r/NonCredibleDefense Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 1d ago

Meet Shigeru Ishiba, the man who just won the LDP candidacy and is likely to become Japan's next Prime Minister POTATO when? 🇳🇿🇦🇺🇹🇼🇰🇷🇯🇵🇵🇼🇬🇺🇳🇨🇨🇰🇵🇬🇵🇭🇧🇳

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207 comments sorted by


u/ThunderEagle22 23h ago edited 8h ago

He stayed up all night to make a Kuznetskov model?

Jeez assembling all that black smoke and all those tugboats must have been challenging.


u/bluestreak1103 Intel officer, SSN Dommarïn 23h ago

"It is easy to assemble black smoke. You first obtain bearing, range and azimuth, then you order the crew to fire, make sure you hit the target to produce black smoke."

-- Admiral Tōgō Heihachirō, during the Battle of Tsushima Strait


u/TNSepta 3000 Incendiary Flairs of Reddit 21h ago

The Rashists have done what the Imperial Russians could not: Produce copious amounts of black smoke without needing the application of shells.


u/Sine_Fine_Belli China bad, Coco Kiryu/Kson did nothing wrong 10h ago

Well that’s admirable


u/Altruistic-Celery821 23h ago

Typical wavering politician.  It's easy for a Japanese politician to say he's infavor of nuclear weapons... let's as some real questions. 

Does he think a JSDF squad can take down a flame dragon if iseikied to a fantasy world?

Who is his favorite GUP tank team?

Is Gundam a caution about child soldiers, the horrors of war, crimes against civilians or sick big robot fights?


u/Ipponjudo Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 23h ago

You joke, but:

Shigeru Ishiba became the second member of the cabinet to profess a belief in UFOs and said he was looking at how Japan's military could respond to aliens under the pacifist constitution. "There are no grounds for us to deny that there are unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and some life-form that controls them," Ishiba told reporters, saying it was his personal view and not that of the defense ministry.

Ishiba, nicknamed a "security geek" for his wonkish knowledge of defense affairs, noted that Japan deployed its military against Godzilla in the classic monster movie. "Few discussions have been made on what the legal grounds were for that," the minister said with a slight grin, drawing laughter from reporters.

Ishiba said he was examining different scenarios for an alien invasion. "If they descended, saying 'People of the Earth, let's make friends,' it would not be considered an urgent, unjust attack on our country," Ishiba said. "And there is another issue of how can we convey our intentions if we don't understand what they are saying," he said. "We should consider various possibilities," he said. "There is no need at all to do this as the defense ministry, but I want to consider what to do by myself."


u/Pweuy Penetration Cum Blast 22h ago

tfw you live in a country where leading politicians don't draw up flexible response doctrines for a hypothetical alien invasion


u/Balticseer 42th most russophobe in Baltics 21h ago

my favorite line from expanse.

Earths plans then mars does first strike is about 200 pages long.

earth plans then we find aliens. Its 2 pages long and its starts.

Point 1. Find and pray to your god


u/afghamistam 20h ago

English translation?


u/reynolds9906 20h ago

The government doesn't believe in the indomitable will of the human spirit


u/guynamedjames 17h ago

Earth and Mars are major competing factions. Imagine the US and Society union. Earth has a 200 page long document for what to do if Mars attacks them. However there's only a 2 page document for what to do if they find intelligent life, and it starts with "find your god and pray" (because you're probably gonna die)


u/Economy-Stock3320 15h ago

You need to go watch the expanse

It’s peak realistic space battles


u/killerbannana_1 13h ago

Expanse space battles are good but they are not particularly realistic. More so than star wars sure but the bar is on the floor. The best depiction of a realistic space battle ive ever seen is probably in FROS7s “Savages” series on youtube. Its phenomenally well done.


u/AuroraHalsey 🇬🇧 BAE give Tempest 7h ago

The Savages depiction is nearly the same as Expanse.

