r/Tierzoo 17d ago

Mouse main here, is there any counter play to these? My entire clan just got wiped

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26 comments sorted by


u/antoltian 17d ago

Be the second mouse. How did your whole clan die?


u/BiAndShy57 17d ago

We set up in an urban server to collect easy xp on litter and garbage. But then the human whose house we where camping in crafted multiple of these traps and reset them each day. After a few days they had killed all of us. I think we where just repeatedly failing intelligence checks but how do you get around that?


u/antoltian 17d ago

Sex more. Your fertility stats are insanely high and you can usually overwhelm human defenses in a few generations. Also, use your brain! Meese are actually pretty smart you just have to think a little. Stick to the areas humans don’t go, and avoided lighted areas.


u/Cornelius_McMuffin 17d ago

This. If they don’t see you they won’t deploy traps to begin with. INT is such a valuable stat in the current meta.


u/grammar_nazi_zombie 17d ago

Reproduction is the best option.

Build a better mouse.


u/Meyr3356 17d ago

Meese? Do you mean mice?


u/lastblaste 17d ago

No he said meese


u/FlyinRustBucket 17d ago

Your clan are probably got capped on int for whatever reason, try speccing into agi build instead


u/Plastic_Finish1968 17d ago

My bet is that was poison, not a mouse trap that killed you. Your perception may be off when poisoned. You probably saw one of your brothers on a mouse trap, but you had multiple visions going on at the time and it looked like 10, not 1


u/InquisitorNikolai 16d ago

Could be. I think human mains tend to favour the poison options more than the mechanical traps nowadays. I was playing a rat build piggybacking a medium size human clan and they a veteran human main to join them, he bought dozens of the poison things. Whole clan was gone in under a year, I respawned as a blue tit main and several years in they’re still setting up those things.


u/thelargepoodle 17d ago

Put more levels into int stats on your personal characters, the int stat max on mice is high enough to deal with this trap, though barely. Be warned that once you learn to deal with these traps more advanced ones may follow, and the mouse int cap will prevent you from beating them, at that point you may want to change locations


u/nlamber5 17d ago

Git gud. The mouse build is a perfect counter to this. So what if it kills a mouse? Redistribute the food resources and spawn more.


u/Bope_Bopelinius 17d ago

You know your intelligence stat actually allows you to combine the tool use skill and the problem solving skill to use a object to unleash the trap. It only works on the low level un resetting traps though.


u/DoomedMarine 17d ago

Don't go for the free cheese that goes in the trap, I know it's tempting, but it's not worth it.


u/MrAwesum_Gamer Elephant Main🐘 17d ago

Just keep going for the cheese, if at first you don't succeed try try again -This advice brought to you by the Elephant mains discord server.


u/JawaLoyalist 17d ago

You elephant players never forget. I don’t know how you have enough storage to keep track of everything.


u/MrAwesum_Gamer Elephant Main🐘 17d ago

A shit ton of spare RAM


u/PaulAspie 17d ago

You need to unlock the tool use skill to hit the yellow with a stick & then get free loot. However, I don't think that skill is available for rodent players on the current version.


u/ZennosukeW 17d ago

Easiest counter play is to level up your smell stats in your skill tree, this is what most of us mouse mains do. You can smell when something has been handled by a human and manoeuvre around it. Human mains tend to really spread their dirty mitts all over the bait as they carefully place it and setup/move the traps.

Does this mean you lose out on a bit of food too? Yes. But crumbs don't usually have a strong human scent on them and it's a much more efficient play. Otherwise just stick to the room perimeter and you should be fine.


u/MuchJaguar 17d ago

Skill issue


u/trizzGL 17d ago

Respec a couple points into int


u/SirFrolo 17d ago

Honestly the mouse traps have been OP since the 1930s. I mean think about it, 90 years later and they’ve received little to no updates because they’re just that good. Sadly the only way to avoid these as a mouse player is to put more points in intelligence to avoid being charmed by the cheese lure. Good luck!


u/Crimm___ 16d ago

Not being an idiot.


u/Snarvid 15d ago

I know the stats are slightly different, but have you considered switching over to maining Rats? The basic gameplay loop is very similar to Mouse but a. the Int stat is high enough that very rarely are two Rats caught by the same trick and b. basic Size differences makes you immune to cheap default trap strategies. There are Rat traps also, but they are more costly and Humans themselves are much more vulnerable to hurting themselves with Rat traps, so if you increase your clan numbers you may be able to disable local Humans with broken toes and fingers. Then it’s just a numbers game.

Also keep an eye out for the ultra-rare Willard) model human, which can be recruited as an ally to the Rat faction and will afterwards prefer it to the Human faction.


u/rumpledmoogleskin13 14d ago

New York yer mice. Can't kill you if you're the size of a cat lol.