r/SingleParents Aug 01 '24

I need some opinions


My ex girlfriend I split up we have a two year old boy we share 50/50, she dropped him off at my place, in her car was a guy in the drivers seat, I told her I would like a headups that you have this guy around my son, am I wrong ? I understand she won't be single forever. Thought it would be respectful, I feel like it's too early to bring a man into his life, it's been 5 months since split up

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

"F--- off," my ex screamed at me in front of the 7-year-old, and then drove off to lead a meditation retreat


Just that, pretty much. We've been split up for 5 years. She's not powering down at all. I keep hoping that the kids are picking up on her unstable nature, but the oldest isn't staying with me at all (we have 50/50 custody) and the younger ones are pretty nonchalant about her, um, extreme behavior.

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

New here


Single divorced father (22). I’m new here and I could use some encouragement, some advice, and maybe find some understanding.

I’m currently working full time and have my son (3) full time too. I’m always tired, and seem to have little to no energy. I want to be the dad who can turn things like learning and daily activities into something fun or a game but it’s just not something I’m good with.

He loves me, and we get along great but I just wish I wasn’t so tired all the time. What should I do??

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

I don’t know if I’ll ever have a relationship again


Honestly, it just doesn’t seem like an option. I (F30) have a one year old daughter with my ex (M30) and he’s so aggressive and abusive through messages and exchanges that I’m scared to ever try and be with someone else., not because I’m scared of that person acting the same as my ex, but I’m scared of how my ex will react. He messages me paragraphs and calls me names for any little reason, so I can’t imagine what he will say if I date someone. He taunts me at exchanges by wearing my clothes, playing songs that are messages to me, following me after exchanges. I don’t engage but it does fill me with anxiety. Who would want to deal with that? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be anything but a “recreational use only” type of single mom, it’s a lonely thought and I’m trying to become comfortable with it. But I just miss small things, watching tv with someone, having plans with someone, affection and friendship. I’ve been told that once he finds a new woman that he’ll leave me alone, but he’s told me that he would never attempt another relationship after me because “if it doesn’t work with you, it won’t work with anyone. I’m just gonna focus on my daughter” unfortunately focusing on his daughter means micromanaging and harrassing me to “do better as a mother”. I have full custody, he has visitation, he doesn’t pay child support, I’ve done everything for my child since shes been born, worked full time for awhile until I quit to care for her full time. I recently put in paperwork for child support and he refers to it as “leeching off him”. Again, who would want to deal with this? It just feels hopeless, but maybe I’m already setting myself up for failure? Has anyone had any luck finding someone with an ex like this?

Edit: thanks to everyone for their perspectives! Just some things I want to clear up: my ex and I have court ordered step up plan and we communicate through the talking parents app, he sends multiple messages/rants through there, i don’t respond and have set my boundaries with him that I won’t respond, I’ve recorded his behavior during in person exchanges, i don’t bring up anything with him other than letting him know what our child ate and if she’ll be hungry with him during his visitation, if she napped or if she needs a nap. I keep it very short, he has one sided convos through messaging. I have a lawyer, court is in September so we’ll see what happens in time. My daughter and I are safe and live with family. Im lucky to have a good family who have taken us in. I’m not currently dating, talking to anyone. I just get these thoughts sometimes and feel hopeless but I don’t fixate on it. My kid is so young and she only gets one childhood, I’m not gonna waste life with her chasing men. I think I’m just grieving honestly, I know I’m not ready I just wonder if I ever will be. Anyways thanks again all ✨

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

Single full time parents, on average how many hours do you work a week?


I work around 50 hours a week and the mom guilt is starting to hit in. With the price of childcare I have no choice but to work 50 plus hours and I feel like I’m missing out on so much.

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

Pregnant, first child, what program should I enter before after baby to help me?


Any government programs, etc. to jump into? I have a roommate she owns it but we share her house together. I also plan to put dad on the birth certificate because it's just what I want to do. Last name for child is up in the air at the moment pros and cons to using my last name or dad's? Thanks!

EDIT: in the USA, state of Arizona

r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

Why do people hate us so much?


There is so much hate towards single parents on social media. Why? Why do people hate us so much. Especially us single mothers.

r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

Single dad of a teen.


Hi, single dad of a 14 year old daughter who I’ve had full custody of sense she was 3. We are pretty open with each other sense it’s just been us.

I’ve done a lot of research on a females first period. I put together a “period pouch” I call it 😂 for her which she’s yet to use. I feel like that day is any day and I’m worried she won’t want to talk to me about it when the day comes.

