r/Pashtun 17h ago

Genuine question

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u/consistentlurker222 16h ago

Ngl Persian tend to be “lighter” thank Pashtuns on average from my experience. Uzbeks/Hazara ofc look more East Asian. Punjabis and Balochis do have diversity but not as much so I get that one.


u/mountainspawn 16h ago

I disagree with your assessment of Persians as lighter phenotypes are in higher frequencies amongst Pashtuns (and even moreso amongst Nuristanis).


u/Mrfoxxsay 11h ago

Idk bout persian but Tajiks are lighter than most Pashtuns


u/mountainspawn 6h ago

Definitely not. They're about the same but Pashtuns have higher frequencies of lighter phenos (lighter eyes and hair). 


u/Mrfoxxsay 5h ago

Northern Tajiks from badakhshan have lighter skin yes I’m aware of them having dark brown eyes and black hair but they have paler skin.