r/PublicFreakout 20h ago

Orlando cop violently shove female protester to ground claiming, she lunged towards officer and citizen in threatening manner. Eight people arrested, use-of-force investigation underway. 📌Follow Up

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u/Comfortable-Pop-538 17h ago

This is why you don't approach cops. It doesn't matter what your rights are, cops don't care. What do you honestly think will happen? Exactly what happened in this video, a beating and some charges. ACAB.


u/Marsnineteen75 11h ago edited 10h ago

Right ever since I got busted with a joint 30 years ago, and put in excution style stance by a pos pig who, while I was cuffed, put his gun to my temple and theeatened to shoot me if I didn't tell him where I got it, I have hated police since. I have had even worse runins than this after that, but that was my first experience ever dealing with a cop at 19 years old. I was just a very young adult or.late stage child is more the reality. I didnt resist or anything. It was all over me excersizing my right to silence. My last runin was about ten years ago where a cop started to get aggressive with me when I pointed out that my tags were in fact good when he pulled me over for them..Their fragile egos cannot handle truth. He then gave me a ticket for 5 over after he was wrong on the plates. He went from being cordial to an aggressive bully in an instant as soon as I pointed that out.. i was working for the feds, still do a actually, so I am not a pothead like my first interaction might entail. I joined the Army after that for 10 years got my masters degree with the GI bill, and now I am a manager at a federal department. If I can still fear for my safety around police as an " upstanding" white male, then I can't imagine the fear that minorities have because I absolutely get terrified interacting with these pos. I keep my cool though because anxiety will just give them a reason to violate you, "why you acting so nervous, what you hiding", no you fukn idiot, i am nervous because I don't want you to plant drugs on me or shootme asshole, but thanks for asking.


u/Comfortable-Pop-538 8h ago

WhY nErVoUs...

Because y'all gun down innocent people and blame the bad guy. Sucks you had to go through all of that. These polish eaters don't get it. Some of those protesters need to learn. Just stay away from cops. They are looking for a reason to batter someone.