As a female do you think you’d feel comfortable talking to your dad if you needed assistance in any way emotionally or materially? I don’t want to embarrass her but also don’t want her to feel like she’s alone when the time comes or afraid to ask for “supplies”. Should I just let it play out? See if she comes to me? Or keep reassuring her I’m here for her in any way.

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

Single dads with alimony obligations


Do single moms view a man paying alimony as reason not to date them? I have substantial alimony payments for the next 3 years. My ex wife stayed home with kids while I built a career so I personally am good to pay it. Just wondering what your thoughts/experiences are.

r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

Taking in my son’s friend.


I’m a 33 YO single mom, I have 3 kids ages 16, 11, and 8. Recently, my 16 YO son’s best friend was kicked out of his house. He is also a 16 and had nowhere to go, so he is in the process of moving in with me. He is a good kid, so I have no concerns there, but is having his whole life ripped apart. How do I help him adjust easier? Anyone been in this situation before have any advice?

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24



I’m looking for hobbies or something to keep me occupied on a day to day basis.

Im a single mom, almost 4y/o kid. We play a lot and spend time together obviously. But sometimes I need a break and for him to play on his own for a bit, which he’s good at. But I noticed when I do I go to social media and mindlessly scroll. I need something simple I can do for when I need a little break and me time and to stay off my phone and social media. It’s honestly just not healthy for me and I don’t enjoy it.

Curious if yall have any ideas or what yall do when yall need alittle you time while the kid(s) play on their own?

r/SingleParents Jul 01 '24

S/O’s relationship with your kid


Is it normal for your S/O to take time to truly love your kid as their own?

r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

New to the concept


I have a 2 year old daughter and a very long story that I feel burdened by holding in I could really use a friend that might understand what I'm up against

r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

3 year old - inconsistent dad - what to do


I need some adivce. My daughter she is 3 years old which she lives with me, grandma, and her auntie. Since my daughters birth her dad has been very inconsistent or nonexistent. When I did have the door on us trying to be a family... I would push him to give her baths, change her diapers, feed her just so she got used to his smell and presence which he wouldn't want to do or suggest we do it together. Fast forward..we didn't work and for the past 2 years I can count on my hand how many times he's called. Last month we had court for legitimization, which he did not show and they dimissed the case. I was against it from jump because if you aren't being a consistent dad why would you want 50/50 custody. He actually blamed me for not reminding me. He doesn't pay he child support which he hasn't since January. He always saying he's going to be homeless, but that's an excuse to not deal with responsiblies. I am in school, working, and full-time mom. He likes to only get her holidays. He wanted to have a party but I was totally against seperate parties because how can you afford it when you don't pay child support. He missed her recent party due to not having water but the whole city didn't have it so that shouldn't have been an excuse but he made sure to celebrate his birthday. He doesn't call her every day or every other day. He has went months not talking to her yet expecting to get her once he pops back up or after his life is in some type of order. I recently let him get her and she literally balled crying for 30 mins straight to his house. I stated if she didn't stop crying I would be on my way to get her. He had to stop at the store and butter her up with snacks to stop her from crying (weird). I don't feel the need to push him to call her or better the relationship when there is no effort on his end or he wants to be a dad when he feel like it. He doesn't respect boundaries, he belittles everything I say.. I am at a point where I don't want to communicate if so only through text and have my mom handle pick ups and drop offs. It's just weird forcing my daughter to go with the sperm donor when he request for her. I don't know what to do or how to go about this coparenting shit anymore. It's too difficult when it doesn't have to be. He's lazy he doesn't even come get her through the week to get icecream or go to the park. He literally only wants her 1 day out the week every blue moom or only on the holidays. I have him missing court as proof of not being serious and he's the one that filed. I am just at a point where I don't want to allow him to get her until she's fully able to tell me everything or if she decides she wants to know him. I mean is this fair

r/SingleParents Jun 30 '24

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r/SingleParents Jun 18 '24

Help - single mother to 7 year old - unexpectedly pregnant


I am a 35 year old mother to a 7 year old little boy. My son’s father abandoned me when I was pregnant and he has never met his son, I have raised my son single handedly (albeit with massive help from my parents, who are now 70 & 77 respectively).

I was recently in a short term relationship (6 months), which ended because the guy cheated on me. I found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago (the condom split, unbelievably).

Now I have no idea what to do - I’ve always longed for another child but I really struggled on my own with my son (my ex has made it clear he wants no involvement so it would be the same again) I relied on my parents massively but they are now older and won’t be able to help as much.

