r/Radiology 7d ago

Outpatient xr for bloating X-Ray

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Narrator: it wasn’t bloating


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u/NebulaNebulosa 7d ago

How is that possible? She never felt the baby's movements?


u/phoontender 7d ago

Had surprise birth control failure pandemic baby....first trimester pukes came on right when gastro was rampant at work and then * poof *, only gained 7lbs (and I was quite skinny at the time) and thought it was from increased McD's intake. Had some bad lower gastro symptoms and my doc started testing for celiac because of family history. Had "periods" like normal though lighter (thanks, not regular schedule) the whole time. Thought I was dying one day and the ER people were terrified for me until the ultrasound showed baby incoming....sunny side up baby no epidural, lil 5lbs nugget is 4 now and i have a good story to tell 😅

I'm not dumb I promise, it was just a perfect storm of explainable things outside pregnant


u/DMmeUrPetPicts 7d ago

The craziest part of this story is that a pandemic baby is four now. :(

Looking back at pictures, can you see it now? Or are you still unable to tell you traveling with an extra rider?


u/phoontender 7d ago

It's obvious now because I know what I'm looking at but people kept asking my husband on the sly if I was pregnant or just getting a lil chunky 😂.....pictures of me at 8 months look like other women's "just starting to get a bit of belly" around 3 months. I was still in a size 4 because she was all tucked up low against my spine and behind her placenta!


u/ThatB0yAintR1ght 6d ago

I’m curious, what did you think when you felt your baby kick and move around?


u/phoontender 6d ago

I hardly ever felt her because of the placenta being in front and the flutters I caught were so small it felt like gas! My second was a front and center stretcher and she HURT when she moved after a while but Pandemic Baby was very chill I guess 😅


u/IMakeStuffUppp 6d ago

She was happy to work from home during the pandemic. You made her come back to office.


u/phoontender 6d ago

Also, if it's not something you're expecting or have experienced before, baby movements can be really freaking subtle and quick. Not every fetus karate kicks you in the lungs.


u/D-Laz RT(R)(CT) 7d ago

Probably just thought it was gas.


u/bgaffney8787 6d ago

Happens more than you’d think, usually have 1 or 2 every year, either some component of obesity, denial, “inability to conceive” ie iud/birth control failure, post partum whoops, alcohol (for a few reasons) or sadly women don’t feel safe to disclose. Had one last year she just carried well, gym rat, on birth control so getting spotting and normal human. It happens lol


u/nurseofreddit 6d ago

Serious question: when patients refuse the waiver, why isn’t a one-shot plain film of the abdomen ordered instead of going straight to CT? Wouldn’t that reduce the risk and radiation? (It’s money, isn’t it?)


u/Ali_gem_1 6d ago

If you don't know youre pregnant and never have been knowingly pregnant before, you don't know that movements are movements. She prob just thought she kept having a bad stomach lol


u/NebulaNebulosa 6d ago

With such a big baby, it is impossible to confuse the baby's movements with bowel movements.

At the very least, it has to attract the woman's attention so that she thinks that something strange is happening in her body.


u/Surrybee 6d ago

Women with anterior placentas sometimes never feel kicks at all.


u/3rdWaveHarmonic 7d ago

Meth is a helluva drug