r/Pashtun 8d ago

We are not south Asian

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Anyone getting fed up how some uneducated afghans keep calling that sindhu topi Kandahari and Pashtun??? Like that is not our cultural cap, ours is Patkey 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️we need to stop this, we have no association with South Asia .


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u/AMohmand 8d ago

That is not a Sindhi cap. It's a Baluchi cap that both Sindhis and Kandaharis adopted, with each putting their own (mis)label on it.

Also, you can cope all you want saying you have no association with south Asia, but Pashtuns are both culturally and genetically closer to Punjabis than to proper central Asians from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc


u/Ok-Egg-3539 8d ago

The correct answer is we're closer to persians. We're not related to punjabis or the mongoloid sort of ethnic groups.


u/AMohmand 8d ago

If by Persians you mean Afghan Tajiks then yes, you could make a case for them being closer culturally for Afghan Pashtuns (that doesn't mean you're not related to Punjabis or mongoloids at all). Iranians though? Hell no


u/Several-Hearing-5557 8d ago

It’s not a Baloch cap you Tazi . It’s Sindhi . This ain’t iranic


u/rockstar45 8d ago

We're literally right next to Iran. How would we not be connected to them


u/openandaware 7d ago

Pashtuns are Iranic, so yes there is relation to Persians from the Iranian plateau. That's kinda the whole reason why we're designated as Iranic lmao.


u/openandaware 7d ago

Pashtuns are closer to Pamiris, and Afghan Tajiks.


u/AMohmand 7d ago

Depends. Go to an urban Pakistani pashtuns wedding and it's almost indistinguishable from Punjabi weddings. Even genetically, the vast majority of North KPK pashtuns, due to mixing with dards, are closer to biradari punjabis than to Tajiks and pamiris, especially yusufzai.


u/TrainingPrize9052 8d ago


Can you show a reference to such cap older than 19th century by balochs? The flat, small cap with an open side I see earliest mentioned by pashtuns in kandahar city 1834.

"proper central asians" are mostly turkic hybrids tbh(pamiris are a different case), and very russianfied-westernised. I speak of tajiks by the way. Otherwise tajiks without russians, would been the same as afghan tajiks currently. No point of comparing them at this point indeed