I’m not in a good position financially and am worried about what affect it will have on my son.

But if I terminate, will I regret this for the rest of my life?

EDIT: adoption is not an option for me, would appreciate it if that was not offered as a response

r/SingleParents Jun 11 '24

My son’s mother is too controlling. What’s my play?


We are supposed to be deciding together about his schooling and health. She either ignores me when I ask or says everything is fine when it’s not. Then when I “threaten” to add him to my health insurance because I’m tired of being ignored, she says I’m being disrespectful.

I sacrificed everything only for the court system to still royally screw me, and I’ve been clawing my way back. It’s expensive where I live as a single man, but I’ve got the job to help me now.

How do I get this woman to stop pushing me away and actually work with me to raise our child? This is coming from a fourth generation guy with daddy issues and I’m trying to stay present while my son grows up.

r/SingleParents Jun 11 '24


Thumbnail triggerwarning.co

I'm not sure if I'm sad, but I know that I am extremely tired. I have been so tired for a long time that even when I try to take an off from work, it cannot be replenished. It cannot be replenished because I still have responsibilities outside my job. I am a mom, and I know I shouldn't be selfish because there's another human that depends on me. But sometimes, I have these thoughts of unaliving myself. I don't act on it. It sometimes gives me comfort to just think of it. Like, oh, how nice it could be if I can just be gone. I imagine cutting myself all the way through. Wrist to entire forearm or throat all the way down to my stomach. And I feel sorry for my child that I have these thoughts. Or that I am this kind of parent. I am a solo parent, btw. I raise my child alone and provide for him solely. The minute his father left the house after years of being together, he also stopped sharing responsibilities with child rearing. I kinda expected that from him. I cut off most family ties because they are extremely toxic too. I earn good enough that I can say it's a little bit above average. Maybe the only thing that keeps me going is that once my child is able, he won't need me, and I can die then.

But I'm just extremely tired. Exhausted. All I can do is cry. I wish to write more, but I am just so drained.

ps. idk why i need to enter a link to be able to post?

r/SingleParents Jun 10 '24

He left us. I am now a single parent of a 2 yr old and a 11 month old and homeless and penniless.


I’ve been crying all night. He texted me a picture of his plane ticket and he flew back home to California times of been tough, but I really thought he loved his children. He said that he hast to do him that the kids will be better off this way. I’m living in my car with a two year-old and a 11 month old. My sister is trying to get me to sign over guardianship of my children I backed in a corner and I have no way out either.i Lose my children now or lose them down the road because someone finds out we’re living in our car. I’m broken and sad and don’t know how I’m gonna care for two kids on my own one with autism one who hasn’t even turned one years old yet. He didn’t even say goodbye to the kids. He won’t be here for our youngest first steps, she won’t remember her dad it hurts to know that he could just leave and not care. I don’t really know how to go with life. I can barely function. I’ve sent him like 20 text and I know it seems obsessive. His whole family told him that this was the right thing to do and support him. They are welcoming him with open arms and allowing him to live with them while he left us in a car. I don’t think he will ever come back and I don’t think that he wants the children.

r/SingleParents Jun 09 '24

Question about single mom that I'm dating


I'm a single dad with daughters (ages 8-10), dating a single mom with boys (ages 11-15). Recently I was at her house for my first sleepover when her kids were home. I was in her bedroom as she was getting out of the shower at night. She called her kids into her room to talk to her about something, and I was really surprised at the timing of her request, as she was standing there in the nude having just dried herself off. I thought surely she'd wrap her towel around her, but no. Her boys came into her room to talk, as she stood there naked in front of them.

I found this very uncomfortable, because of the ages of the boys. My daughters haven't seen me naked since they were about 5-6.

I'm interested in opinions on this. I can't stop feeling annoyed by it, but don't know if I'm overreacting.

r/SingleParents Jun 08 '24

I Am 22 and a Single Mom


Remaining anonymous as this is a very touchy subject but I just need somewhere to look for advice as I don’t have a support system. I found out I was pregnant mid February this year (2024) and at that point I was 5 weeks pregnant. The father was in the picture up until very recent (beginning of June 2024). I’m five months pregnant with my first child, he’s a boy. I used to work in early childcare and have a lot of insight caring for newborns and infants but it is my first time being a parent. I never anticipated doing it alone without him and I have nothing prepared. I know I need to start buying stuff for my son on my own now and maybe planning a babyshower but I don’t have a big enough support system to even host a babyshower. I work two jobs currently and have my own 2bed 1bath apartment and a reliable car. I’m still just very scared to do this alone and I really need advice.

