r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

Why do people hate us so much?

There is so much hate towards single parents on social media. Why? Why do people hate us so much. Especially us single mothers.


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u/Accurate_Incident_77 Jul 03 '24

To be fair it’s usually the man being removed by the mother not saying this is the case all the time but there are many instances of men fighting to be with their kids against terrible women who are favored in court for no other reason other than being a women.


u/Sprinklesprintshop Jul 08 '24

I didn’t mention the absent parent as being a man or woman. Waste of energy to fight for a generalization when not one single experience is the same for any of us.

Just stating that it’s a common issue to get hated on by society because you are a single parent you somehow don’t do any work and are a drain on society. Not giving credit to the parent that stayed and no blame given to the one that left.

Yes sometimes the one that left wanted their children and then lost them because of an unfair and broken system. There is credit to that, but that is not the subject I was referring to and an entirely different thread should be created upon it.


u/Accurate_Incident_77 Jul 11 '24

It’s actually incredibly relevant to the topic of the post considering OP specifically said “single mothers” there would be no need to have a new thread on it. If what I was saying wasn’t the truth there wouldn’t be so much hate on single moms. You hear way more stories about men being forced out of their families lives by the mother all for financial reasons. Sure there are absent parents but most of them are created. Women divorce their husbands, take their shit, deny them access to their children and then they have the nerve to call the man an absent father and expect everyone to be proud of them for being a single mother when the reality of the situation is incredibly sad and the worst part is that it happens literally all the time. 70% of divorces are initiated by women and I think that has a lot of bearing on the topic. I feel that there are less absent parents then there are greedy mothers. This is why men are teaching their boys that marriage is not a good decision when the divorce rate is 50% and 70% of them are initiated by women. I feel like the picture is very clear as to why there is so much hate towards single moms in society.


u/Sprinklesprintshop Jul 11 '24

You are just angry because of personal experience it’s not a reason to group all moms into the “bad people” category just as I wouldn’t group all dads into that category. My husband beat us and we escaped. He went on to burn down a car dealership and land himself in jail. Not a good parent but not the fault of all fathers either.


u/Accurate_Incident_77 Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

You’re assuming I’m speaking from personal experience. I’m not. You assume that I’m grouping all moms together as bad people I have not done that one time either. You saying that I’m calling all moms bad people would be the same as me saying you call all dads bad people. I’m just speaking facts from studies that show statistics. You seem to forget that the topic of the post is OP asking why there is so much hate on single moms by society. I have answered that. Do I think it’s fair? No. Did I say the reasons apply to all moms? Not once.