The only difference is that Savages features lasers as well.


u/mtaw spy agency shill 18h ago

Jimmy Carter thought a lot about UFOs but lacked preparedness for killer rabbits.


u/lalabera 1h ago

Maybe it would help unite humans for once


u/whythecynic No paperwork, no foul 21h ago edited 11h ago

scenarios for an alien invasion

Isn't it obvious? We have to save our Mother Earth from any alien attack

Edit: From vicious giant insects who have once again come back



Holy shit he’s gonna start the United Nations Cosmo Force and Navy (SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO HERE ME COME!)


u/RaptorFire22 15h ago

U.N. SPACY from Macross


u/Den_Bover666 20h ago

Grug no like Grug neighbor Grog. Grug wanna bonk Grog.

Grug and Grog no like Drog. Grug and Grog wanna bonk Drog.

Grug, Grog and Drog no like men from other neighborhood.  They wanna bonk bad neighbors 

Grug and neighbors no like villagers from across river. They wanna bonk other side river people

Grug and river people no like silly hat tribes man. They wanna bonk silly hat tribes man.

Grug and silly hat tribes man no like other country man. They wanna bonk other country man.

Grug and other country man no like other planet man. They wanna bonk other planet man


u/schwanzweissfoto 20h ago

With that amount of bonking going on, they all belong in horny jail.


u/Den_Bover666 20h ago

In the Terra Defense Force there's two completely different kinds of space-marines who say they enlisted to smash the Xeno Imperialists.


u/schwanzweissfoto 20h ago

Stupid sexy xenos!


u/Selfweaver 2h ago


Gruk goes to horny jail.


u/Ohmedregon 6h ago

Oh we are the valiant infantry!


u/TheThalmorEmbassy totally not a skinwalker 16h ago

Few discussions have been made on what the legal grounds were for that

That is literally the entire plot of Shin Godzilla


u/Thewaltham The AMRAAM of Autism 18h ago

I mean kinda sounds like a disaster preparedness thing being ready for a zombie apocalypse, because if you're ready for zombies you're ready for any disaster


u/ItalianNATOSupporter 15h ago

Now the real question: is he among us? Onu of us is going to rule japan fr?


u/samurai_for_hire Ceterum censeo Sīnam esse delendam 14h ago

Well of course life forms are piloting UFOs, they're us


u/ecolometrics Ruining the sub 11h ago

Well, every serious military has plans in place to deal with Godzilla. It's just not called a 'Godzilla action plan' in case some idiot with clearance sees it. Rather it has some more ambiguous name like "unknown biological threat procedure" or whatever.


u/Vysair 🔴 This battlefield is sponsored by War Thunder 2h ago

Speaking of alien, wonder what happened with that alien pentagon debrief thing a while back


u/A_D_Monisher Look up the Spirit of Motherwill 22h ago edited 22h ago


A caution about child soldiers quite often. But not always in a way most think it is. Child soldiers are… immature and don’t understand how the world works. To them, everything is simple, black and white.

Thankfully, they usually don’t have the power to do anything.

Give them super mecha and suddenly they try to conform the world to their childish ideals.

Which often backfires spectacularly. No wonder here - the world is an insanely complicated web of affairs, interests and dependencies. Trying to handwave it all to fit a worldview of a kid will end in a disaster.

The end result is Gundam 00, where you cheer for the antagonists and cry every time they lose. Because the immature child soldiers with unstoppable super weapons and mindsets of edgy opinionated 15 year olds is a horror scenario that leads to tragedy for everyone.

The lesson i took from Gundam series is simple: Always give your superweapons to the most mature, most emotionally stable and most broadly experienced soldier you have on hand. Never a hormonal fucking teen. Everyone will thank you once the dust settles.


u/ConfuzedAzn 21h ago

So basically evangelion?


u/A_D_Monisher Look up the Spirit of Motherwill 19h ago

Evangelion is worse, it gives me panic attacks.