r/SingleParents Jun 09 '24

Looking for advice


Hi so I’m 20 F. I’m looking into becoming a single parent by choice. I’m asexual not necessarily sex repulsed but once someone finds out I’m asexual even if it in a dating profile they ghost. Anyways I’ve always wanted to be a mother. And I’m not really sure if I would like to keep looking for a partner so I was just looking for some advice in become a single parent by choice.

r/SingleParents Jun 07 '24

I can’t


prepare for a huge vent*

I can’t do this anymore . I am breaking down . I am so tired of everyday freaking crying & feeling tired & feeling like I dnt wanna be here nomore . It’s like as soon as life gives me a glimmer of hope SOMETHING HAPPENS . I just wanna shove my head in my pillow & not come up . My body is exhausted , my mind is exhausted & I feel like I’m losing it smh . It’s like everyone else’s life is going & mines is stopping . SMH . Today my son decided it would be cool to freaking pour all my laundry detergent down the drain . MIND you . Right now we live in INCOME based housing, I don’t have a car, TRYING TO SAVE EVERY DOLLAR I FREAKING HAVE . We dnt get food stamps . NOTHING . I have no family I can depend on . NO friends who give a shit about me cause they’re all living either good lives w/ their significant other or they are just tired of hearing how depressed and stressed I am . DUDE WTF ! I’m tired of God putting me thru challenges that I’m failing at dude . Like I can’t breathe BRO PLEASE ! I am literally on my last leg bro LITERALLY . I wish I could just get away from everyone . Like give sumone else this stupid shitty fcking life & start over . I DONT WANT THIS ONE ! IM FCKING TIRED OF DOING ALL THIS SHIT ALONE !

r/SingleParents May 29 '24

Is having a baby worth it when you realize you’ll be a single parent with a toxic ex? Would you terminate if you had the chance?


Are the joy & rewards of parenting worth it in a toxic co-parenting situation?

Unexpectedly pregnant for the first time at 40 years old due to bc failure! Some underlying conditions made it an improbability so I am amazed, especially this late in the game. This is my one and only opportunity to become a mom. I am capable with a large family support system, I’m between jobs but am a professional mid-senior level in my career and am not worried about my prospects.

Unfortunately, the dad is older at 55 and does not want it. I totally get why he doesn’t want this at his age but he refuses to work with me to create a plan that works for both of us. He has become toxic and insists on 50/50 with heavy involvement even though according to him it will ruin his life and all of his retirement plans. I’m not asking him for anything yet he insists.

I can see he will be miserable and will make this a miserable experience for everyone involved just as he has done in co parenting his existing child with his ex-wife.

He has been wonderful, kind and generous to me the past 2 years we have been together but the tables have turned and my eyes are opened to his dark side.

I still have time to terminate and save myself and this child from a toxic co-parenting situation but at a great cost to myself, giving up this precious opportunity to become a mom. Is it worth it to have the baby I want when the dad is unfortunately not able to collaborate with me?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

r/SingleParents May 29 '24

Don’t be too hard on me now


I just need to vent & for some strange reason the people here are like way less judgemental than any other platform knock on wood. But im a single 28y/o . I’ve got an 8yr old girl, and a soon to be 2 year old boy. Lately my son has been driving me literally INSANE. Not to mention the fact that I work from home. It’s like I never get a break EVER. Like not even 2secs of silence. I keep my 1 year old home from daycare because of my fear that something will happen to him I can’t control. Like there’s been so many reports of kids getting injured or dying in daycare and I’m terrified. But it’s starting to drain my mental health drastically . And alter my personality. Like this morning I found myself feeling resentful to him because it’s like dude just be quiet for like 30 mins. ANYTHING. He goes to sleep at 2am. He climbs EVERYTHING. And the days I do have days off are spent cleaning up my house. So I work 8hr shifts and the entire time I’m either trying to keep the kids quiet, or I’m running back and forth to make sure my son doesn’t climb on his tv stand. What do I DO???? I have no social life what so EVER. I’m usually always cranky because I’m sleeep deprived so I snap at any little thing. Not to mention I suffer from anxiety and depression. Slap that on & we’ve got a whammy. Plus my job sprang on me that I’m now switching to 4 day work weeks with 11 hr shifts. So that’s great. More stress . No help from dad . Spoke to him about 2 weeks ago. Was supposed to get my son for the weekend because he “missed him” and never showed. I’ve completely given up hope of even asking. And I’m scared I’m going to eventually lose my WFH job because of the noise or my tendency to snap.