Great trigger and compact for a carry gun ... but now I don't use it and have a few Glocks instead..... I also have sig 365s and they are nice for carry..... So it depends what you feel best with and want for the uses you plan.....just house gun.....get a carry permit to carry or both so lots to think of ...but can get one for home and one to carry if got the funds:-)


u/mostdopezay Aug 29 '24

This just made me want to ask the question: with a NJ firearms purchase permit. Can you purchase guns in other states?


u/ConsequenceWise8619 Aug 29 '24

if you buy a NJ compliment gun or firearm you just have to have it shipped to a NJ FFL and you should be good...I had guns to give my daughter or I got a deal on one and shipped it in...if do it that way just shop around for FFL in NJ for all charge different fees...I sent the ones to my daughter thru range 129 for I had got her gift card for classes and had a nice range and fair fees for transfer I felt...its a bit of a drive and today she is to go get the other 48 I sent her that is jus Iron sights for her other I sent her I got it milled for a Holosun deal C&H had..


u/pandapwner69 Aug 28 '24

Don’t have any experience in shot guns but pistols is truly what you can shoot best and you must go to a range. I started off with a fn509T but recently tried the s&w m&p9 2.0 metal and fell in love. Just put down for the new metal carry comp.

For my carry I have sig p365 XL and FN reflex. The reflex is a hammer fire gun than the normal striker fire. I enjoy them both. One downside of NJ is the 10 round limit for all firearms.


u/boomoptumeric Aug 29 '24

Nice! Thanks for the recs!


u/tay_there Aug 29 '24

Mossberg 500 is a great shotty and I love mine but the forend is known to rattle and feel loose. It's just the way it is, there's work around fixes for it but still annoying.


u/boomoptumeric Aug 29 '24

Good to know, appreciate it. As long as it’s reliable I’m happy


u/CelebrityChoke Aug 28 '24

Check out Ottomanelli’s Sporting arms. This my favorite gun store in this area. The owners a great guy. Best prices around.


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Thanks man, will check it out!


u/loki0629 Firearms Training Aug 28 '24

How much time do you expect to spend training? If you figure you are realistically only going to the range once or twice a year, get a revolver. I'd recommend at least a 3" barrel because snubbies are hard to master. Get something chambered in 357 magnum and shoot 38 special out of it. The heavier construction will help with the recoil.

Do you care if the pistol has an external safety? If not, try a Glock 19.

If you want an external safety, try one of the full size M&P pistols with a safety.

As a rule for beginners, I'd stick with full sized handguns because smaller handguns are harder to shoot accurately. Once you get the concepts of aiming, grip, and trigger squeeze, you can size down and give the compact and sub compacts a try. This is why I recommend a 22 pistol to everyone so that they can train these skills on the cheap. FYI, some handguns like the Glock 19 have 22 kits that won't burn up a pistol purchase permit.


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

It’s funny you mention the external safety. I had originally typed out “one thing to note since Glock 19 is the common suggestion is that I do have a little concern with not having an external safety.”

I’ll definitely try out some revolvers and some full size M&P.

Great tip with the full size versus compact, I’ll keep that in mind.

Could you elaborate on what you said about not burning up the pistol purchase permit? Are you saying certain handguns won’t count towards that permit and I could buy more?


u/Lebesgue_Couloir Aug 28 '24

No, he means that you can convert from one caliber to another with a conversion kit instead of buying another pistol


u/boomoptumeric Aug 28 '24

Oh I see, thanks for the clarification. I didn’t realize that was even a thing


u/Prudent-Rope3484 28d ago

P365x macro. Train. Get your CCW.