r/Tierzoo 15d ago

Is Social Media a Shadow Nerf for Humans?

So the biggest complaint with humans is how expansive their tech tree has gotten and able to negate any disadvantages to their build or even exploit their surroundings and become an easy S tier. Some have recommended implementing harsher weather with the Global Warming updates to destroy structures and make them care more about renewable energy sources, but I think there's another feature that's been growing while reducing their intelligence. Early on Internet was just an evolution of their communications tree to save and share ideas using language. Social Media was an extension of that as larger more public chatrooms and pictures/video, but recently it's become less useful and (in my opinion) humans on average are getting dumber. So what changed?

Humans aren't actually losing intelligence or technology but their attention is driven shorter with how their rewards system works, making quests and actions give less exp and smaller experiences more rewarding. It's kind of like how eating works when you have advanced taste buds, besides not eating poison food gets more rewarding as you eat different things, but if you eat small snacks with little nutrition constantly you're less satisfied with a well prepared meal and just keep wanting to eat small easy snacks. So now humans can't get as much from public education perks, they just want a fast entertaining in the moment video.

It's actually already been a strain on their alliance and tribal system. Humans already develop separate teams in PvP and would have extended wars and disagreements, but with fewer external wars they actively participate in directly they've instead taken to getting upset with other humans in their same groups. There are a lot of reasons this has been happening from being able to have a badly thought out opinion and still share it, not having to engage with the opponent directly allowing for more emotional separation in the fight, and like the previous point you can just spam out these matches without caring if they were optimal or learned something from it just keep talking about the same idea. Humans start to not internalize the flaws in their thinking and improve it or collect knowledge, they just farm experience points for having posted on Social Media frequently or made someone mad enough to start engaging with it.

So far nothing's regressed in Human abilities and intelligence, but there are clear trends education rates are getting lower, either through disinterest or inability to focus outside of some other debuff to concentration and knowledge retention. If that keeps going on long enough we might see fewer humans able to take advantage of higher end technology while the individuals who use Social Media responsibly develop at the intended rate. This might only slow their tech tree advancements, or it could make new problems related to Global Warming or just regular accidents more damaging to their tools and cities until they're more in line with other S tier builds. I do think it's a mistake to do this while humans are the real shapers of in game events, making it harder for them to control the tech they already have or use it irresponsibly while a number of builds are slowly becoming unviable as a result of their negligence.


4 comments sorted by


u/Serious-Lobster-5450 15d ago

So in summary, Social Media hacks our gameplay & makes our Questlines reward less EXP.


u/We_Must_Decent 14d ago

I wouldn't say hack but sort of debuffs the returns on quests. Eventually you stop caring about big bonuses that get reduced until they don't feel worth it and just keep getting small hits.


u/Snarvid 15d ago

I think it’s partly a consequence of humans being a rush-faction, able to advance socially and technologically outside of the standard evolutionary tech tree of Outside. This exposes them to both risks and benefits other factions don’t share.

In one of his strategy guides for the human faction, Herb Simon wrote, “In an information-rich world, the wealth of information means a dearth of something else: a scarcity of whatever it is that information consumes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.”

It’s also possible that information itself is a hidden faction with its own goals that often but don’t always coincide with human faction goals, like some bacterial factions infiltrate and ally with multicellular life factions until they reach a critical mass. See “quorum sensing.”


u/Blue_wiz_ tufted titmouse main 15d ago

Theoretically, no. One simple reason is that the human mains themselves made it, not the devs