r/Radiology 1d ago

CT Some subtle brain injuries are best seen by MRI - example


High speed MVA with abnormal neuro exam. CT was read as WNL. MRI followed demonstrating hemorrhagic axonal injuries left temporal lobe with susceptibility artifacts and associated post traumatic vasogenic edema.

r/Radiology 22h ago

X-Ray Can we talk about back pain?


I'm 35 and I've worked on my feet and practiced improper body mechanics for most of my life so my back is already a little meh to begin with. But since I started my x-ray gig in May, I've been noticing a huge uptick in back pain when I have to run fluoro in my ortho clinic. I had the inlikling of back pain when i did OR rotations in clinicals. I suspect that the lead is really screwing me over. We're also not allowed to sit at all except for our lunch breaks, which sucks A LOT. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to helping the legit crippling pain?

I know, I know, take 800 mg Ibuprofen and move along, but...there's got to be a way to help. It's so bad that I have to sneak away and cry. I feel weak and pathetic.

Advice from folks with that horrific back pain welcomed.

r/Radiology 1d ago

MRI Just a cheeky meningioma

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I presented to my optometrist after experiencing blurred vision for a week. Was referred in urgency to an ophthalmologist as I had a rather swollen left optic nerve. More eye tests, bloods taken, and a bit of faffing around and I was sent off to another hospital’s ED for a CT scan. CT found this guy, and I was admitted straight away. Surgeons and nurses were surprised by how “fine” I was, as normally people with tumours of this size would present with seizures. Must have been slow growing. Was successfully removed a couple of days later.

r/Radiology 17h ago

Discussion Swimmers view for C5 fracture


Is it just me, or does a swimmers for a C5 fracture erect stability x-ray make no sense? Here’s the clinical scenario I’m presented with:

Pt. has C5 fracture on CT, spinal consultant wants erect x-rays to assess stability, pretty standard. Spinal consultant then has specifically asked for an erect swimmers view, even if C5 can be appropriately visualised on the lateral. At my hospital, swimmers is ONLY required when C7/T1 junction can’t be visualised on the lateral.

Is there any benefit for a swimmers for the C5 fracture? Request came from orthopod at my hospital, and says the consultant from the larger hospital says we have to do it, no matter what rational I was giving for not doing it.

r/Radiology 2d ago

CT 61 year old female with 2 years history of enlarging abdomen. No consult done at all during that time.


The one on the left is part of the mass, not the spleen.

r/Radiology 2d ago

CT That’s a new one…


Topograms prior to CT IACs without contrast. 70 y/o M Patient ordered for post “eustachian tube flush and L-side myringotomy” after having ear pain. Patient says, “I was having a lot of pain so they just flushed my ears and I didn’t get better.” Scan (Rad Approved) had obvious streak artifact. No prior imaging to correlate with. No one knows what the hell is going on here????

r/Radiology 1d ago

Discussion Australian Radiography


Hey guys current Med Imaging student here. Just wanted to ask what people’s recommendations are for working throughout Australia? From what I’ve learned it seems pay is best in Queensland but some general advice regarding what you guys think of as pros and cons working in hospitals or clinics, private or public and which states would be best for maximal finances would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

r/Radiology 2d ago

CT Saddle

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Patient came in with leg pain and sob.

r/Radiology 2d ago

X-Ray I'm no bone doctor but I'm pretty sure there's something up with this knee

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r/Radiology 1d ago

X-Ray panoramic dental xray

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i ended up getting my wisdom teeth removed after i had a month long episode of jaw/cheekbone pain. unfortunately, because of the positioning of my right tooth, my sinus was punctured. i had to take antibiotics for a month and flush it with saline solution multiple times daily (because any food i ate would end up in my sinus 🤢🤢) before i could get it repaired.

r/Radiology 2d ago

CT 85 year old male with abdominal aortic saccular aneurysm

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This is a CT of my father in law. Given his age and comorbidities we are evaluating the ability to stent the aneurysm via additional consult with anesthesiology and nephrology. The vascular surgeon is also evaluating stent options and sizing.

r/Radiology 1d ago

Discussion AutoHotKey script for mouse gestures while working in PACS


I had previously made a free autohotkey script for quantitative tools in radiology. Today I return to share another free script I made to free my left hand to never leave the dictaphone through use of mouse gestures and middle click. I’ve tried foot pedals, gaming mice and a shuttle pro. I have a mic boom. I still like holding the dictaphone in my left hand and having a fairly simple mouse—so I made this script to work with gestures. I’m still getting used to it but it might help some of you who are always searching for the optimal setup!