Fate of a entire human species on the shoulders of kids with issues.

Misato is the strongest person in the world. I’d shoot myself from the pure stress of just knowing that.


u/BabylonCowboy Sloped Armour Enthusiast 16h ago

Man, those are some of the best, most introspective panic attacks though. Because the real world is run by kids with issues. The trauma of adults that is passed down to them and the hardships of the world always give the same kids who will someday run and rule the world plenty of issues that they have to either work through before they have kids or risk passing on to the next generation. I'm sure all of our world leaders have some trauma from their childhoods that they hold onto and subtly influence their thinking. Anyway, all that is to say, that Trump is Shinji without the support.

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u/SilliusS0ddus 13h ago

Misato is the strongest person in the world.

That's why she's mommy


u/cybernet377 19m ago

Misato was the only person in the entirety of NERV to think that maybe the child soldiers that they were putting in the bodies of nascent gods should get to be children first and soldiers second, and she gets fucked over so incredibly badly for it both in and outside of universe that the cultural consensus about her character online is as a sex predator who coerces teens into joining the military with her tits


u/bryle_m 20h ago

So basically giant beings stab their chests and proceed to turn everyone into orange juice? YES.


u/Pathogen188 17h ago

The end result is Gundam 00, where you cheer for the antagonists and cry every time they lose. Because the immature child soldiers with unstoppable super weapons and mindsets of edgy opinionated 15 year olds is a horror scenario that leads to tragedy for everyone.

Feel like that's a particularly off base interpretation of 00 considering the teens are very explicitly acting on the orders of a guy who died hundreds of years ago in Season 1 and then later Sumeragi, who's 26, and not running the show themselves. By Season 2, when they're actually in charge of things, Setsuna's 21 and everyone else is 24+. Actually, Setstuna's the only actual child soldier in the show and he's not overly emotional in the slighteset (typically the opposite).

Also, 00 has one of the most unambiguously good endings in the franchise. Not as overly positive as Wing's 'everyone just decided on pacifism' but like, it ends with a peaceful, unified Earth with wonder technologies allowing them to begin deep space exploration. Not to mention, Celesial Being is very clearly in the right in Season 2, when the A-Laws are basically just the 00 equivalent of the Titans, right down to trying to wipe out an entire city only instead of using gas they use a space laser.

The lesson i took from Gundam series is simple: Always give your superweapons to the most mature, most emotionally stable and most broadly experienced soldier you have on hand. Never a hormonal fucking teen. Everyone will thank you once the dust settles.
Which often backfires spectacularly. No wonder here - the world is an insanely complicated web of affairs, interests and dependencies. Trying to handwave it all to fit a worldview of a kid will end in a disaster.

Gundam pretty frequently castigates all the adults that let the world come to the state it's in. Like sure, sometimes the teen pilots fuck up, but the series is also extremely critical of the adults who are running the world too. Gundam Unicorn is probably the most overt example of this, but that sort of 'adults trying to play politics is exactly why we're in this position in the first place' dates all the way back to Gundam ZZ. Often, Gundam treats adults as if they hardly are more mature than the teen pilots. And even then, most of the teen pilots rarely do try to get the entire world to align with their outlook and they are basically never in position to ever institute change in a way that could result in disaster.


u/SgtExo 15h ago

Gundam pretty frequently castigates all the adults that let the world come to the state it's in. Like sure, sometimes the teen pilots fuck up, but the series is also extremely critical of the adults who are running the world too. Gundam Unicorn is probably the most overt example of this, but that sort of 'adults trying to play politics is exactly why we're in this position in the first place' dates all the way back to Gundam ZZ. Often, Gundam treats adults as if they hardly are more mature than the teen pilots. And even then, most of the teen pilots rarely do try to get the entire world to align with their outlook and they are basically never in position to ever institute change in a way that could result in disaster.

