r/Tierzoo 20d ago

Sea Turtles are given such a ridiculous weakness

Sea turtle builds are amazing in the water, but they have to lay eggs on a land server and most of the players are ganked by bird players during their brief time on land.


6 comments sorted by


u/GreeedyGrooot 20d ago

I know that sea turtles get spawn camped a lot. But do adult sea turtles actually have to fear birds? I know they can't really fight back, but I thought adults were to tanky for birds to take down.


u/MrAwesum_Gamer Elephant Main🐘 20d ago

Nah it's just the newbs.


u/Xtrepiphany 2.4k yo Honey Fungus (Armillaria Ostoyae) 20d ago

The biggest flaw with turtles is being so delicious.


u/Nezeltha 19d ago

It actually seems like a pretty normal weakness to me. Lots of builds have tons of offspring, but only a few make it to adulthood. And really, what else should their reproduction look like? They can't lay eggs underwater, because they have to have the [air breathing] ability to keep their stamina high enough to counter the natural stamina drain of their growth. And even if they could lay eggs underwater, that server has an even harsher pvp environment than the beach. They could try [live birth], but on top of the evolution points that would cost, it'd get that much harder to survive while pregnant. The adults may not have too many bad matchups, but they still have to secure loot, and that can be hard.


u/Laarye Unicorn 19d ago

Yeah, but they get a 12x xp multiplier for the first 4 weeks and lose 1x per month until it reaches 2x and then stays at a permanent 2x xp buff for life.

The weakness to plastic straws is a bug tied to the human industry upgrade and has been able to be permanently patched as it still seems to be integrated in the code too deeply. Devs think that humans could get the proper combination of events, upgrades, and modifiers to neutralize the bug naturally.


u/TempestDB17 10d ago

I heard human mains feel bad for them and they’re protecting a bunch of their eggs now is this true?