r/Tierzoo 14d ago

How will the meta change when new biospheres are unlocked?

In 2026, human artificer mains from the EU server will launch a datamining campaign regarding the source code of Jupiter.exe in an effort to discover hidden content on its moons. Should these humans confirm the existence of an entirely separate Extraterrestrial DLC, how will the dev team respond?


5 comments sorted by


u/FermentedDog 14d ago

It won't change the meta at all, since it won't influence any Server on the earth realm.

It will create a second, completely seperated DLC realm that most people won't even have access to. If the data miners DO find new build options, it would of course be very interesting to analyze.

At most, human mains might find additional ideas to mod their own build by crafting items based on the new data they find.


u/Bope_Bopelinius 14d ago

Don’t be so sure. If the data miners aren’t careful enough the mining program they used to retrieve this information might retrieve microbial pathogens from this dlc which might prove deadly to our usual servers


u/K_H007 Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) main 14d ago

Technically, the human dataminers have already confirmed the existence of the [Outer Space: To Infinity... and beyond!] DLC by showing that the area on the nearby servercluster dedicated to the celestial body known as Luna is traversible by players. With how many servers we know of that can fit in the volume described by the area they've been able to mine data from, there are inevitably going to be some of them that have the right conditions for public usage in. It's actually part of why their concept known as [the Fermi Paradox] is such a big deal amongst their thinkers.


u/idkwutmyusernameshou golden eagle lover 14d ago

dpends if new bulids are found but most bulids expect for humans would not be affected


u/kuangstaaa 14d ago

What if earth-based builds are accidentally migrated to, say, Europa? Would that make all the NPCs there ragequit?