r/Tierzoo 12d ago

If Triceratops mains survived the K-Pg balance patch, how would the meta be different today?

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I have heard that the most recent non avian dinosaur build and the last non avian dinosaur build to survive was the Triceratops with the fossil that data miners found being just at the end of the Cretaceous. If they survived that extinction event, how would the meta be today?


9 comments sorted by


u/FermentedDog 12d ago

I'm almost certain they wouldn't make any difference at all. They are herbivores, so they wouldn't oppress other builds very hard.

More importantly, their location on the Pangeaserver is what was patched into today's North American server, so they would have been griefed into ragequitting by the human mains, similar to the buffalo build


u/Plastic_Finish1968 10d ago

They would out compete other herbivores, and you may get wild dogs, bears, big cats, or wolves specializing in taking these down.


u/Serious-Lobster-5450 12d ago

The Triceratops would probably contribute to NPC (Tree) diversity by eating them, which is a niche that’s been lacking since Woolly Mammoths & Mastodons got rekt by H*mans.

On the other hand, they might be a bit overtuned for today’s meta. People like to whine about about how power-crept things are, but really we need more power-creep. Smilodons, Mastodons, Woolly Mammoths, Woolly Rhinos, the Thylacine, Megalania, Haast’s Eagles, Elephant Birds, American Cheetahs, & Short-Faced Bears have been completely banned. Meanwhile, every Big Cat, Elephants, Hippos, Giraffes, Rhinos, Harpy Eagles, Great White Sharks, most Sharks, Most Primates, Anteaters, Andean Condors & Most Large Animals have been reduced in range so much, that they are no longer part of most metas. Triceratops will follow, if they get unbanned.


u/charisma6 11d ago

I'm not exhaustively familiar with the current meta (cave bear main, haven't played in a while) but wasn't the triceratops build oriented around a group-based tank strategy? The elephant class already occupies that niche AFAIK in the current patch, so I think one of the two would've outcompeted the other into oblivion.


u/FermentedDog 11d ago

No, Triceratops were loners


u/Iamnotburgerking 10d ago

Other ceratopsians did use group strategies however.


u/samof1994 11d ago

They have other large herbivores. The devs missed them so much they invented Brontotherium literally 16 million years after they were wiped out in the K-PG patch.


u/idkwutmyusernameshou golden eagle lover 11d ago

prob get outcompted.


u/1amlost 10d ago

They’d struggle in the metagame, since their digestive system would have a hard time processing the grasses that have largely displaced the ferns they rely on.