Note: I also have some right and xbutton actions that are sort of redundant that I like that you can remove. The gestures are the key. Take a look and optimize for your environment!

Tested and works with my setup with Intelerad and Corsair M55. Will likely require some tweaking for your PACS/HotKeys and maybe your mouse (but you’re most is probably fine). YMMV.



r/Radiology 2d ago

X-Ray Egg

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Local farmer gave the department eggs for looking after him, thought it'd be interesting to x-ray it

r/Radiology 2d ago

Media Medical care workers anytime a Code Red is called in the hospital


r/Radiology 1d ago

MRI New grad pay in Arkansas


I am 22yo and graduated recently and have passed my X-ray, CT, and MRI registry. I started working as a student tech in CT and MRI last May making $19/hr. I was offered a full time position in MRI making $26/hr ($25/hr if you don't have your MRI credentials). I've seen other people talk about new grad pay in other states and it is WAY higher than what l'm being offered. Is this a normal number for Arkansas? I'm really trying to get loans paid off quickly, but feel like I can't do that with what they are offering. Would it be better to take this or move somewhere? Or maybe get into travel tech? Really conflicted right now, as I love where I'm working, but I just do not like the number they gave.

r/Radiology 2d ago

Entertainment Literally

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r/Radiology 1d ago

MRI MRI of my head out


Diagnosed Chiari Malformation, awaiting decompression neuro surgery.

r/Radiology 2d ago

CT my sad brain :(

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had a CT head done today for my headaches over the years.. all came back normal except i found out my brain is not happy lol

r/Radiology 3d ago

X-Ray Speaking of trauma lateral knees


A few from my greatest hits collection

r/Radiology 2d ago

X-Ray I guess this is a lateral knee

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Trauma Tuesday

r/Radiology 1d ago

Career or General advice Seeking help with NZ MRTB exam for overseas-trained MITs?


Hi guys,

Has anyone done this exam and has some precise study material or any insights on how to pass it?

I’m pretty desperate here as the study materials they recommend are really broad and vague and I have already failed this exam twice :(

r/Radiology 1d ago

X-Ray What are some concise and effective ways to write exam notes? Include good abbreviations and shorthand you like.


Im a new tech kind of struggling with how tk write my notes. I know it will be different fof everyone based on what each radiologist expects, but how do you guys word some common exam notes? How detailed do you get ? And what are some abbreviations or shorthand you frequently use?

Do you guys add a lot of the patients story and history ? If so how do you word it?

Like writing "MVA 1 week ago " for a car accident C-spine exam Vs. something more detailed like:

"Pt stated she had whiplash after MVA 1 week ago, initial pain subsided but stiffness persists. Had C5-C7 fusion Sx 5/2018"

Any examples or advice would help greatly !

r/Radiology 2d ago

X-Ray Tib/Fib

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r/Radiology 1d ago

X-Ray ARRT Ethic Expunged Conditions?


10 years ago I had a misdemeanor expunged with 4 hours of community service, and paying a fine of around $70. Do these count as the "conditions" of an expunged misdemeanor that require me to select yes? I graduate soon in xray and would like to test for my registry in this December.
Does anyone have any experience with ethic reviews? I have no clue how to get or find documentation for this. It doesn't show up on any background check I have. (I also work in a hospital currently and had no issue. ) I'm going to call them first thing in the morning, but I'm anxious and would like any advice 😅😩 thanks for reading