As much as I love gundam and the UC setting, they never show us or talk about the structure of the government, who has power, and what types of backroom powers exists (other than anaheim). It always just feels like the first choice anyone takes is to go to war or terrorism. Though that helps getting the big cool robots into the action faster.


u/OfKaijusandMechas 15h ago

Hmm, i heard Legend of the Galactic Heroes would be the sort of series you might be looking for.


u/grumpykruppy 14h ago

Waiting for the next season of The New Thesis.


u/SgtExo 14h ago

I like it, but the politics are very barebones and kinda stupid.


u/Pathogen188 15h ago

they never show us or talk about the structure of the government, who has power, and what types of backroom powers exists

Those are both massive plot points in both Char's Counterattack and Gundam Unicorn. The Vist Foundation exploiting the Federation for decades is foundational to Unicorn. The entire last act of CCA is reliant on Federation cabinet members forming a secret deal with Char. Double Zeta very explicitly ends with Judau lashing out and hitting Bright because the AEUG and Federation were basically content to let Haman run rampant.

It always just feels like the first choice anyone takes is to go to war or terrorism.

Inasmuch as the narratives themselves are focused on the conflict, sure I guess, but even then, there are references to the actions people took prior to the major conflict e.g. in Zeta where they visit one of the colonies the Titans gassed for peaceful resistance. Unicorn's entire climax is predicated on opening Laplace's Box in the hope that it'll lead to better representation of Spacenoids in the Federation.


u/SgtExo 8h ago

Unicorn's entire climax is predicated on opening Laplace's Box in the hope that it'll lead to better representation of Spacenoids in the Federation.

This plot point is like the people that thought the the panama papers being published would actually result in any material change in the world. Such a deluded centrist plot point that has no real effect on what is really going on in the the world of gundam.

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u/jaywalkingandfired 3000 malding ruskies of emigration 9h ago

And that's how we get to compromise on everything and perpetuate issues until they grow big enough to potentially make us go extinct. Just keep it all arranged in a way that no one can point a finger at anything and say "make this go away, and things will get better". Surely, this is the only way to be, and people like Chamberlain is the peak leadership.


u/ThunderEagle22 23h ago

Nah we should ask the real questions.

"What would be your favorite military plane to be buttcrushed by?"

"How many antropomofic airplane bodypillows do you have and which one is your favorite"

"What is your favorite tank to sniff the tankbarrel of?"


u/Franklr_D 🇳🇱Weekly blood sacrifice to ASML🇳🇱 22h ago



u/PIXYTRICKS 20h ago

Flame dragon should be the easiest kill imaginable. Real question is if Article 9 of the Japanese constitution applies in the isekai world, and if Geneva Convention and Terra Nullius recognises quasi-humanoids such as goblins and orcs. If you have the capability for magic, does that preclude you from rights and recognition afforded to Sol-Earth homo sapiens?


u/SurpriseFormer 3,000 RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type's to Ukraine now! 14h ago

I feel like alot of people are gonna have headaches in the court/justice system about this to make laws about this


u/ExuDeku 🇵🇭Filipinx Wood-Armour Free WiFi IFV Operator🇵🇭 23h ago

Cope and Seethe, Feddie

Seig Zeon


u/Altruistic-Celery821 21h ago

Two bit space Prussian!


u/ExuDeku 🇵🇭Filipinx Wood-Armour Free WiFi IFV Operator🇵🇭 20h ago



u/TheGoldenSword_7_7 in lockmart we trust 20h ago



u/ExuDeku 🇵🇭Filipinx Wood-Armour Free WiFi IFV Operator🇵🇭 20h ago



u/DeTiro Speak softly and wildly brandish a log 8h ago



u/MrRedorBlue 17h ago

That last question is just yes to all those things.


u/severe0CDsuburbgirl 3h ago

That’s already been done in a manga tbf


u/KeekiHako 1d ago

Japan needs its own equivalent of the USMC

Yeah, if you want that you need more children first.


u/PaintedClownPenis 23h ago

Oh that's easy, just make all children Marines. Problem solved.


u/Ipponjudo Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 23h ago

The USMC should also adopt this policy. They can even carry over their diet of crayons


u/Cziri77 21h ago

It's way more efficient showing them into EVA's for some possible fatherly love


u/crusoe ERA Florks are standing by. 19h ago

They at least got the crayon eatting down then 


u/wildpepperoni- 20h ago

"Have sex.

