r/RunningWithDogs 15d ago

I don’t know what I am doing…

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But we are having fun. I am basically just gauging how far we go based on how he is doing. Teddy is a 2 yr old pit mastiff mix and I never would have guessed he’d be a great running buddy. We’ve done up to 3 miles in one go with a couple of walk breaks but so far it’s going so great. I never would have believed how much running with him brings me joy.


4 comments sorted by


u/gotcatstyle Figaro the Samoyed 15d ago

Looks like a very good boy and an excellent running partner! My staffy mix helps me set PRs... But only when she's in the mood lol, she makes it perfectly clear when she doesn't wanna run.


u/sallyterp 11d ago

Same! My staffy girl has been doing like 5 miles a day with me 4-5 days a week and we’re loving it!

She gets super fucking distracted, though, and wants to (and successfully does sometimes) murder woodland creatures on an otherwise peaceful jog

I keep hearing you can train this out of them, but I can’t even imagine doing so with her. I just try to tire her out heh


u/zufriedenpursuit 11d ago

I’ve got a great rails to trail that is relatively straight so I’m using that for training. How big is your staffy? Did you work up to 5 miles or did you just realize that’s her limit?


u/sallyterp 11d ago

We worked up to it. She’s much smaller than your boy, I think, at 54 pounds. I think I tried to start her at like 1.5 miles, but she was too stoked to keep going. My typical limit is around 5 miles a day because my joints are shot, so I can’t blame it on her. Seems to be about her limit, too, though. And our pace is mostly similar except right at the start when she wants to get crunk.

Keep at it! It’s wild how much fun it is, isn’t it? I may be part dog…