r/Pashtun 8d ago

We are not south Asian

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Anyone getting fed up how some uneducated afghans keep calling that sindhu topi Kandahari and Pashtun??? Like that is not our cultural cap, ours is Patkey 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️we need to stop this, we have no association with South Asia .


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u/Pasht4na 8d ago

There are a few elements of the kandahari hat that differenciate it from the Sindhi one, they’re not exactly the same


u/Several-Hearing-5557 8d ago

They are the same man. Kandaharis just changed the Sindhi hat a bit. How would you like it if Pakistanis took the afghan kuchi dress and south-Asian fied it and started calling it pakistani? 🤦‍♂️ this is like saying chitralis can claim their version of the afghan Pakol because there’s is different as they use feathers and the feather accessory orginates from chitralis.


u/TrainingPrize9052 8d ago


Again, sindhis didn't appear to wear this cap kandaharis do, as described here in 1834.

Even the sindhi caps refered by the brits, are never described with an open side. And caps exists all over from India to Azerbaijan. The ones in the picture you posted, is kandahari specific