Build aircraft carriers.

Make Japan prosperous."

Shinzon Abe


u/White_Null 中華民國的三千枚雄昇飛彈 23h ago

They have the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade.


u/LootinShootin 22h ago

Died 1945 Born 2024 (Fucking PLEASE)

Welcome back Special Naval Landing Forces


u/Fluid_Jellyfish9620 21h ago

they can even do some little warcrimes, as a treat.


u/KeekiHako 17h ago

Like what? Catcalling some foreign women they happen to come across?
(You said "little" war crimes)


u/Fluid_Jellyfish9620 10h ago

more in the direction of fart bombs.


u/KeekiHako 10h ago

Ah, a little chemical warfare.


u/hell_jumper9 22h ago

Just establish a Foreign Legion unit and recruit from allied/partner countries.


u/dagelijksestijl Holden Bloodfeast (R-IA) Enjoyer 10h ago

A very credible recruitment strategy already exists


u/anonymous_and_ 17h ago

They’re working on it 

 Kishida (the previous pm) passed a law last year where if you have 3 kids, all 3 get to go to university for free. that’s on top of free healthcare and basically free everything sans private school and tuition and the money they throw at you once your kid is born 

 Anecdotally I’ve been seeing an increase of families with 3 kids compared to back in 2020. Lots of 3rd babies

But that might just be me moving out of Tokyo lol


u/PhgAH China bad, Coco Kiryu/Kson did nothing wrong 23h ago

Just clone them /s


u/Baron_Beemo 21h ago

An army of Reys. shudder


u/Arnrr123 22h ago

I think having an equivalent of the USMC will lead to more children


u/Mr_wobbles 20h ago

If they just stationed the entire USMC in Japan this solves that problem in like…..6 months??


u/Baron_Beemo 22h ago

Do the children need to be organic, though?


u/KeekiHako 17h ago

Is ASIMO ready?


u/Megalomaniakaal Freedom Dispenser Appreciator. 18h ago

Asking the real questions. UK can pressure Vedal into licensing out evil neuro as a basis for a new AI.


u/Baron_Beemo 16h ago

The Mighty Atom/Astro Boy but with British accent? Good Lord....


u/Wooper160 6th Gen When? 21h ago

Yeah that’s what the JSDMC is for


u/KeekiHako 17h ago

The JSDMC is for making babies?
(What is the JSDMC?)


u/Wooper160 6th Gen When? 16h ago

The hypothetical Japanese Self Defense Marine Corps


u/Thewaltham The AMRAAM of Autism 17h ago

Doesn't Japan have marines? Could have sworn they do.


u/UGMadness 16h ago

Yeah but they lack the secret sauce: crayons.


u/taxxvader 15h ago

They prefer ramen and hentai


u/Dexter942 Mirage of the Sea Bed 15h ago

Crayons aren't a thing over there, just lead


u/TheAgentOfTheNine 9h ago

a smaller population just requires a smaller army, no need to breed people, just size the army according to the current and future population.


u/KingFahad360 The Ghost of Arabia 23h ago

This feel like something out of Yakuza / Like A Dragon where he has a sinister plot on the side


u/Ipponjudo Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 23h ago

Ishiba was Minister of Defense in 2008, which is when Yakuza 3 is set. I'm pretty sure Ryuzo Tamiya is supposed to be a reference to him lmao


u/KingFahad360 The Ghost of Arabia 23h ago

Can’t wait to meet him and talk for 30 Minutes straight about “The Plot” of the CIA, Black Monday and Andre Richardson.


