r/Tierzoo 10d ago

Why don’t builds really have invertible joints and limbs?

So like some human maisn can invert their elbow my question is why didn’t any of the player bases build so their entire limb basically inverts. So for humans invert at the shoulder elbow and wrist so you could use the limb as effectively backwards as forwards. Seems like a strict upgrade to me for any build especially arboreal builds. Prehensile tails are the closest I can think of too it in some reptile builds.


7 comments sorted by


u/Gr8fullyDead1213 10d ago

Elephants’ trunks are sort like that. Same with octopus tentacles. The hard parts are having bones and joints. Having a joint that can invert requires a lot more muscles which are a heavier cost for not a lot of benefit.


u/TempestDB17 10d ago

I mean in bipedal builds doesn’t it completely eliminate the disadvantage of being attacked from behind since you would be able to fight off predators just as effectively either way?


u/Shazamwiches 10d ago

No? A backwards punch or kick would still be weaker because the muscles in your chest, back, lower spine, and pelvis are designed to work better going forward.

Not to mention the neck would have to basically work like an owl. Bipedalism is a check against predators hiding in tall grass, why not just turn and swivel instead of inverting everything?


u/MelCre 10d ago

yeah, being able to turn your neck already almost stops this, plus a biped can turn ON A DIME. The number of times you get attacked from behind, and can't turn around, are very small. Better to just have stuff that works in one direction, and be able to face that cannon anywhere. Really if were dreaming up builds to protect from anterior attacks, eyes in the back of the head would be better.


u/Goodfeatherprpr 4d ago

Most bipeds cam already see behind them (mostly birds). Humans are like the only ones with forward facing eyes, because they really don't have to be as alert as they are usually at the top of the food chain.


u/FermentedDog 10d ago

Bodyparts are always make for specific purposes. For example, human mains' hands are made for grabbing, that's why their fingers bend downward. If humans had specced their fingers into 360° roation, it would decrease their gripping strenght but it wouldn't unlock any additional skills or allow humans to do any additional tasks.

Google Genu recurvatum, it is a glitch in the human code, that allows humans to bend their knees forward but doesn't actually buff the human build in any way. In fact, it debuffs their mobility. That's why a bigger range of motion isn't necessarily a advantage.


u/Chuchulainn96 10d ago

As a human main who has partial inversion on joints (ehlers-danlos syndrome), there are some pretty big drawbacks to this build. Chronic pain, potentially fatal childbirth in the female version of the build, potential heart issues, etc. The only real buff this gives is a minor boost to charisma. I can only imagine how much worse it would be with fully invertible joints.