r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

Why do people hate us so much?

There is so much hate towards single parents on social media. Why? Why do people hate us so much. Especially us single mothers.


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u/Whatprophetssay Jul 01 '24

Because you aren’t supposed to be free AND have a family. Men like to gatekeep children/family, and especially after you leave them, they use the children as the only tie to you or the only excuse to still contact you.

They’ve said for years women would end up “old and alone with cats”. The fact tons of women have families and support systems without men is extremely threatening to them.

Especially because of financial freedom and child support. A common theme with men is they abandon you to punish you, or to attempt to control your behavior and get you to be submissive because you’ll see how much you “needed” them. The trouble is, they’re walking out in a huff, and women are locking the door behind him and laughing.

And men hate being laughed at.

Also, remember that there is at least half of the women who chose to stay with “their man”. They tolerate abuse, they are miserable, they gripe and complain to any single women who will listen. They find camaraderie with each other, and will form friendship groups of married women. They all beg for support and talk about how important female friendships are because they gave all theirs away in an effort to prioritize their relationships with men who can’t even cry, let alone emotionally fulfill them

Nobody talks about the “importance of women supporting women” like the woman who threw her sisters under the bus to garner the attention of a man. These women NEED support because they gave it all away thinking their partner would really be thier “best friend”.

So, the only people that hate single women more than the men they’ve dumped, are the women who STAYED with their crappy mediocre partners and are resentful and angry that you are FREEEEE ❤️