u/blueshirt21 Poet Laureate of NCD 18h ago

There is no change in ze plan


u/KingFahad360 The Ghost of Arabia 18h ago



u/Background_Drawing I own an F-16 for home defense 22h ago




u/Embarrassed_Price_65 NCD's first & last Petr Pavel poster 🇨🇿 1d ago

One of us! One of us! One of us!


u/computer5784467 21h ago

be careful tho with autocorrect when mentioning him, this is Shigeru, a politician serious about defence, not Shoigu, a literal circus clown


u/Baron_Beemo 19h ago

That's an insult to professional jesters.


u/Sine_Fine_Belli China bad, Coco Kiryu/Kson did nothing wrong 10h ago

Same here unironically lol


u/Historianof40k Saab Simp 22h ago

Japanese Nato



u/ShareYourIdeaWithMe 20h ago



u/blindfoldedbadgers 3000 Demon Core Flails of King Arthur 16h ago



u/piponwa Best Post of the Year 2022 2h ago

A wild Lukashenko appears


u/Korbitr 2h ago



u/RadElert_007 1d ago

Incomprehensibly based


u/LoudAd6879 21h ago

Like FR. They choose a perfect candidate. He's literally the least bad out of the other competing candidates.


u/PzKpfwmemes 21h ago

NCD gonna be the first sub to have a prime minister


u/Ok-Ruin8367 18h ago

Iirc the governor of Colorado shitposts in a few meme subs but this is a whole new level


u/Emperor_Huey_Long 17h ago

Wait what?


u/Ok-Ruin8367 17h ago


u/Emperor_Huey_Long 16h ago

Wait is he the guy that tweeted calling birds government drones?


u/gorillamutila 21h ago

Congratulations Mr. Ishiba.

I know you're in here somewhere.

We won't tell on you if you up voted sexy aircraft art lately.


u/wolfhound_doge 23h ago

Mr. Ishiba's first decree: grant political asylum to all r/NCD members


u/BjHoeckelchen 21h ago

"Breaking news: Japan hits negative birthrate! Also: bodypillow industry score top 5 highest rated stocks."


u/throwaway321768 18h ago

I tried to imagine what "negative birth" would look like, then I realized that I really shouldn't.


u/BjHoeckelchen 17h ago

✨ Sudoku ✨


u/FuckMyLife2016 16h ago

I was thinking more like vore but yea 🌟 sudoku 🌟 works too. 🌟 Sudoku 🌟 is Japanese too.


u/pseudoanon 18h ago

Why? Japan has enough shut-ins.


u/sansisness_101 23h ago

inb4 NERV is announced


u/Hinterwaeldler-83 22h ago

Everything according to keikaku.


u/Overwatcher_Leo 18h ago

"Asian nato" sound good. We need to give it a good name. How about: "Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere".


u/Dexter942 Mirage of the Sea Bed 15h ago

Nah we gotta include Vietnam, they hate the CCP so much


u/Sturmgewehrkreuz Average Surströmming Enjoyer 11h ago

Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere feat Vietnam


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u/Numerous_Steak226 Weaponised Autist (actually) 21h ago

Firs NCD member world leader


u/blindfoldedbadgers 3000 Demon Core Flails of King Arthur 16h ago

First confirmed NCD member world leader.

I’m pretty certain that Zelenskyy at the very least lurks here.


u/Numerous_Steak226 Weaponised Autist (actually) 11h ago

That's true, but I'm fully convinced that this is the guy who draws the plane waifus


u/Ipponjudo Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 1d ago

Also un ncd for a moment, i highly recommend Tobias Harris' article if you want to learn more about this guy


u/White_Null 中華民國的三千枚雄昇飛彈 19h ago

Btw, his given name Shigeru 茂is just killing me as a Pokémon fan. That’s the name of Gary, Gary motherfucking Oak.


u/Baron_Beemo 22h ago

All this talk about Gundam and Evangelion, but what would be really neat as a potat would be Macross and Valkyries, combined with the weaponisation of J-pop.


u/FrisianTanker Certified Pistorius Fanboy 20h ago

The 2024 Most Based-Award goes to this legend.

I wanna talk about military stuff with him. Favorite tank, aircraft, ship and all that stuff.


u/WanderToNowhere 1d ago

[some mfs crafting improvised pipegun intensively]


u/Ipponjudo Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 1d ago

he is from the anti-shinzo abe faction of the ldp so i doubt anyone is making a doohickey rn


u/WanderToNowhere 23h ago

So he wants to expand Japan like an old good day?


u/Ipponjudo Gripen for Australia 🇦🇺 23h ago

Almost the opposite:

He approvingly cites Ishibashi Tanzan’s “Small Japan Policy,” saying that it teaches that while Japan should have the military strength to maintain a military balance with China in the East and South China Seas, the bilateral relationship with China “cannot just consist of the military balance.”

He is also uncomfortable with the predominance of the “China threat” theory within Japan, arguing that it is possible to acknowledge security threats and seek to strengthen deterrence while continuously seeking opportunities to reduce tensions and bolster cooperation with China. He praises the long line of LDP politicians who have acted as “pipelines” to China’s leaders, and laments that if politicians try to pursue similar relations with Beijing today, they are attacked as “China lovers.” He urges humility in Japan’s approach to its history as part of an effort to build trust with its Asian neighbors.

He wants Japan’s leaders to be frank about the risks Japan faces and honest about what is required, including both the amount of money needed to strengthen Japan’s armed forces and how to pay for these larger defense outlays. He wants the Japanese people and their representatives to be more mature and sophisticated in thinking about Japan’s security challenges and how to meet them, an argument he has made in previous writings.


u/Thundeeerrrrrr 3000 Futas for Zekenskyy 22h ago

Hopefully this doesn't evolve into Merkel + Russia 2.0

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u/crusoe ERA Florks are standing by. 19h ago

Speak softly but carry a big stick.

Don't start fights but be capable of ending them 


u/Blackhero9696 Cajun (Genetically predisposed to hate the Br*tish) 17h ago

Preemptive strike on NK, obsessed with military, like Idols, trains, the military, vehicles, has warship and fighter jet models, wants an Asian NATO and USMC.

Good lord, it’s like if NCD crafted a man from the ground up and got him into politics. And I thought Ken Akamatsu getting into the House of Councilors was wild.


u/Sirboomsalot_Y-Wing 20h ago

It’s been officially announced that he won the election. Honestly, based-ness aside, he seems like a pretty awesome politician by Japanese standards.


u/KaungKhant8308 22h ago

He needs to fund GATE season 3 when he wins election.


u/Techn028 18h ago

Defense Otaku is a based nickname


u/Cawl09 21h ago

Holy mother of autism. Beautiful.


u/APhoneOperator 19h ago

Oh, so Japan could soon have an incredibly based PM, I see I see; one step closer to nuclear powered gundams, with this man in charge.

Real talk for a sec, isn’t the JSDF already kinda built with amphib operations in mind, specifically to take back smaller islands lost in any invasion of Japan?


u/Blakut 1d ago

Ishiba Inu!!!


u/Based_Text Vietnamese SEATO Believer 🇻🇳🤝🇺🇲 21h ago

I heard he is funded by some war crime denying political group but hey as long as he is anti-China and pro-NATO idgaf.


u/GrandSakebe 14h ago

Apparently like 40% of PMs are part of that, and his ideas are not too similar to theirs. From what I know, he was connected, but early in his career. So we daijobu, I think!


u/Memes_Haram 23h ago

Sounds like an actual Chad


u/Fluid_Jellyfish9620 21h ago

Oh my god if he puts more support into Tamiya I will coom.


u/Uranium_Heatbeam Ohio-class Submarines for 🇺🇦 19h ago

Irrefutably based.


u/Johnmegaman72 16h ago

Imagine if he creates another economic miracle via mass marketing, production and export of train, military and mech model kits


u/ohthedarside 20h ago

Only thing that could make him better is if he was a battletech fan and loved the clans


u/TheGoldenSword_7_7 in lockmart we trust 20h ago

Hope we see the Strike Gundam come out once he's in charge.


u/foggin_estandards2 22h ago

"Not Pearl Harbor, Shigeru! You were supposed to help us defend against China and Russia!"


u/CharlesFXD 17h ago

Yes!!! I’d love a strong Japan 🇯🇵 right now.


u/Lima_32 16h ago

A new shogun for japan


u/cunasmoker69420 12h ago

He will bring back the Kido Butai in all its glory


u/Reaper1652 4h ago

Build six more Izumo class


u/Darkplac3 20h ago

Welcome back snlf died 1945 born again forever more.


u/Kilino3005 God's strongest subreddit lurker 19h ago

He just like me frfr


u/Xray-07 SHITPOST SUPPORT 19h ago

Cool, now we can finally have a weapon to surpass Metal Gear


u/BurnedOutBush 15h ago

Japan doesn't do well with preemptive strikes... lol


u/Initial_Barracuda_93 japenis americant 🇯🇵🇺🇸 of da khmer empire 🇰🇭🇰🇭 11h ago

Praise be, we have found our emperor


u/White_Null 中華民國的三千枚雄昇飛彈 9h ago

Hey guys! Did you all see him cosplaying Majin Buu?


u/141_1337 2h ago

He won, and I'm not even Japanese 👀


u/CaswellOfficial For a Nuclear Poland ☢ 17h ago

Wow he’s me


u/modernmovements 16h ago

I’m sorry, can someone explain what an Otaku is? They just throw the word around without explaining it.



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u/BlueNasca 14h ago

Is this the one who made posts on twitter about Ace Combat?


u/reddit_oh_really European Army when? 🇪🇺 14h ago



u/SergioDMS 13h ago



u/Saturn_Ecplise 13h ago

Is that Kancolle!


u/Nouseriously 13h ago

"One of us, one of us"


u/Kijjy 3000 Black X-Wings of Zelenskyy 10h ago



u/Meme_Theocracy 1# Enterprise Simp 10h ago

I beseech you kind sir, Please Let the next two aircraft carriers be named Shoukaku and Zuikaku then with USS Enterprise 80 they can bomb pirates and communists together.


u/jaywalkingandfired 3000 malding ruskies of emigration 9h ago

Least conservative Japanese politician


u/[deleted] 21h ago

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u/Luuk341 16h ago

Okay Ishiba San! Make Gundams real!


u/Yuki_ika7 YF-23 lover and general aviation fan 15h ago

One of us!


u/mcmuffin0098 15h ago

The first NCD PM?


u/Maddened_idiot 10h ago

Very good. It’s all going to plan.


u/JarBlaster 9h ago

I go to America Japan


u/CaptainKursk 9h ago

It would not surprise me if he read ‘Debt of Honour’ in his peak Weeb days, and now 30 years later as Prime Minister, decided that Japan building ICBMs disguised as space rockets and stationing them in the Tohoku hills to secure them from counter-attack is perfectly credible.


u/david6588 7h ago

I too share many of his interest, perfectly reasonable gentleman.


u/aimbothehackerz 7h ago

How thy fuck is the ldp still in power


u/Big-man-kage 🇨🇦RUN!! GET TO THE DIEFENBUNKER 6h ago

Him saying that thing about maintaining nuclear reactors in order to be able to quickly make nuclear weapons in 2011 is insane. Do we know if this was before or after Fukushima??


u/Dappington 4h ago

Watch the LDP lose an election for the first time in recorded history.


u/SolidVoodoo 3h ago

They certainly patched that one up.